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A radar mod that displays enemy locations and identifies various enemy types.


Tired of being shot but can't figure out where the enemy is?

Want to know if the target is SCAV, PMC, or BOSS?

Can't find the dead body in the bush?

Don't want to miss a high-value loot in the marked room?

This mod provides accurate location indications of enemies and loots on the radar map to enable you a more casual gameplay style. Also, it can help you identify the side of enemies, like SCAV, USEC, BEAR, and BOSS. For example, if you only want to see the SCAV, set the alpha of the other sides to zero. If you only want to see the corpse, just enable corpse detection and set the alpha of all the other sides to zero.

The loot detection allows you to see high-value loot (value above the loot threshold in the settings) on the radar map and helps you find them easily. However, this functionality will severely degrade your FPS, so it's recommended to use it with a hotkey

Use at your wish and enjoy the game! Join the discord if you want to help test the new features or give any feedback.


This mod is upgraded from Tyrian's ACCURATE CIRCULAR RADAR STANDALONE. Please give the credit to Tyrian. Also, the high-value loot indicator relies on the LootValue, please install it if you want to use this function.


Unzip the zip file into your game folder, and make sure the DLL file is placed at gameFolder/BepInEx/plugins/Tyrian-Radar.dll.


  • Show the enemy's location.
  • Show different colors for different types of enemies.
    • You can disable the indication for a certain type of enemy by setting the alpha to zero.
  • Show the corpse's location.
  • Show high-value loots.
    • Set the value threshold to filter the loots.
    • Per-slot value option.
  • Adjustable scan interval, you can increase the uncertainty of the enemy.
  • Fire mode where the enemy will show on the radar only after firing.
  • Compass mode where the radar panel will be part of the compass screen and only works when you're holding a compass.

Normal Mode

Compass Mode

  • Version 1.1.6

    • Update for 3.9.0
    • Add Korean language support.
  • Version 1.1.5-fix

    • Fix the radar location reset problem (Potentially, because from my side I have no such problem. If you still have the problem, please join the discord server and help me debug).
    • Fix the hideout shooting problem.
  • Version 1.1.5

    • Add support for loot detection inside containers.
    • Add support for loot detection based on flea market price (Need LOOTVALUE).
    • Add compass mode where the radar will be part of the compass screen.
    • (The normal mode radar panel may "disappear" because I changed how the UI X&Y offsets work. If you cannot see the UI, try reset the X&Y offsets to zero, then adjust them as need.)


  • Version 1.1.4

    • Add per-slot value option. No more hand drills and fierce blow sledgehammers. :D
    • Add the radar inner range, you can choose to let the enemy hide from the radar if he is too close.
    • Add a fire mode option where the enemy will only show on the radar after firing.

    I create a discord server, join if you want to help me test the new features or give me any feedback.

  • Version 1.1.3

    • Optimize the performance for loot detection, now it will only degrade the FPS for less than 10fps when turned on.
      • Loot detection will always be disabled when the game starts, you can use hotkey to turn it on.
      • The performance depends on the threshold you set, please don't make the threshold too low.
    • Add Russian language support, thanks Killins for providing the translation.
  • Version 1.1.2

    Thanks qe201020335 for optimizing this mod.

    • Optimize Radar display logic, now you won't see it before the battle starts and in the hideout.
    • Optimize logic for loot loading.
    • Remove the need for a separate *.bundle file, now the mod only has one *.dll file.
    • Forgot to mention that Chinese language support has been added starting from the previous version. If you need more language support, let me know.
  • Version 1.1.1

    • Update for 3.8.0
    • For the loot detection, please wait for the ITEM SELL PRICE.
  • Version 1.1.0

    • Add loot detection. Now loots with values above the "Loot Threshold" can show on the map (This feature will degrade FPS severely, use it with a hotkey. Also, it can't detect the loot inside containers for now).
    • Optimize FPS for enemy detection.
    • Add Blip size config.

    The loot value is calculated with the logic copied from ITEM SELL PRICE, please install it for loot to show. Credit goes to ICYCLAWZ.

  • Version 1.0.9

    • Update to 3.7.5
    • Optimize for FPS
    • Add a shortcut for corpse detection
  • Version 1.0.8

    • Fix blip alpha, now you can set some blips to completely invisible.
    • Fix unexpected blips at the screen center.
    • Fix pulse speed.
  • how can i display loot in radar when use the fire mode

  • Love this mod. Thanks for the hard work. I recently started playing SPT again after being away from it for a while. I remember that corpses used to appear on the radar as a red "x". But right now I don't see any corpses at all. Corpse Detection is enabled. I havent changed any of the settings other than the location and size of the hud and some of the colors. Can you help me resolve this? thanks!

  • Is there a way to see loot that is banned from the flea?

    I think I could lower loot value enough to include these items vendor value, but I think a value that low would kind of render the loot feature useless.

    Ideally I would like to see only high value loot and banned flea items on the radar, but can't figure out a way to do this.

    • Try to set the enableBsgList: false in the SPT_Data\Server\configs\ragfair.json to disable the ban list.

  • I’m still on 3.8.3, using the 1.1.5-fix version. I find when using the radar inner range it hides not just enemies, but corpses too. Any workaround?

  • Good afternoon. can you tell me if it will work on version 3.10.0?

    • 3.10 is not released yet, when it comes out I will update the mod.

  • Hi again

    Is there any chance to add specific items to this radar?, or maybe in the config file ?. Right know it looks for high value items used by the loot value mod, which is really nice. But what if im looking for a specific item ?

    The reason why i ask, is when i play as a scav, it would be really nice if it shows medic and food items too.

    • Will add the function in the next version

      Heart 1
  • Hi Leonana69

    I really love this mod, and i can't play without it now :D.

    But i wan't to hear, is it possible that the radar can show if someone is above og under you ?. If i play a map where there are multiple floors, and there could be 4-5 people, i can't always see on the radar if they are on the same floor as me or not.

    • You have basic indication if enemy is above or below you though. If it's a dot then it's the same floor, if ^ then above, v below. Although I noticed it does bug out in places like Dorms, especially with loot.

      Heart 1
  • Great new compass addition!

  • Can you play the mod on spt 3.9.5?

    • yes. Check the x or y offsets

  • For some reason no matter what I do the radar doesnt show up. Ive changed the x and y position, the size, reinstalling but nothing works...

    • - What's the version of your server?

      - Did you accidentally enable the compass mode?

      - What's the error message related to `radar` in the gameFolder/Logs/.../...error.logs?

    • It was on compass mode, shit

  • При нажатии на горячие клавиши ничего не происходит, настройки щелкаются, но вроде не меняются. Я все перепробовал, но радар на экране не появился. Есть решение ?

    • - What's the version of your server?

      - Did you accidentally enable the compass mode?

      - What's the error message related to `radar` in the gameFolder/Logs/.../...error.logs?

  • how do you stop them from pulsing?

  • I really like the direction of firing weapons but could it be possible to do a version with just movement as well?

  • Radar seem to have disappeared in raid. I've checked the F12 settings and it is enabled and I press the hotkey for disable/enable but nothing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the mod and yet still no radar.

    • what is the hotkey? i have the same issue too

    • So im just dumb. It wasn't a hotkey issue for me. It ended up being off screen. Mess with the X and Y positions. My Y ended up so high it pushed the radar off my screen completely lol.

  • Enemies only show up briefly when they fire at me. How do I make them appear all the time?

  • Is there a way to make it where it does not call for loot value so often? Like once per login should be fine. It causes a lot of lag when fetching lowest prices.

  • I made an account just to thank you for this mod! It's so good, I can't imagine playing SPT without this mod anymore. It transforms Tarkov into a real good single player experience, gives you a superpower to help fight against these OP bots. Though I have to admit, I did install SAIN, so all my bots are cracked.
    Anyways, thank you and godspeed!

    • what version spt are you using

    • SPT 3.7.4
      I don't like the new stuff BSG keeps pumping out (armor updates, etc.). Also this SPT version is working good on my end, no bugs or shit

  • the radar works but shows nothing . I m writing in transliteration,it s hard to write

  • Used to use it before and worked flawlessly but now the new version on fresh 3.9 doesn't work radar shows but no detection, compass mode doesn't work at all. Where could be the problem?

    • Provide the error messages related to radar in the `gameFolder/Logs/.../...errors.log`

    • EXCEPTION: System.MissingFieldException: Field 'InfoClass.Settings' not found.

      at Radar.BlipPlayer.Update (System.Boolean updatePosition) [0x0019d] in <11395f106d0442779994f76ae8e24a0b>:0

      at Radar.HaloRadar.UpdateRadar (System.Boolean positionUpdate) [0x00051] in <11395f106d0442779994f76ae8e24a0b>:0

      at Radar.HaloRadar.Update () [0x00069] in <11395f106d0442779994f76ae8e24a0b>:0

    • Are you playing SIT? If so, join the discord and get the sit version of mod.

  • Is there a way to make it so the radar shows a specific item you need for a quest?

    • Probably in the future version.

  • thanks for updating so fast

  • I finally understood what was going on! When switching the mod to Russian, the settings (Tyrian.Radar.cfg) are also saved in Russian simbols and this causes insidious problems of not saving the settings by ticks or the position of the radar on the screen)!

  • thankyou.. this mod really works with gamepanelHUD

  • Feature request: An optional change wherein the precise npc location dots could be replaced with imprecise "pie-chart" wedges indicating their general direction from me.

    Why: While I like using a longer pulse delay to avoid lasering onto the AI's exact location, I still find myself staring more at the radar dot location (out of nervousness) than what's actually showing in front of me. I would find it more enjoyable if, instead of an exact location, I could only see a general idea of their location/direction.

    Perhaps the wedge (customizable if possible) would be around 10-30 degrees in breadth, with some randomization of where it lands over the bot per each pulse (whereas the bot's location might be centered under any of the 10-30 degree points within the wedge).

    All said, I enjoy your mod, and I appreciate your work :)

  • Is it possible to get this working on version 3.9?

  • I can't seem to get the loot to work correctly on the radar any advice? I can get the dead bodies to show and players. I've tried adjusting the value and radius of the radar but nothing seems to be working.

  • I am getting an issue with this mod when loading in, I freeze when loading into a raid at 00:00:00 - 00:00:50 seconds and the log is outputting this constantly:

    [Info :RequestHandler] [REQUEST]: /LootValue/GetItemLowestFleaPrice

    [Info :RequestHandler] [REQUEST SUCCESSFUL] /LootValue/GetItemLowestFleaPrice

    The game will load me in after a 10-45 second wait though.

    • The flea market price is loaded from the online server, if your area lacks a good connection to the flea market server, I recommend you just use ITEM SELL PRICE.

    • Where would I set this? Also, this issue was happening when I did not have LootValue installed alongside this mod and persists with it installed.

      Edit: I have found that the ITEM SELL PRICE was a mod being referenced.

      Update: This issue is still present with ITEM SELL PRICE installed.

  • How do you activate? its in the correct folder but when i try to find it in load order i dont see anything, nor is their anytiing in the setting or anything. is there a HOT key im missing or something?

    • Check your X and Y offsets, they should be positive values.

  • 大佬,每次都要移动下XY的位置雷达才出现。

  • there are nay wat for set up loot show only rly high valuable?

    • You can change it by increasing the Loot Threshold number in the f12 menu.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • ohhhh thx a lot m8

      Thumbs Up 1