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A radar mod that displays enemy locations and identifies various enemy types.


Tired of being shot but can't figure out where the enemy is?

Want to know if the target is SCAV, PMC, or BOSS?

Can't find the dead body in the bush?

Don't want to miss a high-value loot in the marked room?

This mod provides accurate location indications of enemies and loots on the radar map to enable you to play a more casual gameplay style. Also, it can help you identify the side of enemies, like SCAV, USEC, BEAR, and BOSS. For example, if you only want to see the SCAV, set the alpha of the other sides to zero. If you only want to see the corpse, just enable corpse detection and set the alpha of all the other sides to zero.

The loot detection allows you to see high-value loot (value above the loot threshold in the settings) on the radar map and helps you find them easily. However, this functionality will severely degrade your FPS, so it's recommended to use it with a hotkey

Use at your wish and enjoy the game! Join the discord if you want to help test the new features or give any feedback.


This mod is upgraded from Tyrian's ACCURATE CIRCULAR RADAR STANDALONE. Please give the credit to Tyrian. The flea market loot value is copied from QuickSell.


Unzip the zip file into your game folder, and make sure the DLL file is placed at gameFolder/BepInEx/plugins/Tyrian-Radar.dll.


  • Show the enemy's location.
  • Show different colors for different types of enemies.
    • You can disable the indication for a certain type of enemy by setting the alpha to zero.
  • Show the corpse's location.
  • Show high-value loots.
    • Set the value threshold to filter the loots.
    • Per-slot value option.
    • Custom item list regardless of value.
      • Add item id to the radar-list.json file which is next to the DLL file. The item id can be found at Item Finder. For example, by default, the list contains Salty Dog beef sausage and Surv12 field surgical kit.
  • Adjustable scan interval, you can increase the uncertainty of the enemy.
  • Fire mode where the enemy will show on the radar only after firing.
  • Compass mode where the radar panel will be part of the compass screen and only works when you're holding a compass.

Normal Mode

Compass Mode

  • Version 1.1.10

    • 3.11
    • Fix the crash caused by the flea price check.
  • Version 1.1.10

    • Update for 3.11.0
    • Fix trader price which may cause the Class308+Struct31`1 issue
  • Version 1.1.9

    • Update for 3.11.0
    • The native compass is still bugged (spt's problem, not this mod) so the compass mode won't work.
  • Version 1.1.8

    • Fix the loot problem. Remove the dependency for LootValue.
      • For the first raid after opening the game, you need to manually disable and enable to make the loot detection work correctly. No need for the afterward raids.
  • Version 1.1.7

    • Support 3.10.0
    • Add a custom item list.
      • Add item id to the radar-list.json file which is next to the DLL file. The item id can be found at Item Finder. For example, by default, the list contains Salty Dog beef sausage and Surv12 field surgical kit.
  • Version 1.1.6

    • Update for 3.9.0
    • Add Korean language support.
  • Version 1.1.5-fix

    • Fix the radar location reset problem (Potentially, because from my side I have no such problem. If you still have the problem, please join the discord server and help me debug).
    • Fix the hideout shooting problem.
  • Version 1.1.5

    • Add support for loot detection inside containers.
    • Add support for loot detection based on flea market price (Need LOOTVALUE).
    • Add compass mode where the radar will be part of the compass screen.
    • (The normal mode radar panel may "disappear" because I changed how the UI X&Y offsets work. If you cannot see the UI, try reset the X&Y offsets to zero, then adjust them as need.)


  • Version 1.1.4

    • Add per-slot value option. No more hand drills and fierce blow sledgehammers. :D
    • Add the radar inner range, you can choose to let the enemy hide from the radar if he is too close.
    • Add a fire mode option where the enemy will only show on the radar after firing.

    I create a discord server, join if you want to help me test the new features or give me any feedback.

  • Version 1.1.3

    • Optimize the performance for loot detection, now it will only degrade the FPS for less than 10fps when turned on.
      • Loot detection will always be disabled when the game starts, you can use hotkey to turn it on.
      • The performance depends on the threshold you set, please don't make the threshold too low.
    • Add Russian language support, thanks Killins for providing the translation.
  • I'm having wierd issues with the F9 shortcut function. I can' use it to turn off display for loot, it just flicker off for a fraction of a second and it turn on again. If i start raid with it off, then it's off till i turn it back on. But then it's back to the first issue. Anybody else having same issue?

  • I can play like first 3-4 raids normal and when i extract on my 5th game the server crashes with the SSL backend error. The game works fine without this mod but what i have learned from SPT discord support is that the mod overloads the server with too many requests and that causes it to crash. Im on 3.11.1 with the latest version of this mod

    • Desactivar la detección de botín No hay errores (llevaba tiempo que no me saltaba ese error desde que lo había desactivado), pero me ha vuelto a ocurrir justo hace un rato no se ya si quitarlo y esperar a ver si encuentra la solución

    • Same here! I can do 3~4 raids then roll back on Backend Error with SSL Error

    • Try the new version.

      Thumbs Up 2 Heart 2
  • I have been using this mod since 2023 however, for 3.11.1 This mod keep causing backend error with SSL Error so profile doesn't get saved after leaving the raid. I reported the error to SPT team with logs they told me to delete it, the problem disappeared after I deleted it. could you fix the problems?

  • Mod works well and will do loot detection on every map but lighthouse. Get an SSL error every time trying to leave the raid. I never had an issue in previous SPT releases with this mod.

    • I have same issue isn't it Backend error with SSL connection fail etc?

  • Can you update your release zip file name to include the name of the mod (and preferably also the version) instead of just

  • I haven't updated to 3.11 but I wanted to ask if Compass Mode has been fixed yet?

    • That's a live version problem. No solution for now.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • So the compass bug problem is still not fixed in the live version? omg...

  • I've been getting the "Class308+Struct31`1" issue with 1.1.19 and 1.1.20.

    The first raid seems to work normally, and then down the line (with 1.1.19 it was always the second raid) the "loot" display will start showing tons more stuff than it should, and I'll get the "Class308+Struct31`1" issue as soon as I try to extract.

    • Can you try again? I updated the file.

  • Great mod, only comment is that it clashes with the health bars, is there anyway to alter its position on screen?

  • Hi, i have a problem where the radar doesnt allways shows enemys, and if it does, it shows the dot for 1-2 sec, and then the dot disapears again. Is this an known issue ?.

    - Edit -

    Nevermind, i activated 'fire mode' ^^ :D

  • Would love this as a Heart-beat sensor for stuff like the ACR. Would be really cool, since it's already a compass

  • Friendly PMC with a different color?

    Thumbs Up 2
  • since the compass model wont show up ingame then how about making it so that when you have the compass out it would simply enable the radar then and once you put out the compass it would disable it?


    не работает как бы я не старался

  • Looks like the compass mode is broken. When you bring out the compass the hand freezes and you cannot see the compass.

    • I think it's the game's problem, without the radar mod I still cannot bring out the compass.

    • I have the same problem, so thanks for info. Guess we all have to wait then.

  • how do i set it to use the compass mode?

  • the loot detection does not work as intended, the loot threshold is supposed to find any item ABOVE the price you have set, but it seems to only find items around that threshold not above it

    eg. Im in raid as I'm typing this to test it out

    I have a threshold set at 100k, I found a keycard (400k) on the ground but the radar doesn't detect. Now if I move the threshold to 200k it detects the keycard. Doesnt make sense as 100k<200k it should detect anyways

  • I set the loot to 75000 but I still see sausage

    • That's the custom loot list. If you don't want sausage, you can remove it from the radar-list.json

      Thumbs Up 3 Happy 1
  • I think this mod is causing my SPT 3.10.1 to freeze after some time. My error log file is about 1gb of this:

    2024-12-06 01:34:58.435 +00:00||Error|Default|[Transit] Flag:False, RaidId:675254c12a484135e8034fd9, Count:0, Locations:bigmap ->

    2024-12-06 01:35:38.990 +00:00||Error|Default|F:/Games/SPTarkov/EscapeFromTarkov_Data\..\BepInEx\plugins\radar-list.json

    2024-12-06 01:35:39.180 +00:00||Error|Default|

    EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000054 (from typeref, class/assembly GClass3396`1, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

    2024-12-06 01:35:39.183 +00:00||Error|Default|TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000054 (from typeref, class/assembly GClass3396`1, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class410:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    The last "EXCEPTION" error keeps logging making the log file huge. The client freezes but I still hear sounds, and bots walking or shooting etc.

    The mod works fine but after 10 or 20min I get this error and the game freezes.

    • Did you ever find the reason/fix for this error? lowkey been struggling with this as of recent and I don't even have this mods installed. just the same exception error repeated millions of times over to a point the log file is almost 2gb.

  • anyway you could implement quest markers aswell i know dynamic maps does this but id rather use this however im still kinda new to tarkov so i need guidance regarding quests but great mod

  • The loot detection is not working on a clean install of SPT with this as the only mod. I noticed in your description that "LootValue" is required to make this function work, but it appears that "LootValue" will not be getting a 3.10 update. Is there an alternative option?

  • I tried to set the radar on compass mod, but when I pull it out the hand it's empty. Is there a way to fix it? (Btw, thank you for creating such mod, it helped me learning the game so much)

    • I was also having this happen and after some searching it looks like this is a bug with EFT itself in the current update, not with this mod!

      A shame, really.

  • Здравствуйте, не работает в режиме компаса на spt 3.10.1

  • Tried this mod to learn Partizan combat pattern. He's literally hunt you down and chase you to the end of universe until you kill him , just like The Goons.

    The Partizan aggressive pattern on my experience.

    - Chasing you and shoot you when you are on his sight (On Woods, I met him on Military camp and he chase me to Vehicle Extract Point and I have to kill him there).

    - If not in sight but near you, starts laying trap then look for an angle that can see you and shoot you.

    What a terrifying boss after Goons :|

  • Just as a feature request, for “FRIENDLY PMC” mod that let’s you have ai teammate. Can make them show up on the radar as blue dots?

  • Я попробовал все функции, но радар не работает. Он не отображается на экране. Помогите .

    • Make sure the client version is, server version is 3.10.0. The Tyrian-Radar.dll is in gameFolder/BepInEx/plugins

  • The radar does not work Whatever I do, server version 3.10.

    2024-12-01 20:14:12.629 +02:00||Error|Default|

    EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000086 (from typeref, class/assembly GClass786`2, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

    at SPT.Reflection.Patching.ModulePatch.Enable () [0x00000] in <1e9a1c48b1fc41dfa170ffc5148502ff>:0

    at Radar.InRaidRadarManager.Awake () [0x00006] in <6d2240cd15814dbca43ee6de984f800c>:0

    2024-12-01 20:14:12.633 +02:00||Error|Default|TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000086 (from typeref, class/assembly GClass786`2, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

    SPT.Reflection.Patching.ModulePatch.Enable () (at <1e9a1c48b1fc41dfa170ffc5148502ff>:0)

    Radar.InRaidRadarManager.Awake () (at <6d2240cd15814dbca43ee6de984f800c>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class385:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)










    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

    • I think you may download the wrong version.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Подскажите что мне делать может изменить версию вручную или еще что то


    • The client version should be

  • is there a fix im not aware for compass mode? the compass just never opens no matter what i do my hand go in a weird animation and it doesnt do anything

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I think that's the problem of the game. Even without the mod, the compass won't work.

      Crying 1
  • Thank you so much for the update. I'm hard of hearing and this mod is a life saver for me.

  • Thanks for the update, you the best!

  • Thank you for the update. After downloading the mod and running it, it runs as 1.1.6 on 3.1.0. Did I do something wrong?

    • Maybe you downloaded the wrong file.

    • It was resolved. There was no error on the server, but it seems there was a conflict with some mod. I removed spt and reinstalled it, and it was resolved.

      Thank you