Anastasia From Zenitco 1.0.8

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Adds the wonderful Anastasia Gorbunova to sell you weapons and attachments.

This mod adds Anastasia from Zenitco to sell you all Zenitco parts as well as some kitted weapons and some other goodies. The pricing and availability of items was made so with the realism mod in mind as I honestly can't play without it. This is my very first mod so please let me know if there is anything you think I should add as well as if you think anything needs to be tweaked. I want to say a huge thanks to DJLang for helping me get started so please go check out his mod Saria Shop.

To install just unpack and place in your user mods folder.

  • Version 1.0.8

    This should make my mod compatible with 3.7.3 let me know if anything is broken

  • Version 1.0.7

    Added backpacks to each level. I will most likely be adding more items to all my mods soon or at least I hope.

  • Version 1.0.6

    Changed her name to Анастасия to hopefully be compatible with Anastasia + Svetlana.

  • Version 1.0.5

    Added 5 new guns, more ammo, and 2 armbands. If anything is broken let me know and I will try to have a fix out for it.

  • Version 1.0.4

    Added armor, helmets, ammo, guns, and a few other things. I will likely not be adding anything more items for a while as I wanna work on my other trader mod so expect there to only be price changes from here on out. If there is anything wrong or broken let me know and I will fix it.

  • Version 1.0.3

    Fixed the mod to be compatible with Broker. Thanks for letting me know it was broken :thumbup:

  • Version 1.0.2

    Added some new things and adjusted some prices.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Added a few things and moved things around a bit. Also the sr2 mags should be fixed.

  • Version 1.0.0

    Thanks for installing my mod you chad! I will hopefully be updating this and fleshing it out more in the future!

  • Hey bro, this is by far my favorite custom gear trader now, so cool :). Do you have any plans to add tasks for Anastasia?

    • Yes I would like to eventually add tasks but I have to teach myself how

    • Good luck with the tasks and regardless, Anastasia is awesome. Big AK nerd IRL, so being able to pick up and play with essentially fantasy Kalash's right off the bat is amazing. Just realized you made Oskar too, damn bro!

  • Did you clumsily add a bunch of custom traders and FUCKED yourself from accessing them all?

    Then maybe you should use the Trader Scrolling Mod


  • I am also satisfied with vanilla merchants. I install all third parties for the sake of quest lines. Suggestion: add quests and then I will be very attracted to this mod. It's just a suggestion.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Conflicts with Anastasia from the Svetlana/Anastasia combo Trader. overwrites the other trader. Not an issue for me just letting you know!
    • Yeah I bet it has to do with the name. Kinda unfortunate but maybe I can come up with some fix.

      Heart 1
    • Oh man that would be cool!!! Ill keep an eye out. Love the new mod as well.

      Keep it up

    • Thanks babe

      Heart 1
    • Changing Anastasia to the alternative spelling of Anastasya or Anastasiya should fix it.

    • I might just do it in cyrillic. I think it would work since you could look up the mod but in game it would be Анастасия

  • Just letting you know your mod causes issues with the newest update to The Broker.…er/#comments/comment29965

    Idk if it's gonna be fixed on his or your end.

    • Wow didn't even know Broker would be updated. I'll look into it and see what I can do.

    • Mod should be fixed now

    • Appreciate the quick fix big dawg. It's a good day to be alive when the broker gets updated.

    • You're telling me man. It's an absolute must have.

  • We should be able to search modules by manufacturers but this will do in the meantime. :P

  • Man can we get those beautiful leader kits and PT-5 stock, as well as other Zenit parts?

    • If I had my way all Zenitco products would be in the game but sadly this isn't the case. If at any point BSG or any modder decides to add them I will put them in Anastasia's inventory.

      Heart 1
  • Under the

    ,"sr2mmag": [



    "_tpl": "",

    "count": 5000




    Its missing the tpl which prevents people from buying it, if you just paste the tpl form the other ones it works fine

    • Yeah I noticed this literally after I uploaded the mod XD. I'll have an update coming out at some point today fixing this and rearranging a few things.