NoSaveOnDeath 1.0.0

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Ever wanted to play Tarkov as if it were a one-life story game with saving/reloading instead of dying and losing your gear? This mod stops the server from saving when you die, so it's as if the raid never happened! For a more casual gameplay loop.

This mod makes it so that when you die in raid, your progress is not saved. This means that in the event that you die, go MIA, or quit the raid through the menu, everything including gear, experience, and quest progress is restored to how it was before you went on the raid.

The goal of this mod is to cater to those who want to experience Tarkov in the style of a classic singleplayer game with saving/loading. Only there are no checkpoints within a Tarkov raid, so you have to actually survive to keep anything you find and progress in your quests. This means your secure container will function like any other slot in your inventory, and won't offer you any post-mortem assurances. It also means that when you kill tough enemies or complet challenging quest objectives, you have to survive the raid to lock in the progress (Again, Run Throughs are fine and your progress will be saved!).

This is my first mod, but it's quite simple so I don't expect any odd behavior or bugs on its own. Working with other mods that modify the InraidController.ts (specifically the savePostRaidProgress method) may break this.

NOTE: Items you bring into the raid with you will lose any Found In Raid (FIR) status during the pre-raid save, so don't count on this mod to protect you from accidentally bringing in something that was FIR that you wanted to *stay* FIR! Because it won't.


Just unzip the contents of the mod zip file (not the source) located in the mod download link into your SP Tarkov installation's root directory. You should end up with a "taddsworth-nosaveondeath-x.x.x" folder in your user/mods/ folder.

  • EDIT:

    Okay, so this only seems to have worked only for some time. I have started to get an error with the method execution and reading properties of undefined (reading 'save' property from one of the configs). I have no Idea whether my 'fix' was doomed from the beginning or some of my other installed mods changed the behavior a little while I was setting up my SPT.

    Anyway, there is a similar mod Never Loose Equipments and I have just added the functionality of No Save On Death to the mentioned mod for myself. Description of my changes is in the comments section of said mod.

    - - -

    To all wanting this in 3.8.0. I am not a modder but I do some coding in general. I have checked the mod code and the source files of the SPT. It looks like the SPT code did not change in regards to the functions this mod touches, i.e. this should work perfectly fine on 3.8.0 without any code changes. There is one minor detail that needs to be changed though.

    In the mod folder there is a file 'package.json' ('YourSPTFolder'\user\mods\toaddsworth-nosaveondeath-1.0.0\package.json) that needs adjustment. The akiVersion parameter should be set to ~3.8. So the line should look like:
    "akiVersion": "~3.8",

    I tested this by dying, it did not save anything (as intended), then I successfully finished a raid and it saved correctly, and then again I have died in the next raid and it did not save the loss. So for me it works perfectly as before.

    Of course YMMV, maybe there is some more stuff that should be updated so this mod is 'properly made' for 3.8.0.

    • It actually gives this error in console when I finished the raid

      the game froze

    • Exactly what I meant. It worked for me when I first tried to test it. But like I wrote in the edit I have modified Never Loose Equipments a little to add this functionality and it seems to work? Even with a scav and pmc noSave distinction. You can check comments on that mods for more info.

    • yeah i've downloaded NLE and applied your code modification


  • love you man...

    please come back

    • Not sure if there are notifications for replies, but I have found a workaround to make this mod work in 3.8.0 if You are interested. Full description is above.

    • the notification worked haha


  • Any chance to update the mod to 3.80 ? its a great mod btw.

    • Not sure if there are notifications for replies, but I have found a workaround to make this mod work in 3.8.0 if You are interested. Full description is above.

    • Just tried it and it worked ,at least for the moment. Thanks very much!

  • I got a bug that, after a successful extraction, my stats and loot are being reverted back to when I began the raid, just like I died. But there's no error or warning, anything. Do you have any idea how this happens? 'Cause I surely don't; it happens so suddenly.

    • Interesting, do you have any other mods? I haven't seen this myself in ~200 raids...

  • awesome mod,
    like the movie Edge of Tomorrow

  • Reporting: Bleeding seems to save, pretty sure everything else is reset perfectly but when I when I tried to rerun 3 times in a row I had bleeding warning second time when to enter, then third time had bleeding on different body parts.

    Must also report: loving this mod, changes whole gameplay perspective thinking I now need mod to disable insurance and flea.

    Also love the ability to just casually set max bot spawn and ai difficulty and try an intense Factory raid, would never do that in vanilla.

    Heart 1
    • I'll look into fixing that bleed issue!

    • Seems to be light bleeds, heavy bleeds, and fractures, and it does not seem to matter if you survive or not, though it is sort of rare.

    • Also, restarting server and client sometimes seems to get rid of it. Have been using profile editor to add the necessary meds when it happens.

    • its a vanilla mechanic that seems to stay active. if you die in vanilla while having a bleed and dont get healed by therapist you keep the bleeding and have to either heal it in the hideout or in raid. maybe toaddsworth just forgot that it existed (its pretty rare to happen after all and you dont really think about it)

    • The thing about that is, you will catch random bleeds and fractures when surviving a raid at full HP with no status effects

  • would this work with the traveller mod?

    • I'm not sure, but you could make a backup of your save and give it a test! :)

    • Just did a quick test. After surviving at crossroads, I went out and died. I kept my items as intended, but I was sent back to Warehouse 17 so it does not "make it as if the raid did not happen" when combined with the Traveler mod. There may be a way to tweak things, but I just wanted to report on default behavior.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • thanks for report, was wondering same thing. Hope to see this work with Traveller one day, Traveller to hard for me otherwise. :thumbup:

    • Try disabling


  • Yeah I think this mod is for me. thanks so much.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hm. Good in some aspects, but worse in others. For example, if you have to do Aquarius Pt. 2 and managed to go on a killing spree of 12 scavs in one raid and then you die, you lose all that time you spent killing those 12 scavs. Or, No Place for Renegades, you manage to kill 3 raiders in the bunker, and then 1 ends up getting you and you lose that progress, perhaps even repeatedly, maybe wasting an hour where it might've only been a half hour if the progress had been saved.

    Not an inherent problem with the mod, but just my thoughts on the matter. It's certainly a more unique take on Never Lose Equipments or other such mods.

    Thumbs Up 2
    • I think that's the point though. It's how more traditional single player games work where you lose all the progress you had made since your last save when you die.

      Thumbs Up 3
    • Thanks for the feedback!

      You're absolutely right! With this mod, you'll end up getting frustrated whenever you lose that kind of progress. You also lose any skills you would have earned and XP from looting. But that's the tradeoff with keeping all of your stuff as if the raid never happened, which, as you said, could be avoided with those other mods. Death still has a consequence in this one. I haven't looked too in-depth into this, but there could be an added popup that asks whether you want to save when you die or not. Though you could always achieve this manually by using save backups or ALT+F4 whenever you die (without using the mod) if you don't want progress to save.

      Thinking 1
    • That is not actually true, Xp and weapon profficiency does get saved if you go through the death screens.

      Heart 1
    • I think a future implementation I'll use is to just create a copy of your save file prior to the raid, then overwrite the current save with that copy, or something to that effect. The idea is for nothing to save, not xp or injuries or anything. When I get some free time after the next major patch I'll definitely work on this!