Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
"Where there's conflict, there's profit. I have a lot of clients; Servicemen, Scientists, Cultists, Anarchists, and the Lonely Wanderers, I can certainly find you a buyer, or perhaps, you're interested in our supplies? We might have a few things lying around you'll like. Just don't ask me where It came from."
Sick of finding all those darn Euro Dollars taking up space, and generally having no real value?
Want a use for Euros, but the game never really lets you use it other than a freeby off the Flea?
Well want no more!
The Mercenary in here!
The Mercenary originated as a private mod for a few friends and I.
I somehow (and barely) managed to make a custom trader to solve a few particular problems we were having as well as just giving us something to use our Euros on, be it some fancy tech and gear, solving Hideout issues, or just letting us get access to certain things in an alternative way.
The prices are largely based off a loose conversion, and some based off the Flea Market value, while a majority of it is based off the Sell Price.
See screenshots below to see what's offered.
Some people may have problems with whats available and pricing, so, if you know how to understand code, go ahead and modify it, I really dont mind, I just wanted to share this with other people.
Lore-wise for Vasyl, is he's a wandering Mercenary with a band of misfits hailing from other wartorn parts of Europe, offering various gear, surplus, ammo, tech junk, and components, be it spare parts, or ripped from abandoned tanks and trucks.
Finally, you can convert USD and EUROS with TheMercenary at a 1:1 Ratio.
As of Update 1.9.2 / 2.0.0: Loyalty Levels are now implemented, 1 - 4, So not everything is available immediately anymore to make for a more balanced and rewarding experience. See comment section for (1.9.2) Example Screenshots.
Virtual's Custom Quest Loader is Required.
Download VCQL from Virtual's Custom Quest Loader > Extract the folders/Files to user/mods folder
Download FurryFailure-TheMercenary-X.X.X > Extract the folders to the user/mods folder
*Included in this mod is a carbon copy of The Collector quest, this is a separate file and can be freely removed if this is an issue for some. This quest serves as an alternate way of obtaining Kappa without the tedious grind, you just need to finish Chapter 3 and be level 40.
UPDATE (1.7.0):
Chapter One of "The Mercenary" is available!
Go through 6 Quests
- The Mercenary: Introduction (Chapter 1)
- - Kill 20 Scavs on Factory at Night
- The Mercenary: Basic Supplies
- - Provide Water Filters, Fuel Conditioner, & Chlorine Packets
- The Mercenary: Enlistment Part 1
- - Find the Water Room in the dorms on Customs
- The Mercenary: Enlistment Part 2
- - Locate and Mark the Fuel Truck on Customs
- The Mercenary: Combat Patrol - Customs
- - Kill 20 Scavs
- The Mercenary: Special Operation - Customs
- - Kill Knight
UPDATE (1.9.2):
Chapter Two of "The Mercenary" is available!
Go through 6 Quests;
- The Mercenary: Pit Stop (Chapter 2)
- - Scout Interchange and Clear it out.
- The Mercenary: Spare Parts
- - Hand Over Tank Battery, Metal Parts, Military Cables, a Car Battery, & Spark Plugs.
- The Mercenary: User Error
- - hand over PC Parts - CPU, RAM, PSU, DVD Drive, & Wires.
- The Mercenary: Combat Patrol - Interchange
- - Eliminate Scavs on Interhcnage between 20:00 - 08:00.
- The Mercenary: Intelligence Leak
- - Find a series of Data Drives, Intel Folders, and purchase new Maps.
- The Mercenary: Special Operation - Interchange
- - Kill Killa.
UPDATE (2.0.0):
Chapter Three of "The Mercenary" is available!
Go through 6 Quests;
- The Mercenary: Preparations (Chapter 3)
-- Kill Scavs and PMC's on Reserve
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 1
-- Collect/Craft a variety of Weapons/Ammo/Armour
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 2
-- Collect/Craft a Variety of Medical Supplies
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 3
-- Collect/Craft a Variety of Food
- The Mercenary: The Raid
-- Kill a large ammount of PMC's and Scavs on Reserve
- The Mercenary: Finale
-- Kill Gluhar
Version 3.1.2
- FurryFailure
Version 3.1.2 - Minor Update
- Changed AP20 Count to 20
- Changed M882 Ammo to 3 EURO from 1
- Added BTC Barter for Ultralink Internet Modem to LL3
- Fixed Quest: Combat Patrol Interchange being doable between 1000 and 0800, now 2000 to 0800
- Changed Quest: Combat Supplies Part 1 - Replaced M856A1 with SOST Ammo
- Changed Quest: Combat Supplies Part 1 - Replaced LShZ with 6B47 Digital Flora
Version 3.1.1
- FurryFailure
Version 3.1.1 - Minor Update
Fixed a typo on Customs mission to kill 10 Scavs, now says 20.
Doubled GP Coin Rewards to 8 instead of 4
Added new Items:
- Added Level 5 Plate to LL4
- Added Level 4 Plate to LL3
- Added Grumpy's Key Barter to LL3 (If or when I figure out assort rewards from quests, this may be a side quest unlock)
-- Requires 1 Rusted Bloody Key, 1 Ox Cleaner, and 1500 Euros
- Added Bottles of Water to LL2
Version 3.1.0
- FurryFailure
Version 3.1.0 - Minor Update
Fixed? VCQL Quest - May still conflict with Operation Aquarius & BP Depot
*Mostly Untested, I pushed this out to fix most of the problems, if you find any bugs, let me know, for now, they function, but if you're stuck use Quest Skipper.
Increased GP Coin Rewards to 4
Adjusted Stock:
- Moved M855A1 to LL3
- Moved M855 to LL2 & Increased Price to 2 EURO
- Added FMJ 5.56mm to LL1
- Replaced R37.F 5.7 with SS197SR
- Added 6.8x51 SIG FMJ to LL2
- Moved MRE to LL2
- Moved Ammo Case to LL2
- Added MCX Spear to LL2
Version 3.0.0
- FurryFailure
Version 3.0.0 - Major Patch
Updated to 3.9
Adjusted Code to match 3.9 as best as possible.
Adjusted Assort list to include armour plates and pads to gear items.
(Update 2.0.3 - 3.8)
Fixed a typo preventing Baddie's Beard from turning in - The Irony is this is the only item I never tested.
*I haven't tested the quests on 3.9, report issues please.
Welp, seems I was a little overconfident in things working, Hand-ins are currently broken. Seems being in a hurry bit me on the rear, I'll look into it later.
Thanks to VolkRonin for reporting this.
Version 2.0.2
- FurryFailure
Version 2.0.2 - Minor Patch
Added Labs Access Keycard (LL4)
Added Optional Collector Quest under the name "The Mercenary: Ukrainian Job"
- Requires Completion of The Mercenary: The Finale, and level 40.
- Ukrainian Job is under its own file MercenaryCollectorQuest.json, and MercenaryCollectorQuestLocale.json, if you do not wish to have this quest, simply delete the file.
This is a near-carbon copy of "Collector" for those that want an earlier Kappa Case such as myself, as a result, I've made it a separate file, so, for those that dislike it, it can be freely removed, or should be removable.
Added Vasyl to Flea Market
Version 2.0.1
- FurryFailure
Version 2.0.1 - Minor Patch
Simply removed VCQL from the Files as requested.
Please download VCQL from the original page from now on.
VCQL Folders only contain the Quests & Locales as of 2.0.1.
Updated Install Instructions:
Download VCQL from Virtual's Custom Quest Loader > Extract the Folders/Files to user/mods folder
Download FurryFailure-TheMercenary-X.X.X > Extract the folders to the user/mods folder
Version 2.0.0
- FurryFailure
Version 2.0.0 - Major Update
Added Loyalty Level 4
Added Marksman G36 Gun Preset (LL4)
Added Modified USASOC Gun Preset (LL4)
Added Custom AK-101 + Magazine (LL2)
Added Custom SA-58 (LL4)
Added Thermite (LL4)
Added Custom P226R (LL2)
Added M995 (LL4 + 30 Limit)
-- Unfortunately, I couldn't get custom Preset Names to work, so they're a bit out of place.
Moved G28 to LL4
Moved DC Converter to LL4
Moved Thermals to LL4
Moved Magnum 338 to LL4
Moved M993 to LL4
Moved FAL Mag to LL3
Reduced M993 Ammount to 20 from 30
Added Chapter 3 Quests
- The Mercenary: Preparations (Chapter 3)
-- Kill Scavs and PMC's on Reserve
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 1
-- Collect/Craft a variety of Weapons/Ammo/Armour
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 2
-- Collect/Craft a Variety of Medical Supplies
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 3
-- Collect/Craft a Variety of Food
- The Mercenary: The Raid
-- Kill a large amount of PMC's and Scavs on Reserve
- The Mercenary: Finale
-- Kill Gluhar (this was incredibly difficult to test, and the sole reason it took to darn long to finish this update)
Version 1.9.3
- FurryFailure
Version 1.9.3 - Important Patch
Reworked the Quest Coding to prevent mod conflicts.
- Added Localisation
- Changed Quest ID's from VCQ to MVCQ (This causes the quests to reset)
It is highly recommended to use the Profile Editor to fix your progress if it bothers you, Sorry!
Also yeah the Changelog still says 1.9.2 for this entry, whoops
Version 1.9.2
- FurryFailure
Version 1.9.2 - Major Update
Updated Screenshots
Increased price on the G28 to 2800
Increased price on the P90 to 2000
Increased Price on the USA SOC to 2250
Increased Price of Osprey to 2000
Increased Price of Surv12 to 750, Reduced stock to 1
Replaced AVS with Bagariy, Increased price to 2500
Replaced G36 6-Vent with 4-Vent
Replaced G36 480mm Barrel with 318mm
Added MF-UNTAR Vest
Added PACA
Added Blackhawk! Commando Tan
Added Sling Bag
Added Crossbow Glasses
Added Momex
Added .45 ACP Match
Added 9x19mm FMJ
Removed 9x19mm Pst
Added .300 Blackout V-Max
Added .300 M62 (90 limit)
Added HK E1 Buttstock
Added HK Griff Forgrip
Added AAC 5.56 51T Flashhider
Added AAC 762-SDN-6 Suppressor
Added HK416 Quad-Rail w/Flip-Up Sight
Added HK416 Quad-Rail Extended
Added G36 STANAG Magwell
Added HK416 11 inch & 20 inch Barrels
Reduced M67 Limit to 3 from 10
Reduced SX Ammo Limit to 90 from 120
Added Loyalty Levels, Currently 1 - 3, Loyalty Levels will increase as you finish chapters. LL4 will come once Chapter 3 Releases.
Adjusted LL unlocks accordingly. (There's far too many items to list, I recomend opening the Mod.ts and looking for yourself, LL Items are commented.)
Added Chapter 2 Quests
- The Mercenary: Pit Stop (Chapter 2)
- - Scout Interchange and Clear it out.
- The Mercenary: Spare Parts
- - Hand Over Tank Battery, Metal Parts, Military Cables, a Car Battery, & Spark Plugs.
- The Mercenary: User Error
- - hand over PC Parts - CPU, RAM, PSU, DVD Drive, & Wires.
- The Mercenary: Combat Patrol - Interchange
- - Eliminate Scavs on Interhcnage between 20:00 - 08:00.
- The Mercenary: Intelligence Leak
- - Find a series of Data Drives, Intel Folders, and purchase new Maps.
- The Mercenary: Special Operation - Interchange
- - Kill Killa.
Pretty big one, next update likely won't be until I finish Chapter 3.
Version 1.8.2
- FurryFailure
Version 1.8.2 - Minor Patch
Actually added G36 Front & Rear Sights
Update to 3.10 and I will add a furry portrait of him in my mod
can we get a update for 3.10 ?
Hi, it says "The compressed folder '' is invalid. What could be causing this? I've tried using 7Zip but cannot open it
is it possible to find the Ultralink in raid or it is only a barter item?
Hi, I have a balancing request.
I found, that buying 9x19 FMJ M882 bullets for 1 eur I can immidiently sell them for 2+ eur (350 rub) on flea.
I play with real flea prices mod, but I think you should consider to bump the original price. Or at least set sell limit for the trader.
FurryFailure Author
Thanks for letting me know, I have some errors that I need to fix, so I'll push an update soonish.
Hey, can you tell me the total number of quests in this mod? Is it safe to install it on an existing save?
FurryFailure Author
19 Quests, 18 for the main story, 1 for the optional quest.
It should be safe to install on an existing save, I have been doing it easily myself, however, I can't say for sure, for uninstalling, but, it should be relatively okay.
FurryFailure Author
Quests Fixed (I think). Let me know if there are issues.
How would I go about changing the quest images for this mod? Also, thanks for the update
FurryFailure Author
To change the vanilla image, using other vanilla images, you can open the Quest.json and change the URL, else, you'll need to consult the VCQL Mod page to add custom images.
Ah gotcha, so it uses vanilla imagery right now, and a "path" for custom images would need to be made if I got that right. Thanks for the answer.
FurryFailure Author
I believe so, I skimmed over the updated documentation for VCQL, and it mentioned specifics, but it shouldn't be too difficult to modify.
Thanks for the information
FurryFailure Author
Updated to 3.9, any issues, let me know!
*I haven't tested the quests on 3.9, report issues please.
Brother you are the absolute best!
FurryFailure Author
Welp, seems I was a little overconfident in things working, Hand-ins are currently broken. Seems being in a hurry bit me on the rear, I'll look into it later.
Thanks to VolkRonin for reporting this.
FurryFailure Author
For those curious, I will be updating this mod soon, but I can't say when, I've simply been busy and letting things catch up in the SPT Space. I do have other projects to work on as well, but, rest assured, this is not abandoned, I just haven't had the time. (And it's been bothering me for a while).
can we get update for this mod ?
FurryFailure Author
Hi, sorry for such a long delay.
Yes, I plan to update this mod, I've just been busy, and when the craze hit with the Unheard Edition, I had trouble getting the information I needed, so I opted to shelve the project until things slowed down and update.
It may be a while before a new version comes, as I actually haven't updated SPT since 3.8, so, I have a lot of catching up to do. You can look forward to an update in future, but I can't say when. I still have other projects to finish.
okay cool,still cant wait xD
FurryFailure Author
Mod Updated.
Any idea when this will be updated?
i dont know i hope it will get a update
FurryFailure Author
Hi, sorry for such a long delay.
Yes, I plan to update this mod, I've just been busy, and when the craze hit with the Unheard Edition, I had trouble getting the information I needed, so I opted to shelve the project until things slowed down and update.
It may be a while before a new version comes, as I actually haven't updated SPT since 3.8, so, I have a lot of catching up to do. You can look forward to an update in future, but I can't say when. I still have other projects to finish.
Le mod sera-t-il mis à jour pour la version 3.8 ?
FurryFailure Author
The mod will be updated soon, I've been very busy.
Collector seems to be bugged, unable to turn in Baddie's beard. Everything else works fine.
FurryFailure Author
Funny thing about this, I fixed this bug a couple days before the Unheard craze, and I wasn't ever able to update the page, but the file was updated, only to find out that it nolonger works on 3.8+ lmao.
I plan to update this mod, but I can't say when, I've been quite busy and have some catching up to do.
Seems the first quest isnt working for me, says i need to kill 20 scavs in factory at night, when its night and i go to factory the task is greyed out, and i cant seems to get any progress on it.
FurryFailure Author
Just ran a test, and it's working fine for me.
Make sure you are at least level 5 or 10 (I forgot the minimum Level)
Make sure you are choosing the 3AM Option
Make sure you are a PMC
If you're using Tedious Quest Condition Remover, it -might- be causing a conflict, but I haven't had any issues myself.
figured out the issue, seems it is the actual times of factory. Seems what is "day" time for factory is night. I was wondering why night factory was so bright but just thought it was a bug lmao
FurryFailure Author
It's 24 hour format 15:00 is 3PM.
Great mod you made it's amazing, I'm updating my mod and I was wondering if you could help me with the missions part?
FurryFailure Author
I'd look at what the VCQL Page offers, you are more than welcome to pull my files and learn from them.
Just a key thing though, the quest ID's like "MVCQ" need to be unique, otherwise they'll conflict with other mods.
The Locales file is where all of the text data is, the Quest file itself will reference that Locale file.
i just downloaded this mod but it keeps telling me : Mod (Virtual's Custom Quest Loader) mist een package.json
what to do sir ?
FurryFailure Author
Have you downloaded VCQL as well?
You need to install that first.
The quest zone on The mercenary: Enlistment Part 2 isnt working for me, any help?
FurryFailure Author
Have you completed the quest to find the Fuel Trucks on Customs?
Specifically, you need to mark the fuel truck in the main yard across from the Dorms IIRC, it's truck No.2, same one you find the Locket in I think.
I have reason to believe if you've completed the aforementioned quest first, it might bug mine.
Okay, i thought it was the one at the gas station because of the picture, i apologize
FurryFailure Author
UPDATE (2.0.0):
Chapter Three of "The Mercenary" is available!
Go through 6 Quests;
- The Mercenary: Preparations (Chapter 3)
-- Kill Scavs and PMC's on Reserve
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 1
-- Collect/Craft a variety of Weapons/Ammo/Armour
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 2
-- Collect/Craft a Variety of Medical Supplies
- The Mercenary: Combat Supplies Part 3
-- Collect/Craft a Variety of Food
- The Mercenary: The Raid
-- Kill a large ammount of PMC's and Scavs on Reserve
- The Mercenary: Finale
-- Kill Gluhar
Did you clumsily add a bunch of custom traders and FUCKED yourself from accessing them all?
Then maybe you should use the Trader Scrolling Mod
I've not been running the quest loader for him due to conflicts with Questing traders and Artem trader. Is your 1.9.3 update that states it resolves mod conflict resolve this specific issue? And if so since I'm ignorant on these things do I need to completely delete the trader and re install, or can I just extract the VCQL in my already existing mercenary folder? Thanks,
FurryFailure Author
So, the Mercenary folder itself doesn't contain the Quest files, the VCQL Folder does (And includes VCQL as a whole).
The incompatibility I believe comes from me using the default quest ID's shipped with VCQ and VCQL such as "VCQ_1" for the first quest, which is what I assume other quests are doing, so it causes one or both to fail to load.
I renamed ALL of the quest ID's to "MVCQ" as a quick fix, aslong as other quest jsons don't use "MVCQ_X" it should work perfectly fine, if there continues to be more conflicts, I'll just make the ID's entirely unique.
1.9.3 was incredibly tedious so I didn't put a lot of effort into that particular fix, I just wanted to fix it.
If it causes a conflict, check the VCQL/database/quests/[Quest].json and see if they use the same ID's (Locale is the same).
If that isn't the direct issue, then I'm not sure, I'm simply using the VCQL Framework. if Artem conflicts with ALL VCQL Quests, then it's a problem specific to Artem.
If Artem comes with its own Quest Loader, you can probably put my Quest and Locale files into that Loader, but I don't know anything about Artem, I only have three Trader Mods to serve specific purposes.
VolkRonin Author
I just downloaded our pal Artem and ran both, so far not had any conflicts between Vasyl's VCQL and Artem's, can accept quests from both and I'm not getting (visible) errors.
Things seem just fine, but if you have issues, post 'em.
Why doesn't Vasyl give me quests? Please help
VolkRonin Author
Did you ensure that Virtual's Custom Quest Loader is also in your user/mods folder? If it's not that, then I'm not sure
Why is there no translation file in database/locales/en? Can you provide one to facilitate localization?
Thank you so much!
FurryFailure Author
I'll take a look, I'm not sure how all that stuff works.
Wow I missed a very important detail when I started, I'll get to it ASAP.
FurryFailure Author
Should be all good now!
Awesome, thank you!
FurryFailure Author
UPDATE (1.9.2):
Chapter Two of "The Mercenary" is available!
Go through 6 Quests;
- The Mercenary: Pit Stop (Chapter 2)
- - Scout Interchange and Clear it out.
- The Mercenary: Spare Parts
- - Hand Over Tank Battery, Metal Parts, Military Cables, a Car Battery, & Spark Plugs.
- The Mercenary: User Error
- - hand over PC Parts - CPU, RAM, PSU, DVD Drive, & Wires.
- The Mercenary: Combat Patrol - Interchange
- - Eliminate Scavs on Interhcnage between 20:00 - 08:00.
- The Mercenary: Intelligence Leak
- - Find a series of Data Drives, Intel Folders, and purchase new Maps.
- The Mercenary: Special Operation - Interchange
- - Kill Killa.

For current Loyalty Levels (1 - 3):
Mod FurryFailure-TheMercenary is not compaitble with this version of AKI (mine is 3.7.4) the trader show up but .... no missions ... and he is already on level 4
FurryFailure Author
It's very much Compatible, make sure the mod folder is named "TheMercenary" and it's the latest version.
The Loyalty Levels haven't been implemented yet, but will be included on the next update.
If you want the Missions you need to install the VCQL Folder too
New update will be in a an hour or so, maybe sooner. Just polishing it up first.
i thought so too that it should work all my other custom traders work with their missions. i draged the new version of yours 1.9.2 into the mod folder overwrite it and start the game i even cleared the temp files
i tried it with my 3.7.1 and it doesnt work .... (dragged both folders in to the mods folder and overwriten it if asked) i get no error msg either should i delete this modbut no idea how
FurryFailure Author
Delete TheMercenary then go into the VCQL/Database/Quests and delete "MercenaryQuestAddon.json"
After that, go to: user/profiles and open your Profile .json, and search for the term "Mods" or "TheMercenary" and delete any entries related to the mod. Your profile will be a bunch of letters and numbers.
Then try and reinstall the mod by dropping VCQL and TheMercenary into user/mods folder
I'm not quite sure what else would be causing problems, unless there's some strange conflict I'm unaware of.
I've fresh installed the mod and started a new profile and it works for me. I'll ask my buddy when he has time to trouble shoot for me incase I forgot a dependency.
If the AKI Version number is a bother, you can go into user/mods/TheMercenary, and open package.json and change the "akiVersion" number to 3.7.4, see if that helps.
Its probably on my side ... dont know what i broke or changed i tried everything you told but it didnt resolve the problem ... i try to figure it out if you have any other tips or help in the future i would appreciate it
Thanks for your help and your time its much appreciated !
FurryFailure Author
I'm really not sure, I only have three things, and one that I think is obvious for both of us, and the other a stretch, but;

Uninstall every other mod and see if it works, if not, there may be a conflict.
This one might be a stretch, but, because I wrote the Quests without a Locale file, it might be causing problems for you specifically, I need to look into how to do that properly, especially if others want or need to translate the mod. (Rookie mistake on my part).
I have a strange feeling you might not be extracting the folders properly, as it's easy to make the mistake (But given you've modded before, I don't think you're having this issue)
A lot of guides over the years tell you to extract to file, and I think you're adding the master file, and not the contents of the zip file, make sure it looks something like this:
Hey, would this work with 3.7.1?
yes using it rn
FurryFailure Author
Yes, it was made on 3.5.7, So it should be compatible with almost everything back to then.
Awesome, thank you
trader isnt showing up, says something about a missing json when initially loading, same with a couple other trader mods, am i missing something?
FurryFailure Author
Make sure you're placing "TheMercenary" in the "mods" Folder.
works, had it unpacked wrong, now if there was a way to get my profile in the trade tab out of the way, or a way to scroll
FurryFailure Author
Scrolling Traders, Kaeno-TraderScrolling
Aye, Great Mod! A bit overpowered in terms of whats offered, but since he takes Euros, I really could care less as nobody else really does and now they have a use with this trader.
I do hope we get more quests for him in the future, but until then? Best of luck with this mod, as it seems good.
Adding onto this about the over powered stuff, I'd recommend is to maybe(?) increase the prices of the exceptionally kitted guns a bit, like the USASOC or the G28. But then again, this trader alone at least makes euros way more useful than just for buying the AI trades on the market. Its SPT, everybody takes it at their own pace after all.
One thing I would recommend for sure is to have him sell more ammo types, but thats it.
Still, amazing mod/trader mod.
FurryFailure Author
Thanks, I'm thinking about a Loyalty Level system with Vasyl when I finish the planned three Chapters, I'm currently testing Chapter 2 right now.
I'm personally iffy on a couple things myself, but the convenience outweighs it for me, the Converter for Example, I think would be a great Quest or LL4 reward.
I just need to study how to do that first.
FurryFailure Author
I'll consider some new Ammo Types next I'm in the files.
FurryFailure Author
UPDATE (1.7.0):
Chapter One of "The Mercenary" is available!
Go through 6 Quests;
- The Mercenary: Introduction (Chapter 1)
- - Kill 20 Scavs on Factory at Night
- The Mercenary: Basic Supplies
- - Provide Water Filters, Fuel Conditioner, & Chlorine Packets
- The Mercenary: Enlistment Part 1
- - Find the Water Room in the dorms on Customs
- The Mercenary: Enlistment Part 2
- - Locate and Mark the Fuel Truck on Customs
- The Mercenary: Combat Patrol - Customs
- - Kill 10 Scavs
- The Mercenary: Special Operation - Customs
- - Kill Knight
Virtual's Custom Quest Loader is included.
Adding Quest for Custom traiders is such good idea please add more Quests in the near future
and keep up the great work my dude ! 
FurryFailure Author
Chapter 2 is on its way, I just need to learn the next area!
Ахахаха, блин, какой интересный мод)