True Items 1.1.0

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Have you ever want some items to stack? AA Battery is too small, even though it occupies 1 slot. This mod rework the items to be close to what it suppose to be.

True Items

More meaning for the current items in EFT database.

  • Version 1.1.0

    Mod updated for 3.8.0!

    Code wise:

    • The source code is refactored and refined
    • Using interface to make it easy for anyone to edit

    Mod wise:

    • The config is now separated into many files for categories
    • Works the same as before

    Virus Total Link

  • Version 1.0.3

    Thanks to DrakiaXYZ, i fixed the problem with the airdrop crashing.

    Credits to DrakiaXYZ. thank you so much!

  • Version 1.0.2

    • Mod tested and working on SPT-AKI 3.7.4.
    • Change Barter items default value to false.
      Because AKI have an issue when generating Barter items that have Stack changed!
    • VirusTotal Link
  • Version 1.0.1

  • Version 1.0.0

  • With proper credit, can I post a 3.9.0 port?

    • just do it bro f*ck it, he was las online 3 months ago

    • Appears someone "Hooshu" has updated this mod to 3.9.x and renamed it "SPT-BSS (BETTER STACK SIZE)" - SPT-BSS (Better Stack Size)

    • Yep, ripped the mod, but aye it is what it is, I'm gonna make improvements to it and keep it private

    • They did not "rip" it. This mod has an MIT license that allows both modification and redistribution. You can also post your modified version without explicit permission.

  • This mod is a great QoL for hoarders and loot goblins. It makes the Scav Junk boxes a lot less cluttered.

    BTW, the stacked items to do not list the total combined weight in the Info window. Is this something you would be able to fix?

  • Is there a way to make items from mods stack? EG SPT-Realism has the SJ0 stim, I'd like it to be able to stack x4 like other stims.

  • When the items are stacked, can you unstack the amount needed as you can do with money?

  • Hey! Great mod! But can you please fix the "consumes whole Stack when upgrading or quest items" bug please?

  • Idk if it is a modload order issue or something else but control click isnt stacking the items is there a fix for this

  • stacks of items will lose their fir status randomly

  • Love this mod so much. One thing you should know, though, is that attempting to stack medical items with the Realism Mod deletes the item you're trying to add.

  • An otherwise great mod ruined by items losing FiR status randomly when stacked even if the whole stack is FiR.

  • Hey, great mod!
    There's an issue and a sort of suggestion i have.

    Issue: Just like with food, if you have stacked 8 items for example, and you need 6 for a quest, it will consume all 8 instead. Same thing happens with barters.

    Suggestion: Was wondering if there's a way to automatically stack the items, like, let's say i have 1 Marlboro in stash and 3 in Inventory, If i quick deposit the inventory ones to stash, to make it stack with the 1 in stash.

    Since i'm no modder tho i can't tell how hard it will be to do that, so take it just like a "random's suggestion".

  • It's a great mod and it feels like you found the nice balance with what items and the stack size of those can be. But is there a way to actually keep track of the weight of those? Cause right now it stays as if it was a single item in description

    • That's a good feature idea. Thank you for mentioning this. I haven't think about this.

      Right now, this is not possible. You can consider this as a cheating the weight of the item.

      I am already looking into Client-side mod, since EFT Api is updated with 3.8.0. But this will take a while.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • @PlinioJRM ,Thanks for the update. animedance2

    I made a small edit & updated most barter and all valuables items in the barter.json file.

    Also updated the "StackMaxSize" value of each item to 20, feel free to edit :thumbup:

    Open the config/barter.json file and replace all it with the following code :

    • Looks good. Although every person would have their own preference of stacking size, i will stick with the values i provide. Any suggestions regarding behavior or features, feel free to suggest them. ;)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • If i stack together, items lost his FIR status... :(

    Thumbs Up 2
    • My mod is a Server-side mod, but this behavior is related to client side.

      Whenever "EFT Api" update once 3.8.0 release, it is planned to update my mod to be Client-side too, so i believe i "could" fix this, but no promises.

    • This is a Tarkov 'feature' unfortunately. If you mix an FIR item with a non-FIR item, it will lose it's status. Try to keep them separate.

      Heart 1
    • The problem is the mod will mark FIR Items stacked with other FIR items as not found in raid.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • That only happen whenever you stack FIR with Non-FIR. Stacking FIR with FIR, won't remove the status from it.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Maybe its an interaction with another mod, like inventory sorting or better tags, but I've had all the barter items I've stacked lose FIR status, and I this is on a fresh profile with 4 raids without any deaths and no starting gear, because there were no Non FIR barter items mixed into the pool to begin with

      Thumbs Up 2
  • @PlinioJRM, Hello. In the keycards.json, there is only 1 ID. Looking it up on returns no results. Could you explain a bit further how this category works? Thanks in advance.


    "Active": true,

    "StackMult": 1,

    "ParentList": [


    "name": "Keycard",

    "_id": "5c164d2286f774194c5e69fa",

    "StackMaxSize": 1




    Thumbs Up 1
    • This is the parent id for keycards. This will change the stack for all keycards.

      Heart 1
    • Hi yes. if you pay attention to the difference, there is 2 structures:

      • One with a property called List.
      • And one with a property called ParentList.

      The "List" is a list of IDs that reference an item. The "ParentList" is a list of IDs that reference the parent-id of items. In this case, All the keycards inherit the values of the parent "Keycard".

      So the mod will act upon all items where the condition of property item._parent is equals to the ID listed there.

      On you won't see the database properties of the items. You should use to look the items ID that you need. Since this morning the database is down but the staff is already working on it.

    • Thanks so much for all the explanation and clarification.

      Heart 1
  • good mod but it would be nice if everything in a stack doesn't get used at once

    Heart 1
    • My mod is a Server-side mod, but this behavior is related to client side.

      Whenever "EFT Api" update once 3.8.0 release, it is planned to update my mod to be Client-side too, so i believe i "could" fix this, but no promises.

      Heart 1
  • Added Github Source code.

  • Decryption key for mega?

    • The link on the "Download" button, already have the decryption key attached to it's URL.

      I just clicked the button and clicked download on Mega and i was able to download (without login).

      Please, do not edit the URL link, as this is the same situation the user ArthuroFer did.
      (If you read the comments you will know the details)

  • I've had the issue where it won't stack Army bandage and have noticed that any health items that Are multi-use dont work as well. And this happens even when it is the last in the mods to load. I'm on 3.7.6 if that helps at all.

    • Haven't tested with armband. good to know.

      Now items that can be consumed, like injectors of food, i advice to not add them as stackable. But if you do, then unstack 1 to be consumed.

      I don't know if i will be able to change the core mechanic of the game on how it behave regarding the consumable value of these items.

  • is it possible to add elements that are not listed in the config?


    "name": "SSD drive",

    "_id": "590c392f86f77444754deb29",

    "_props": {

    "StackMaxSize": 2



    Thumbs Up 1
  • Your mode required add to live tarkov. Now kanalove

    Heart 1
  • Hello is it working on 3.6.1 ?

    • It is working on any version of 3.7
      You may try at your own risk, but i don't support older version than 3.7.x, since i build the mod first for 3.7.1.

    • Comes up with an error for me on 3.7.5 and .6 , so I rolled back to 4. Now that I started using it, I can't play without it haha.

      EDIT: So I figured it out that it was another mod this morning. Was just coming up right after True Items was Initializing not when it was.

      Heart 1
  • Isn't it easier to remove barter items from the air drop? And again be able to stack the bolts)

    Thinking 1
    • 1.0.3 is working. Airdrop with barter items.


    • Then why were barter items disabled in 1.0.3?

      Heart 1
    • Thank you so much for this information. i have checked and will update the link.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • It has been updated.

      My apologies for the inconvenience.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • The MEGA download is requesting a decryption key. lol

  • Hello!

    I have every thing set to enabled but the medicals dont stack.

    I have the realism mod installed and the medical overhaul enabled, would this be causing the stacking to not work ?

    Heart 1
    • If the other mods that you are using changes the property "StackMaxSize" (Stack size), then yes!

      This mod only changes the stack amount.

      you can either:

      • Open order.json in mods folder and make sure True Items runs after them.
      • Or you can rename True Items folder and add a letter "z" on the beginning so the folder is placed at last position.

      So if they one of them changes the stack amount of your medicals and it is running after my mod, them it will override to their settings value.

    • I know this comment is old, but id like to ask as i see the uses of an item covers the stack size is there a way to fix this as i cant tell when my bandages are stacked

  • Noticed a downside to stacking. It seems that once items are stacked, they lose their "Found in Raid" status. So don't stack items you are saving for future quest fulfillment.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • So i found its okay to stack FiR together if you stack a FiR on a non FIR then it loses its FiR Flag

      The other thing I should mention here about stackables in general (not directly caused my True Items) is certain items that are used for hideout upgrades like graphics cards will only register as 1 unit even if you have 10 stacked, (tested) :) So separate upgrade items for hideout upgrades before using things like the graphics card transfer UI.

      Crafting in the hideout is not effected it correctly uses unit numbers from stacks as far as I can tell

      Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • So tested it out and Barter Items stackables turned on makes the Barter Airdrop fail, will test the other in the next day or so, I have disabled Barter items in config and airdrops work again. I will dig out the error log from failed drop and post it

    Heart 1
    • ASAP i will do some research about it too.
      Question: WDYM by "fail"? Did barter items won't appear in airdrop? Or the airdrop won't come or cause error?

      It is strange that barter items make airdrop fail, as i think that "StackMaxSize" property would be used as some kind of value or score for an item to be present in it.

    • okay so the airplane spawns and the air drop call is returned as it flies it behaves normally until drop generation call and then it fails and the plane disappears with no drop or extended flares so its failing at the point of generation

      Its the same in SVM

      Thinking 1
    • It is fixed now!

  • Just be aware that using SVM to do stackables in the experimental section using Barter Items enable causes airdrops to fail ;) Not sure how it carries over or if one is client this is server defiantly giving it a go

    Heart 1
  • Just to clarify, this isn't client-sided, this is server-sided.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • This is the first time I'm letting myself use anything that modifies the normal stack values in SPT because this genuinely feels like it's one of those amazing realistic QoL mod changes live should have, but it don't and probably won't...This is gunna be one of those mods that help me make SPT nicer than Live Tarkov imo :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • Love this! Thank you!! Awesome idea

    Heart 1