Quick Throw Grenades 1.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Quickly explode your enemies, with passion.

SPT 3.8.0

No logs, No support.

No support will be offered for old versions of SPT.

Do not repost, alter or repackage my mods without my explicit permission.

Quickly throw grenades! Standalone ripped from my mod Easy Skill Options as requested by some users.

Make sure you enable it from the F12 menu.

If you are using the key bind option, one of the keys MUST be the same as your key for grenades in EFT's settings.

Extract the archive to the root of your SPT install to install the mod. As Shown below.

Thanks to Drakia for the install gif.

Demonstration Video

(Yes, it's SAIN, but the same concept applies to all of my mods, I

'm not making mod-specific extraction example videos)


  • On 3.8.3 the plugin is currently giving this error:

    ERROR: This version of Quick Throw Grenades was built for Tarkov 26535, but you are running 29197. Please download the correct plugin version.

  • Do we know if it works on 3.8.3?

  • Any chance to add a hotkey for a quick underhanded throw?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Not working for 3.8.0,

    I have tried so many key bind's but still does not work.

    • for me too. Enabled it, enalbed Key Bind, switched key binds an so on.

    • Actually wait it is working but its a 50/50 chance on weither its a quick throw grenade or prepare a grenade

    • the keybind is to throw it the old way.

    • I have it set to G, I never change it from that. But as I said before it does the quick throw like 80% of the time.

    • do you have the keybind on? in live tarkov is your g key single press?

  • Doesn't work for me :( I use the bind and it doesn't quickly throw it, it just pulls out the grenade and stays there.

    • One of the keys has to be your grenade bind key that EFT uses

    • I have grenade bound in EFT to "G - Press". My key in QTG is also "G"

      Some (not all) of the time, it simply prepares it. It's not every time, and I don't know what affects it.

      Any insight to offer here?

      I'm on 3.8.3

  • Have yet to test the mod but could I possibly set it up where I can have G ready a grenade and double tap g quick throws one or the other way around? I'd like the option to have both ready at once. I've used the Easy Skill options one a couple time and loved it. Keep up the great work!

    Heart 1
    • I've added a key bind option in the most recent update. Double tap is not supported though, it needs a modifier key.

    • Works for me! Downloading now.

      Heart 1
  • Great mod!! I've died so many times due to drawing a 'nade, but not throwing it in time.

    Thank you very much!!

    Heart 1
  • finally !!! i was waiting so long for something like this !!!

    Heart 1
  • Oh yes, this is exciting!

    Heart 1
  • Hi Can you make an option to allowing quick throw nades at elite throwing skill only?

  • earlier tarkov builds be like:

    Heart 1 Happy 1
  • Been using it in Easy Skill Options, great QOL

    Any chance we can get quick underhand throw keybind option?

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • Maybe, ill look into it at some point

    • Sounds useful for rooms and corners.