Featured Skills Extended 1.3.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Expanding the skill catalog, one skill at a time.

SPT 3.9.8

No logs, No support.

No support will be offered for old versions of SPT.

Do not repost, alter or repackage my mods without my explicit permission.

This is not allowed to be included in any mod-pack, whether hosted on the SPT Hub or not.



If you would like to support me or my work you can do so here!

  • Version 1.3.1

    Full release notes here

    - Medical item use speed is now correctly reflected in the animation.

    - LP Mini game options; volume, health bar display, lose pick on exit

    - Locales now default to English if missing in any language

    - Fix fracture condition on quest

    Read the release notes.

  • Version 1.3.0

    Full release notes here

    2 new skills

    - Prone Movement

    - Silent Ops

    locale updates


    Read the release notes

  • Version 1.2.3

    Full release notes here

    - Bug fixes

    - Blacklisted flares from reward pool, decreased Lega medal count awarded.

    - Ability to disable the trader and quest system.

    - Updated french, Russian and Chinese locales. (still slightly out of date)

    If you're still having trouble loading this mod after installing this update. Delete the server mod and re-install it. I consolidated a bunch of locale files in a hope to fix file handle limits some people were running into. If you use the progression part, don't forget to save your progression file from `SkillsExtended/progression/`

    Just go read the release notes. Enjoy!

  • Version 1.2.2

    - Fixes Busy hand bug when pressing escape to leave the mini game.

    - Fixes uses being removed from a lock pick when exiting without breaking a lock pick

    - You can quickly exit the game with; Escape, left or right mouse buttons.

    - Added a lock pick health bar to the interface to let you know how close it is to breaking

    - Added door level and door key text to the interface

    - Increased bundle efficiency to a single bundle for the mini game.

    I'll work on getting the mod page up to date soon with all the changes from 1.2.0+
    I'll also work on getting all the locales on crowdin so people can start translating them

  • Version 1.2.1

    - Fixes a bug that would happen profile creation of new profiles that would prevent the game from getting to the menu

  • Version 1.2.0

    Full release notes here, really, read them.

    Recommend new profiles only.

    New dependency Custom Item Interactions YOU MUST INSTALL THIS


    - Lock picking mini game (Replaces the old boring lock picking skill with new cool exciting lock picking skill)

    - Trader (Lacks assort, wasn't the focus of this update)

    - 5 new Quests for the trader which introduce you to the trader and the lock picking skill

    - Final quest has 3 new custom objectives based around lock picking, this also unlocks the ability to craft and buy them

    - 44 new achievements

    - Skill progression system. Every 5 levels of a skill you get rewards. You can disable this in the config you don't like it.


    - Users can add custom weapons to the weapon skills externally now in the config folder. Put the items in the lists and remove the `.dist` extension to have the mod load it.


    - As a result of the lock picking mini game, I had to temporarily disable key card hacking (There are plans.)

    This is what I wanted 1.0.0 but it was to much. There were over 50 commits between 1.1.1 and this update alone.

    - Credits: Terkoiz for yoinking some code from them to allow me to make custom quest objectives pikapika

  • Version 1.1.1

    Medical skill overhaul - Now with less disappearing items :kannatiredofthis:

    Release notes here

  • Version 1.0.2


    - Fix medical skills not updating after the initial update done the first time a player enters their inventory screen. This was a result of being too strict in my performance optimizations last patch.


    - Added Simplified Chinese locale(Thanks [lzm](lzm)), and Korean locale(Thanks [SPT-KorMan](https://github.com/SPT-KorMan)).

    - Minor grammatical corrections to the locale.

    - All locales are now dynamically loaded, no need to select it in the config. Simply select your desired language in the in-game settings. NOTE: Selecting a language that is not implemented in the Skills Extended locale will result in broken text on the skills.


    - Cross platform path support for Fika users. (Linux/Docker) THIS DOES NOT MEAN 100% FIKA COMPATIBLE YET.

  • Version 1.0.1


    - Almost every door levels have been adjusted (Again.) Thanks Light of the World for balancing this because i'm lazy.

    - Fixed inspect and failure ratios not working (/Bonk)

    - With the above fixed, lock picking leveling rates have been adjusted again.

    - Lock picks and PDA are now able to be placed into spec slots.

    - More adjustments to first aid and field medicine leveling speed. (Trying to get this on par with other skills is hard)

    - Fix medical kit resource resetting to full on game start.


    - Added German(Thanks Nero.K) and French(Thanks DevilFlippy) locales.

    - Item updates now only happen on screen state changes.

    - Updates now happen over several frames, instead of trying to complete within a single frame. Helps reduce stutter in the inventory screen on large stash sizes.

    - Fixes a minor memory leak.

  • Version 1.0.0

    Official full release!

    Read full changes here.



    - Key card door hacking.

    - Both weapon skills are now available to the player at all times.

    - Skill XP bleed now occurs with the weapon skills. You gain 10% of the XP for the opposite skill when using applicable weapons.

    - Buff icons and green progress bar is now fully implemented. No more jank text in descriptions :kannatiredofthis:

    - Multi locale support. English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian available. Set your locale in the server config. (Thanks Crow, and Reysonk for providing them)

    - Various balancing changes. This will be an ongoing process now that we're on BSG's system.


    - Added missing ref keys

    - Broken locks now properly reset at the end of a raid.

    There is a massive 500 line commented config in the server mod. Please read the comments before changing things. I will update the mod page at a later time with the most recent information. As far as skills go, this mod is feature complete now. The last major todo is implementing the lock picking animation and balancing as needed.

    Thanks Tetribyte for helping me track down and fix an NRE that plagued me for over 2 weeks while working on 1.0.0.

    Thanks to everyone who provided feedback during development. Its been a frustrating and wild ride. Until next time, enjoy.