Featured Pity Loot 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Increases the chances to find loot you need for Quests/Hideouts/Keys based on how long it has been since you first started looking. Has configurable odds and can work based on real world time or # of raids since beginning.

Pity Loot

Like playing hardcore tarkov, but tired of not finding the items you need for quests or hideout? Or just like playing without flea market and don't like having to hoard /every/ item you need for future quests? Pity loot is a mod that progressively increases the loot odds for items you need based on the # of raids since you started the task, or based on the amount of time (in real world hours) since you started it.


  • Version 1.0.0

    Update for 3.10

    Tweak defaults to be lower

    Add new config option onlyIncreaseOnFailedRaids (enabled by default) that causes successful raids to not count towards pity.

  • Version 0.6.2

    For SPT 3.9.0

    Fixed maps breaking after doing a raid

  • Version 0.6.1

    TESTED. Works for 3.9.0

  • Version 0.6.0

    UNTESTED new release for spt 3.9.0

    I did not change quest keys, or gunsmith items from 3.8.3, i'm not sure if theres any differences, if so please submit a PR to update them and i'll re-release

  • Version 0.5.0

    Allow excluding collector quest, possible fix for scavs breaking on Fika

  • Version 0.4.7

    Fix scav/bot loot pity never resetting and exponentially scaling until you restart your server/game. (this is why if you played for a long time in one session, eventually all scav loot would /always/ be pity loot)

  • Version 0.4.6

    Fixed some quest keys showing up in pity even if you already had them. (This mainly affected things like ZB-014, as I was accidentally double counting pity for it, since it appears as both a quest condition + i had hardcoded it as a "quest key" in questKeys.json).

    For 3.8.0 only

  • Version 0.4.5

    Add drawers to possible quest key spawns

    Add Terragroup Access Keycards to drawers/jackets automatically if needed for quest with a low spawn chance

    3.8.0 ONLY

  • Version 0.4.4

    Now adds Gunsmith items and Quest Keys to loot tables automatically if they are missing.

    Gunsmith items are added to weapon boxes + wooden crates, quest keys are added to jackets. Base probability is 1000 which is pretty rare, so shouldn't feel too overpowered.

    Now handles quests that have multiple turn in options (Lotus quests as an example).

    Also halves default pity to 0.25 (from 0.5), since it felt a bit too strong.

    FOR 3.8.0 ONLY

  • Version 0.4.3

    Actually remove money from pity loot

    FOR 3.8.0 ONLY

  • Hi Bakahashi.

    PityLoot it's compatible with FIKA?

    Thanks for your time and your hard work! Really must mod!

    • i have no idea, never tried fika before! you should give it a test and lemme know what errors you get

    • Of course, I will try to generate a test set with 2 computers, forcing two different objects for each of the players.

      Let's see how it behaves.

      Could you tell me a way to know the loot generated on the map? A kind of list.

      Thank you

    • I sent you a private message.

    • This kind of works with Fika. There are no errors but each person that joins the server/starts a raid it overwrites the active quests and resets the chances if they don't have the same quests. For this to work, if this idea will even work with Fika, it depends on if loot is generated by the player starting the raid.. but you would most likely need to track loot for each profile in the DB.

      Heart 1
  • Is it mid-game friendly to install?

  • Please disable debug logging for release versions in the future. When people bring logs to SPT Support we sometimes have to scroll through thousands of lines of debug logging to get to actual issues. Much appreciated!

    • Hi you can turn debug:false and trace:false to off in settings

    • I understand but you misunderstood the request. Please make them default to false.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • https://prnt.sc/JdwxfYfF5Hmh

    I still get the error (Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props') quite often with scav or PMC raids.

    I guess my issue is, that an object that i need in an quest should be placed by pity loot because of high calculated drop rate.

    I have installed following mods (haven't installed Gambler mod, as the previous reporter):

    Questing Bots

    Looting Bots





    • Got same problem, found any fix to this?

  • getting this errors https://prnt.sc/Ugiw-7oDIWj6

    • I also get this quite often, especially when playing Factory (both, as Scav and PMC).

      This delays the start of a round for some minutes (with many containers not containing any loot) and sometimes it results in an backend timeout.

      Aditionally i have installed:
      Questing Bots

      Looting Bots





    • issue fixed, it was Gambler Trader Mod but the author fixed it quick

    • I also have this problem very infrequent. how was it fixed though?

  • It seems not working in quest "return the favor", i hardly can find "blue folder" in any container that include safes, jackets and drawers. I wonder i can change some values to fix this issue :/

  • does it work for operational/daily tasks ? i have a task to find 12 paracord and even i raid reserve multiple times i didn't found one! i am on spt 3.7.6.

    • oh no sorry, i haven't updated it for daily/operational tasks, i stopped playing now but if anybody is motivated i'm accepting PRs!

  • Had the same issue as the person before me. The update fixed it, thanks!

  • Hi, I was just in the spt discord server with an issue, that I am somewhat fairly certain is with the mod. I did a raid just fine and when I went to do a second raid there were no maps on the map screen. Through the server there was red line texts saying about Invalid Locations, I deleted the mod and it seems to have fixed it.

    • I just had the same problem, also fixed with deleting the mod.

    • ah unfortunate

    • I have the same problem ;(

    • oh damnit i know what this is, uploading a fix now

    • Sorry just released 0.6.2, lemme knwo if that fixes (I don't actually have SPT any more so i'm doing this blind XD)

  • Yeah mod isnt working at all with 3.9.0. Getting the same error as some others

    • Go into ...\user\mods\bakahashi-pityloot\package.json with Notepad++ and change the line:

      "akiVersion": "~3.9",


      "sptVersion": "~3.9",

    • Still not working. Even when changed.

    • Uploaded 0.6.1 which should be fixed!

  • https://imgur.com/a/rai72T7

    Not sure if anyone else is getting this error. But wanted to show you to see if it's for everyone.

  • if hoyoverse made tarkov

  • Can anyone check to see if it works on 3.9.0?

    • Just released a new untested version, can you give it a shot and see if it works?

      Heart 1
    • try it.. new update has been uploaded

    • Oh wow, thanks bakahashi, I will try it and get back to you some time later, dunno how long it will take. If I manage to compelte the salewa quest quickly, I suppose that means it works lol

    • This appears on the server, put probably just changing the version on the .json works


      Update: on package.json, where it shows the spt version, simply switch "aki" in "akiVersion" by "spt", as in "sptVersion: ~3.9", this should remove the error message on the server

      Update 2: tried to load into factory and ended up getting this long error :<


    • Uploaded 0.6.1 which should be fixed!

  • How can I make sure that the necessary items for the quest are in the 1st raid? that is, had a 100% chance of appearing?

  • Hi Bakahashi!

    Was wondering about grabbing this mod - still doing my playthrough on 3.8.0 - will grabbing the latest version of 0.5.0 of your mod have any issues or should I use the earlier versions of your mod?

    Thank you for all you do and help!

  • Hi bakahashi, this is such a great mod! i wonder if it is possible to increase the multiplier by how many containers searched? For example, if i want a specific key, the chance of that key will spawn increase by each time i search a jacket?

    I am thinking of a scenario, if i have a mission needs to find something, but then i just ignore it and go to the factory to practice gun fight. Then after some instant death on first encounter, i quit factory and actually go out and do the mission, by then i already got a super high chance to find my mission loot, because some quick death in factory, without actually putting effort on searching for it first.

    Increase chance by hour could be a potential solve for this, but is the dropRateIncreasePerRaid/Hour in rain time or real lifetime?

    • Per hour is realtime, not in raid time righ tnow. Its hard to do a per-container increase cause that would require client mods which i don't have plans for at the time

    • Got it! This mod is already a very nice mod, i am struggling to find virtex right now, the mod will help me a lot now!

  • Should this load before or after AlltheLoot ?

    Both touches the loot pool -

    I'm guessing AlltheLoot after Pity Loot but unsure - thanks !

    • I haven't 100% tested, but I think it should come last if needed

    • I have both running right now with LootPity loading after AlltheLoot - for now I haven't noticed much in terms of items for hideout and quests (Flashdrive, pack of nails, etc)

      So I don't know if either are working haha- in your testing, you could try to put unrealistic values and see if one overwrites the other ?

      Let me know!

  • Found an issue with what we believe to be the wall in hideout. It seems one of the items in level 6 hideout wall has no 'count' property.

    This is a link that Drakia provided to show you what part is causing the error.


    I have also pinged you on Discord in the Community Support channel so you can read up on everything to get a better understanding of the issue.

    Thanks for you time and props on the mod.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi, bakahashi!

    Very like description of your mod, but it conflicts with some other, please help. I got these errors when try to host raid:

    [Запрос Клиента] /mpt/raid/create

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'characters')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'characters')

    at LocationController.controller.get (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\bakahashi-pityloot\src\mod.ts:81:28)

    at MPTMatchService.createMatch (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\services\MPTMatchService.ts:174:54)

    at MPTRaidController.handleRaidCreate (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\controllers\MPTRaidController.ts:28:43)

    at MPTRaidCallbacks.handleRaidCreate (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\callbacks\MPTRaidCallbacks.ts:23:68)

    at RouteAction.action (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\routers\static\MPTRaidStaticRouter.ts:21:50)

    at MPTRaidStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\overrides\routers\HttpRouter.ts:25:52)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'characters')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'characters')

    at LocationController.controller.get (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\bakahashi-pityloot\src\mod.ts:81:28)

    at MPTMatchService.createMatch (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\services\MPTMatchService.ts:174:54)

    at MPTRaidController.handleRaidCreate (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\controllers\MPTRaidController.ts:28:43)

    at MPTRaidCallbacks.handleRaidCreate (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\callbacks\MPTRaidCallbacks.ts:23:68)

    at RouteAction.action (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\routers\static\MPTRaidStaticRouter.ts:21:50)

    at MPTRaidStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (E:\Games\SPTarkov\user\mods\mpt-server\src\overrides\routers\HttpRouter.ts:25:52)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)

    Mod list is following:



























    Virtual's Custom Quest Loader

    • VisceralDismemberment is known to cause a lot of issues and doesn't exist on the hub. Also, a lot of mod authors don't quite support the coop mods available to SPT. If the mod isn't on this hub, no support is given. I would remove VisceralDismemberment and MPT and see if the problem persists.

    • I should have fixed this, but let me know if it still breaks

  • Would adding an optional Collector exclusion be feasible? Softcore mod allows you to start the collector way earlier while also changing how acquiring secure containers works. The Collector can easily be finished before crafting gamma with this mod, so it kind of breaks balance. I think it would be a nice (sort of) compatibility feature.

    • Just added in latest version

  • is there a way to make this compatible with lots of loot mod? for some reason when both are ran items stop popping up inside cases in marked rooms which that mod brings back.

  • Opened 20 PCs and got wires in every single one...and i got no quests that needs wires
    Something isnt right

    • Do you have “appliesToHideout” on? There’s a lot of hideout upgrades that require a ton of wires.

      You can also turn down pity, for a more conservative approach set the max multiplier to 10, and turn off "increasesStack"

    • I am gonna test this. At least this gives me an idea what I need to adjust. I should be able to find a balance that satisfies me. Thank you. Great mod BTW.

  • PSA: If you see your raids fail to start with an error similar to this:

    It is not PityLoot's issue. Even though you see `bakahashi-pityloot` in the stack trace, the problem is usually due to another mod adding custom items or weapons to the loot pool, and the AKI server is unable to generate them properly.

    Ping me on the discord if you hit stuff liek this though, i can help you narrow down what mod is causing the issue.

  • I just had one question. I installed this mod due to a "Lotus" custom trader quest. The quest is pokleniye part 3, and the quest says "Find any of the creepy cultist masks," and the mod author told me that the items are as follows:

    Misha Mayorov mask

    Ghoul mask

    Faceless mask

    Slender mask

    Pestily plague mask

    So my question is, would this mod be boosting those mask rates in containers? Or on scavs/cultists themselves?

    • Yes, but it only boosts existing spawn chances. So if those can spawn in containers it will buff them, and if they can spawn on scavs/cultists it will buff that too.

      however if they don't have any spawns, then it doesn't add them (except for quest keys/gunsmith if you have those turned on)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • You're a hero. After days of constant grinding for those masks, I used this mod and got the masks I needed finally! Thanks

  • Found a quite funny 'bug' in which if you don't find items needed for tasks/hideout, scav backpacks will be full of that item 100% of the time.

    Example here is because I have yet to finish Gunsmith Pt. 3, so every single scav for about 5 raids now has had backpacks that look like this.


    This isn't the biggest deal ever but just wanted to make sure you're aware of this, if it hasn't been mentioned before, which I couldn't find

    • It should track if you have them in your stash, so as long as you loot one of the mp5sd suppressors and have it /anywhere/ in your stash pity loot should stop for it. Do you still have one in your stash? or are you avoiding looting them

    • So at the time where it first happened, I had not gotten the item at all so I understood that. However, i completed and turned in Gunsmith Pt. 3 and every scav had the item flooding their bags still, even 5 raids later.

      Also as a side note, this bug has happened again with wires, instead of wires becoming more common, specifically on corpses, they seem to completely replace the loot pool.

      Did some testing and killed and looted 20 scavs

      18/20 had 1-5 bundles of wires

      14/20 had the MP5 suppressor, 5 of those who didn't, had no backpack at all.

    • Hmmm okay next time it happens can you send the logs, or hit me up on discord? I didn't have this happen to me but i would be happy to help figure out whats wrong

    • I believe I've sent a message to you on Discord

  • Good mod. I would also like it to work for items on the wishlist, especially if you play hardcore and need certain barter items that could help.

    • I have thought about this before but was unsure the best way to handle it!

      What would your suggestion be? Any item on your wishlist has pity loot until you find at least one of them in raid? Is it unlimited for the wishlist? etc.

    • You could make the whole thing adjustable. This would allow everyone to set their own individual playing style. So simply as an option whether you want to have the feature at all and then how Pity Loot should deal with it, whether it resets after one item is found or only after X items.

  • I get this error on when trying to load on Customs.

    I also get a similar error when loading on Factory, but only if I update Pity Loot on the new versions.
    Any insights on what mod may cause this conflict?
    I do run a couple of custom traders that add new ammo, like Bigger Bang, and I also run Little Drummer boy, which adds custom mag, along with Painter.

    thanks in advance for any and all insights on this.

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1229:59)

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1210:14)

    at LocationGenerator.createStaticLootItem (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:1058:33)

    at LocationGenerator.addLootToContainer (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:436:49)

    at LocationGenerator.generateStaticContainers (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:235:48)

    at LocationController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:108:51)

    at LocationController.get (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:72:21)

    at LocationController.get (G:\SPT\user\mods\bakahashi-pityloot\src\mod.ts:128:39)

    at LocationCallbacks.getLocation (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.ts:37:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\dynamic\LocationDynamicRouter.ts:16:51)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1229:59)

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1210:14)

    at LocationGenerator.createStaticLootItem (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:1058:33)

    at LocationGenerator.addLootToContainer (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:436:49)

    at LocationGenerator.generateStaticContainers (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:235:48)

    at LocationController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:108:51)

    at LocationController.get (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:72:21)

    at LocationController.get (G:\SPT\user\mods\bakahashi-pityloot\src\mod.ts:128:39)

    at LocationCallbacks.getLocation (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.ts:37:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\dynamic\LocationDynamicRouter.ts:16:51)

    • Hmm i've seen other people hit this before, this shouldn't be pity-loot related even though it shows up in the stack trace (my mod just calls other people's code). This is probably one of the other mods that add custom magazines, since this specific error message comes from when the AKI server tries to generate a magazine in a crate, and is deciding how many bullets can fit in the magazine. In this case it can't find the magazine details, so the number of bullets it can fit is `undefined`.

      If you give me a mod list i can see which ones it might be, otherwise try disabling some of them until it works.

      Heart 1
    • Here's the mod list.


      1a - Load Order

      1b - Server Value Modifier

      1c - AKI Profile Editor


      2a - Virtual's Custom Quest Loader (VCQL)

      2b - Lotus

      2c - Bigger Bang (Thunderbags)

      3- Hephaestus

      4a - Painter (MoxoPixel)

      4b - BlackCore (MoxoPixel)

      4c - MagTape (MoxoPixel)

      5 - Saria

      6 - MFAC Shop Module (aaMFACSHOP)

      7- TraderScrolling (Kaeno)

      8 - VCQL


      9a - Big Brain (DrakiaXYZ)

      9b - Waypoints (DrakiaXYZ)

      10 - BetterBackpacks (JoshMate) [Must change the version in the package.json]

      11 - SAIN


      12 - OpticRework (ACOG4Life)

      13 - AmandsGraphics

      14 - BBBW (Bloody Bullet Wounds)

      15 - Declutter

      16 - FOV Fix (Fontaine)

      17 - ReflexSightsRework (SamSWAT)

      18 - Thermal And Nvg Overhaul (TANO)


      19a - Guns_Massivesoft

      19b - Guns_MFAC

      19c - Guns_YetAnotherPort (Myralyn)

      20 - xMASS_system

      21 - ATLAS-GEAR

      22 - Carl-QHB (Honeybadger)

      23 - EpicRangeTime-Weapons

      24 - Lyconox-HK416HeavyBarrel

      25 - TacticalGearComponent (MoxoPixel)

      26 - WTT-LittleDrummetBoy

      27 - WTT-PackNStrap

      QoL MODS

      28 - Guns_Massivesoft

      29 - Tradermodding (ChooChoo)

      30 - LiveFleaPrices (DrakiaXYZ)

      31 - TaskListFixes (DrakiaXYZ)

      32 - BackdoorBandid (dvize)

      33 - Pause (Epi)

      34 - ExpandedTaskText

      36 - UseLooseLoot (Gaylatea)

      37 - LootValue (IhanaMies)

      38 - MoreCheckmarks

      39 - MunitionsExpert

      40 - iteminfo (odt)

      41 - TwoSlotExtendedMags (Platinum)

      42 - StashSearch

      43 - WebMinimap (TechHappy)

      44 - ModdingStatsHelper (Wara)

      45 - KeysInLoot (MusicManiac)

      46 - pityloot (bakahashi)

      47 - RamCleanerInterval (CactusPie)

      48 - UseItemsAnywhere


    • whew thats a lot of mods, can you hit me up on discord actually? will be easier to debug there

      Happy 1
    • absolutely. Give me sometime cause I'm at work. Thank you a million.

  • Is there a way to configure this to accommodate the gilded key storage such that the odds for key drops go to 0 if you already have that key? Or would that just behave that way based on the fact that you have the item and therefore don't get "pity" for it?

    • it /should/ already work with gilded key storage, although i have heard reports of bugs of zb-014 dropping wayy to frequently that i am looking into.

      If you use gilded key storage and have keys in your secure container but are still seeing increased drops can you send me your server logs that contain like "calculated new drop multiplier ..." etc

    • the same think happened with me, but with the science key and then again with the 206 key, i believe the key only stopped showing after i finished the quest and then reset the client. then last night having nothing but 206 show up. ive installed the new update and ill check things out. i also use gilded key storage and about 40 other mods so makes testing so much more fun haha.

    • yep, definitely cause of my bug lol. It woudl have thought you needed /two/ science keys, and since you only need 1 and probably sold the rest, it kept thinking you weren't finding any more keys and upping pity heh.

  • awesome for finding right stuff, but i had to turn keys down haha, id get 1 key spawn in 1st raid in every single cell of the filing cabinets. so i changed additional multiplier to 1.0 ill see if that helps

    Thumbs Up 1
  • I found a bug with the latest version where the game crashes when a airdrop is dropped. I put in the version before and there is no error with airdrops.

    • can you post error logs?

    • Which log do you want and how do you want me to post it?

    • When you say crash, does your game exit to windows? Or after an airdrop happens, everything stops working in game

    • Sorry I should have been more clear, the game freezes and stops responding. So far it has only happened on Reserve. Here is the error log.

    • Just tried Shoreline and got the same freeze.