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- Custom health for bots
- Control over what items you lose when killed in raid
- Turn off inertia
- Increase vaulting height
- Make all headsets equally good
- Make repair kits less overpowered
- Set ammo color based on pen value
- Make ammo have 0 weight
- Make all foregrips have the same stats
- Disable magazine ammo load penalty
- Ability to set bot caps for all maps
- Add more items to store in SICC Pouch
- Fix some grid thumbnails for larger items like LMGs, and Marksman Rifles to not make the grid item add +2 vertical down or up. Causing the weapon to take up too much vertical space in the stash
- Two-slot extended magazines
- Store Lega medals inside Money Case
Drag the first folder in the ZIP into your SPT directory to install
Version 1.0.7
- MoxoPixel
- Fixed scope mounts not applying the changes to ExtraSizeUp if the user activated FixExtraSize in config.
- Added config option FixExtraSizeExtendedMags to make ExtraSizeDown from 2 to 1. So weapon thumbnail shows them as regular magazines.
- Added config option ExtendedMagsTwoSlotsHeight which converts extended magazines that have 3x1 size to 2x1 size in stash and inventory.
- Added config option LegaMedalInsideMoneyCase.
Version 1.0.6
- MoxoPixel
- Made default headset values copy the Comtac VI instead of Sordin
- Added feature: Make all foregrips have the same stats
- Added feature: Make ammo have 0 weight
- Removed the feature of GP coins to spawn in wallets. It led to errors and spawned 500+ GP coins on some occasions
- Merged Actual Sick SICC mod with TMS. The other mod will no longer be updated. Also added many more items that can be stored in SICC pouch
- Added feature: Fix some grid thumbnails for larger items like LMGs, and Marksman Rifles to not make the grid item add +2 vertical down or up. Causing the weapon to take up too much vertical space in the stash. See picture:
Note: I changed the name of the mod from "Tarkov Midcore Settings" to "Tarkov More Settings"
Also, remember to take a backup of your old config.json so you don't forget what values you had before updating!
Version 1.0.5
- MoxoPixel
Fixed GP coins not spawning in wallets with correct stackSize and money getting wrong stackSize in bot's wallet.
GP Coins now spawn in wallets by 1 to 8 in stacks which is way more balanced than the prior 5000 GP Coins
Version 1.0.4
- MoxoPixel
- Added ability to set bot caps for all maps
- Enable GP coins in bot wallets
- Fixed crouch in inertia setting to not always have increased movement speed
Remember to take a backup of your old config.json for this mod so you don't forget what values you had before updating!
Version 1.0.3
- MoxoPixel
Updated to SPT 3.10
- Added option: DisableMagazineAmmoLoadPenalty
Version 1.0.2
- MoxoPixel
- Ability to increase vaulting height
- Ability to make all headsets equally good
Version 1.0.1
- MoxoPixel
- Updated to SPT 3.9
- Changed bot types to new ones and added more bot types affected by the custom health section
- Updated PMC messages route
Version 1.0.0
- MoxoPixel
By any chance would be possible to add parameters to inertia settings?
Modifier for Plant Time
Lootable Armbands
This would be two things that would be awesome
would it be possible to add a toggle for enabling insurance for everything?
MoxoPixel Author
Isn't this a feature in SVM? If not I can look into it.
Doesn't seem to be. Can change the prices and time for the insurance, but can't seem to change what items can or can't be insured
Ammo Weight seems to not work now? I've got it set to true and ammo still has weight. I reverted back to v1.0.6 and its back to having no weight so something isn't working right for some reason with the new version
MoxoPixel Author
Thank you for the report, I found out what was causing it. I updated the latest version. Download again and only replace the src/mod.ts file with your current one. No need to replace your config and package.json.
Thank you much!
The Two-slot extended magazines option isn't affecting the AUG's 42 round mag, just thought I'd let you know. Thanks for your work.
EDIT: sorry, I just noticed the magazine itself is two slots, but when loaded into the AUG it increases the gun's vertical height by one. so it's no big deal actually.
Do you have removed the ability to block PMC responses from this one?
MoxoPixel Author
yes because svm has it now
ah I was wondering why they came back haha
how would i open this like in game?
MoxoPixel Author
You don't. Server mods do only use config files.
In the ""EnableLostOnDeath"" config.json section, there does not appear to be an option for the pockets?
MoxoPixel Author
Update released adding this option
Hi, I installed SVM but I don't have the bots part active, can you tell me if it still affects your mod?
MoxoPixel Author
No it should not affect my mod.
Ok I have another question, for bots, the cap stops when for example if I have set 20 the spawn stops at 20 for the rest of the raid or are 20 alive? Another question that is trivial sorry but I ask it anyway, in the bigmap config is it customs? and what is sandobox? and what does default refer to? sorry for the astonishing questions
MoxoPixel Author
The bot caps only say, "have this many bots active on the map at once", when one bot dies, another one takes his place. Bosses do not count toward bot caps as far as I'm aware.
bigmap is Customs, sandbox is Ground Zero. Default is used in the SPT files so it's just for other maps not made yet.
MoxoPixel Author
Posting this here so people can copy what Slothgang calculated to be the most "fair" setting for bot health.
hello i have a problem the custom bot cap has stop working ever since i add the svm mod it seems not to work with the bot cap and i dont know how to fix it with out removeing the svm mod
Hello the custom bot cap for each map doesn't seem to work, I have SVM, Performance Improvements and SAIN. could you help me?
MoxoPixel Author
Any other mod that modifies bot caps will overwrite my mod. There are spawn mods, aio mods, etc that overwrite it—the only way to figure out which one is to remove features or mods one by one.
Yeah I figured out it would be easier to use a spawn mod
. Thanks for reply though
MoxoPixel Author
Yes tbh, this mod's spawn cap config is mostly for when new SPT versions are released and those other mods not are updated yet.
HEALTH doesint work but the rest is cool i set the hp multi to super low and they still take like 50 bullets rip
Hello, I’m using your mod Tarkov Midcore Server 1.0.5 and SVM - it has a maximum amount of coins GP 5000, bots sometimes spawn in their pockets with 5000 coins, please correct.
If you use the "color ammo" feature, M993 is "grey" - should be red. Slug AP20 is red, should be grey (i guess).
Could you implement the GP Coin override to allow more then 10 GP Coins in wallet/backpack restriction while in-raid? As addition to the GP Coin feature at all.
do i just drop this into mods?
As a feature request - lootable armband
The LostOnDeath config doesn't seem to be working for me. I do not use the softcore option in SVM. There's no debug logs or anything related to it so not too sure how to troubleshoot.
I have everything set to true besides scabbards, secondary, earpiece, and compass so I should be retaining my pistol and headset but it's still using vanilla behavior (armband, spec slots, scabbard). I'm loading TMS near the bottom of my load order as well, if that info is relevant.
This mod saved my (tarkov) life
Is it possible to increase the BTR stash size? Like i want to drop my completly full inventory in the btr and he brings that to my base?
that is included in SVM under raid settings
Thanks. But that wasnt part of SVM with 3.9
I will give it a look
@MonoPixe can you add an option to remove the restriction on putting cases in backpacks please thanks
MoxoPixel Author
I do not add stuff that is already available in SVM
when I posted this I was on 3.9 and SVM was 3.8 but it got updated now
@MonoPixel, Question about the config.json section for LostOnDeath. The ones representing and matching the sections of the [GEAR] loadout screen are pretty self explanatory (i.e. Earpiece, FaceCover, Backpack, Weapon...) as to what is being "saved". But what do these few represent??????? Also, what about items in POCKETS and SPECIAL SLOTS? Thanks in advance.
"Compass": ?????
Scabbard": ?????
"QuestItems": ?????
"EnableLostOnDeath": true,
"LostOnDeath": {
"ArmBand": false,
"Compass": false,
"Headwear": true,
"Earpiece": true,
"FaceCover": true,
"ArmorVest": true,
"Eyewear": true,
"TacticalVest": true,
"Backpack": true,
"Holster": true,
"FirstPrimaryWeapon": false,
"SecondPrimaryWeapon": true,
"Scabbard": false,
"QuestItems": true
MoxoPixel Author
questItems = quest items you need to turn in for quests, scabbard = melee weapon, compass = special slots.
MoxoPixel Author
Nice. Happy to help!
I believe your version of FUInertia makes crouch speed the same as walking speed, which is kinda funny to crab walk that fast lol
Dr George
If both this and SVM is installed at the same time, does one overwrite another? Honestly I just want to off inertia with this, but I'm not sure if it'll interfere with my SVM
MoxoPixel Author
If you disable lostondeath with setting it to false, the other options in config will not interfere with svm. Lostondeath interfere with svm ONLY if you enabled softcore option in svm.
MoxoPixel Author
so turn everything set to true to false except from inertia.
Curious how the bot health multipliers work if bots in the same "category" have different initial health values?
For example, with the default 0.7 value for boss health, hypothetically if Reshala normally has 300 health I'd expect him to have 210. And if Tagilla normally has 800, then he would have 560, is that correct? If so might I suggest that instead of a multiplier, to allow for bot values to be set to a single value across the board (for example set all bots to have the same amount of health as the player character, which I think is how Realism handles this).
That way squishier bosses in particular don't have to become way too weak just to make larger health pool bosses come down to a more normal level.
MoxoPixel Author
I can do that for a future update. It works like you described. For now, it's at least better than nothing.
I don't suppose you know the multiplier values for setting everything to have the same health? Or perhaps where I can find the vanilla values so I can calculate it myself?
BossHealthMultiplier 0.7 -> 0.58
followerHealthMultiplier 0.8 -> 0.7
specialHealthMultiplier 0.8 -> 0.58
pmcHealthMultiplier 1.0 -> 1.0
scavHealthMultiplier 0.7 -> 1.0
infectedHealthMultiplier 0.7 -> 0.45
This is what I calculated from the wiki pages, some bots will have slightly more health because the calculation is done for the lowest healthed bot in each category so as not to go below 1x health.
Thankyou changing bot health is crucial, as BSG vanilla ammo values are dumb