Instant Repeatables 1.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

New Daily/Weekly quests instantly.

Finishing a daily/weekly quest will instantly give you a new quest in that category.

  • Thank you for the update

  • Thanks for the update! This mod is essential.

  • Thank you Skulltag for this mod.

    Thumbs Up 2
  • @everyone: It's not related to this mod but please note that if you use Path To Tarkov, you will experiment some client crash when completing/changing a quest.

    I'm currently working on a fix right now but if you want to play PTT version 5.0.4 with this mod, please consider disable the `traders_access_restriction` option in the config.json file. Actually it does not fix the bug so wait for PTT 5.0.5

    Edit: This is now fixed in Path To Tarkov version 5.0.5

  • Thank you so much for updating the mod to 9.0! This is a must-have! Timed quests do not make any sense in SPT.

  • One of my favorite mods, and I tried on 3.9 but they changed a bunch of stuff so it doesnt work anymore

    • Should be ready to go now

  • Has anyone tried if this works on 3.9? Absolutely amazing mod!

  • will this be updatet to 3.9.0? really like to play with this mod especially with the new trader which is hard to level with his quests only

  • Would this be easy to downgrade to 3.7.6. or is that impossible? Waiting on moving to higher versions until more mods support it.

    Side note, are you able to instead of making it instant change it to say every hour or two?

    • hmm I don't remember exactly, but I don't recall having to make many, if any changes to update from 3.7.6 to 3.8.0. Try changing the version in the script and see if it works I guess :p

      And no, it's only instant. If you want to change the time it takes for the game to refresh daily/weekly you'll have to find that in one of game's config files.

      I think it's in this file: Aki_Data --> Server --> configs --> Quest.json.

  • Hey mate, looks good! Going to download and give it a spin regardless, but I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that only the weeklies refreshed? And the daylies just were normal? Thanks so much for any feedback!

    • I would think so. I'll look into adding a config file where you'll be able to turn on/off what quests will be rerolled.

    • Also please add configs for rewards and time to complete?

    • You can just edit those yourself in the game's config files. I edited mine so that they never give out item or rouble rewards but always grant skill exp in any random skill instead of just endurance, vitality and strength.

      Go to Aki_Data --> Server --> configs --> Quest.json.

      For dailies all the data starts from line 150.

      I don't know where weekly and savage starts since I modified mine. Just search for "Weekly" and "Daily_Savage"

  • Grabbed the dl, thanks.
    Anything like this for ending the lockout timer for next Trader quests?

    • You can edit that in the one of the game's base config files. Aki_Data -> Server -> Config -> Quest. Search for "resetTime". I think it only works for new quest though, after the original timer ends.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Nice! Thanks alot

  • Excellent! This is a great addition. Real-time timers always felt out of place in SPT.

  • I Can Do This All Day

  • Congrats on the first mod! Looks great, I've been wanting something like this for a while. I'll have to give it a try. Does it include scav dailies too?