Path To Tarkov 6.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

The Tarkov open-world experience

Interactable Exfils API 2.0.0 (or higher) is required!

Connect all available maps through the extract points, introduce a multi-stash system, and lock traders according to the player's off-raid position.

Dynamic Map Access

This is the main feature of Path To Tarkov: you have to travel between maps.


Exfils overhaul

You can choose between extraction or transits

PTT hidden maps

Exfils tooltips overhaul

Tarkov's tooltip template has been reworked to fit the current config.

PTT hidden maps

Restricted traders

You have to travel to see traders (with modded traders compat)

PTT hidden maps

Dynamic Maps compatibility

It works nicely with Dynamic Maps

PTT hidden maps


- README: this is the entrypoint for all other documentations, you can start from there.

- Frequently Asked Question

- Planned features

- Known issues

- Config for users

- Create your config

- Tutorial: create a config from scratch

- PTT config specification

- List of available vanilla extracts

- List of available player spawnpoints

- How to add Custom Player Spawnpoints


- Thanks to the SPT team <3

- Thanks to the Fika team <3

- Thanks to Jehree for making Interactable Exfils API

- Thanks to Jehree again to let me re-use the voucher feature from his Traveler mod
- Special thanks to Jehree for getting me into client-side modding

- Thanks to Fontaine for his contribution that bring us a way to allow scav extract to be used by PMCs

- Thanks to GrooveypenguinX for the hide traders client-side patch

- Thanks to rockahorse and GrooveypenguinX for continuing my work with Path To Tarkov Reloaded

- Thanks to Theta for making the first image.

- Thanks to adudewithbadaim for making the second image.

- Thanks to r1ft for his contribution. (+ addons mods PTT Extracts Requirements and Dynamic Time Cycle)

- Thanks to gabe_over for making Singler Player Overhaul mod (SPO).

- Thanks to Narcotics for his contributions.

- Thanks to averyc1876 for the drawio (image used in PTT 5.2.0)

- Thanks to everyone else to help me improve the Path To Tarkov experience.

If you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee.

  • Version 6.0.0


    Here is the transit upgrade for SPT 3.10.x with plenty of new features🎉

    Interactable Exfils API should be installed.





    • 🔥Added PTT transits
    • 🔥Added exfil prompts
    • 🎨Custom exfil tooltips
    • New default config based on NarcoticsConfig
    • Added new config: TrapTransits
    • Possibility to choose between several offraid positions on extract
    • Multilingual tooltips template (replacement for old Tooltips.json)
    • Possibility to give a name to offraid positions (with multilingual support)
    • Locked traders are hidden (can be changed in F12 BepInEx menu)
    • Added a lot of 3.10 modded traders in the default config


    • update all exfils for 3.10
    • update of factory spawnpoints
    • fix broken lab exfils
    • fix train exfils
    • fix FoundInRaid tweak

    Other changes

    • 🚀Full documentation here
    • 📝Tutorial: how to create a ptt config from scratch
    • Migrate configs to json5
    • ⚠️ Some properties are no longer available in the config and should be set by the player in UserConfig.json5 (read the doc about user configuration)
    • ⚠️ vanilla_exfils_requirements is no longer supported (you have to wait for the exfils requirements feature that should be for the upcoming 6.1)
    • unified player spawnpoints (shared between configs for easier maintainance)
  • Version 5.3.3

    Work for SPT 3.9.x


    I found another case of client crash + broken profiles because of repeatable quests.

    I rewrite the fix and now it should be completely resolved, sorry for those who experiments this bugs related to repeatable quests generation.


    • Repeatable quests can now be assigned to locked traders
    • Old corrupted profiles can now be restored
  • Version 5.3.2

    Work for SPT 3.9.x


    On this version, I reworked how locked/unlocked traders are handled.


    • Some traders were still locked even when their unlock quests has been completed (with traders_access_restriction set to false).
    • Uninstall procedure was not working as intended with traders and secondary stashes
    • Ref and custom modded traders are now correctly locked behind their quests.
  • Version 5.3.1

    Work with SPT 3.9.x


    Broken empty secondary stashes

  • Version 5.3.0

    Work with SPT 3.9.x


    ⚠️ Breaking change: If you reinstall PTT you'll need to delete the old config directory. now if you want to select an alternate config, please use the UserConfig.json to refer to the name of the config you want to use (it's the name of the directory, for example "Default" or "PathToTarkovReloaded")

    Run the server once to generate the default UserConfig.json file. then you can edit it from your side. it will allow you to select a config and make PathToTarkov updates without breaking your selected config.


    • Automatic validation of the loaded config on server start (your server will crash if the selected ptt config is broken)
    • Ability to select a config with UserConfig.json (this file is generated on first start of the server)
    • Add Sally trader in the default config (available in the bunker stash)
    • Add a default Tooltips.json file
    • Add a new respawn_at field in config that will allow config makers to change the offraid position when a player die without considering the initial_offraid_position (that is used at profile creation only in that case)
    • Add DevilFlippy config (with french translation on Tooltips.json)
    • Narcotics config: add DynamicMaps patch integration


    • A lot of various fixes on incorrect spawn points and offraid position across all alternate_configs
    • No more Fence gift when taking coop exfils
    • Default config: use the new Police Car spawn point when infil from prapor's stash.
    • Default config: spawn at Primorsky Vehicle Extract when the car is used to go on streets
    • Default config: added a KlimovStash to be able to do the "Cease Fire!" quest.
    • Default config: Factory Far Corner exfil replaced by ZB-1011
    • Narcotics config: enable Fence's insurance & define return chance
    • Narcotics config: add missing stash to Nakatani Basement


    • ability to set different config for different players

    Thanks to DevilFlippy and Narcotics for their contributions on this release.

  • Version 5.2.1

    Work with SPT 3.9.x


    - PTTR alternate config: broken office window spawn point on factory.

  • Version 5.2.0

    Work with SPT 3.9.x


    • Fika full compatibility -> Every player has his own offraid position
    • More connectivity between maps in the default config (D2 connected to Shoreline old bunker and Prapor's stash connected to interchange car exfil)
    • In the Menu, locked maps are not displayed anymore.
    • added option heal_always_enabled in traders config, in the default config it's enabled for Fence, so the offraid heal service will be always available. I thought that the experience was a bit hardcore without this (especially when using the Realism mod)
    • disable "run through" raid status
    • Add the ability to keep vanilla random spawnpoints on infiltrations using wildcard * notation
    • Tooltips.json from PTTR configs can be used
    • added Narcotics alternate config
    • insurance_return_chance can be set in the config
    • Added Ref trader available next to Skier
    • New config field override_by_profiles, this allow to change dynamically an user config according to the selected profile (fow now, only few fields are available to be overriden, please check the example alternative config to see the available fields list)


    • Ground Zero map was always unlocked no matter what your offraid position (bug introduced in 5.1.2)
    • Multistash now work as intended. this means money/items will be consumed from the correct hideout stash.
    • Proper migration of older ptt profiles when secondary stash is selected
    • Repeatable quests fix: I patched again the repeatable quests generation, this time it should be good.

    Other changes (won't impact you if you're not a modder)

    PathToTarkovAPI has been disabled by default because it won't work as expected since PTT 5.2.0 (not a big deal here because I don't know any PTT addon mod that rely on this api)

    Don't worry, If you are not a mod maker, it probably won't impact you.

    If you still want the path to tarkov api to be exposed, you can add enable_legacy_ptt_api field set to true in the json config


    ⚠️Do not downgrade to PTT 5.1 after you installed this or you'll experiment some troubles on game start with your profile . (If something bad happens just re-install the 5.2 and your should be good)


    Special thanks to Narcotics for adding PTTR Tooltips.json + the configurable insurance_return_chance + disable "run through" raid status

  • Version 5.1.2

    Work for SPT 3.9.x



    GroundZero map for high level players now work as expected.


    Note for config makers

    Under the hood, the config of the map sandbox is copied to sandbox_high (for both infils and exfils)

    If you want different infils/exfils for the high level map version of ground zero, you can still override this behaviour adding entries in the config with the location sandbox_high

  • Version 5.1.1

    Work for SPT-AKI 3.9.x


    • server crash caused by my previous repeatable quests fix (my bad, sorry for that if you experimented this bug in 5.1.0)
  • Version 5.1.0

    Work for SPT-AKI 3.9.x

    I improved the default config in order to add more connectivity between the maps.

    Updated default config

    • Added a path between shoreline and woods (car exfil)
    • Added a path between D-2 (reserve) and Safe Room (interchange)
    • Can infil/exfil Ground Zero from the Therapist stash (scav checkpoint)
    • health, energy and hydration regeneration enabled on all offraid position

    Please note that the previous config file is still available in alternate_configs/LinearPath directory if you liked it.

  • @everyone: Before reporting a bug, be sure to use the latest stable version of Path To Tarkov

    Please note no support will be provided for older version of spt (< 3.10.x)

    Read this before reporting a bug -> How to report a bug

  • Can we have a overview like in legacyv5 again?

    Or atleast a legend what means what :D

  • Hello. Looking at the , I'm confused with this identifier "Factory Gate" for the extract in Woods. The description says "Friendship Bridge (Co-Op)" with the link

    So was it a mistake or it's really Friendship bridge co-op = factory gate? (where factory gate I assume is this )


    • Not the mod author, but I ran across this while doing my own config, and as far as I can tell, this is actually an issue with SPT or maybe even vanilla Tarkov, as the extract is labelled like this in the vanilla SPT extracts file for Woods. It looks like when either BSG or the SPT team removed the Factory Gate Co-op extract, they just pasted the data for the Friendship Bridge extract over top of it and didn't change the name.

      Unfortunately, since the Factory Gate is now a vanilla transit rather than an Extract, we can't use it for PTT. There's technically an option to turn on vanilla transits in the config files, but PTT doesn't support them so it's not recommended.

    • Thank you

  • is it compatible with realism mod

    • Didn't test them in this version but they were compatible in previous versions so I think they are compatible now. I can't see how both mods can not be compatible each other

      Thumbs Up 1
  • This is a follow up from my last comment.

    The bug occurs even when I'm a PMC.

    SPT version: 3.10.5

    Path to Tarkov version: v6.0.0

    Server Log

    Client Log

    Default Config

    • Thank you for the report, unfortunately I don't know what happens here. you may have encounter an incompatiblity with other mods ?

    • Would it help if I sent my mods or will I have to bisect?

    • Well I don't have much time for PTT right now, it can help if you bisect to find the incompatible mod.

  • Sorry if I misread something, but when I extract (ex: Railroad To Tarkov) it resets my offraid position, giving me only Factory or Customs instead of Interchange or Streets.

    • Same here. No multistashes even tho its ON from the start...
      Well, more than that. Can't move to any other map, but :) I would say this is implied.

    • you might experiment this with a scav run.

      If it happens to you with a pmc, then it's a bug. I'll need more infos.

      Please read this -> How To Report a bug

    • I can tell you it is working for me now and I am not quite sure how I fixed it... I changed default to devilfsomething, played a bit (got out from customs/factory finally) then switched back to default and can confirm it is working no problem. Could be just a coincidence :) Meaning: I did something to fix it and dont even know what...
      Yes, I have alot of mods and still adding...

      I will make a test without swaping presets (default/nondefault) and let you know how it went

      Quick question tho, as this is a thing since I remember: is it possible to keep aaaaall the options as they are BUT just add one thing - ability to use armor repair kits? Right now you need lavatory to do that, so those kits are almost useless (very heavy; to find one out of main stash and then drag all the way to main stash would be a pain :/ )

      I would love to add lavatory to side-stashes/side-hideouts. Just for that :(

    • Thanks for letting me know how to fix it

  • sorry I have encountered a problem, 3.10 no other mod, health energy hydration recovery will be disabled by default everywhere,For example ZB-1011 in Default config

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Bro, you've done it again. Thank you and to all who helped Trap!

  • I know this would be a huge undertaking, but what would really complete PTT for me would be the ability to pay Fence to send items to my main hideout. It would obviously have to be balanced, but being able to hideout items, ammo, and mods to my main hideout would be a huge time saver in the mid-game.

    Thanks for all the hard work <3

  • Is there a way to set the main player hideout to all locations? (Just the hideout not the stash). I thought I remembered an older version having this option in the Config file. But I can't seem to find it.

    • nope it's tight to the main stash because there is no secondary hideout in ptt.

      I think this was a feature in Traveler mod.

      I think I can simply add a separate `access_via` option for the player hideout. stay tuned for more updates

      Heart 1
    • I tried to do my own little work around before I posted this comment, but I have extremely limited knowledge and wasn't able to get it to work right. I appreciate all you do trap, your mods are amazing!

    • Yeah if you edit the js directly it will be a bit complicated, you need to clone the repository from github to get TypeScript source if you want to contribute, don't hesitate to reach me on Fika discord if you need some guidelines here.

  • So I'm playing on the default configuration. When I go to the different trader areas say I'm going to skier at warehouse. It's not registering I'm at that location and going back into raid starts me in a different area. How or what do i need to change to fix that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • Look like a mod conflict or something. I'll need more details here, please read the pinned message above.

  • So, it looks like custom spawn points aren't working? I tried both methods listed here, and the server launches without errors and everything seems to work fine, but when I try to load into a raid with the custom spawnpoint selected, the game crashes to the main menu with an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

    I can upload my additional spawnpoints file and config file if it will help, but I've double and triple checked at this point and they look like they're supposed to.

    • all ptt spawnpoints are actually custom spawn points so it definitely work. I can help you to understand what's going on with your config/spawnpoints though

    • Right, I'll start with my config.json5 then.

      I debated only adding the parts of the file that were directly relevant, but decided to drop the whole thing just in case there's some tiny detail that's causing my problems. It's a WIP, but the game will load without errors with it in this state.

      And now for the added spawn points.

      First off, I know the shared spawn point file says that sandbox_high spawns will automatically be created from sandbox spawns, but it doesn't seem to work for me. When I fail to do the spawn point for both, the server wont start and I get "[Path To Tarkov Config] unknown player spawnpoint reference "First Spawn" for map sandbox_high" in the server console. Also, I considered that maybe it was just Ground Zero that was having the problems, so I tried creating one for Customs instead, and while the server will start in that case, when I try to load into a raid I get the same "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error as with the config above.

      What makes this really confusing is that it seems like the game is adding the spawn point just fine, because I have this in the server console: "Path To Tarkov: [675bd272000114172b2499f6] player spawn 'First Spawn' added for location sandbox".

      All of the normal spawnpoints seem to work just fine, for extracting and transits.

    • ...a week. It took me a week of trying to figure out what was wrong here just to realize I misspelled the word "Position". *Proceeds to slam forehead through desk.*

      Sorry for bothering you, and thanks for the help. I love the idea of this mod and am really looking forward to playing with it.

  • What exfils get you back to the main stash? I have ran from Shoreline all the way to Ground Zero with AI turned off so I could try all of the extracts. I have not been able to get back to my hide out, just the multi stashes. Or am I misunderstanding multi-stashes? *Edit* I am still testing extracts, but so far none take me to my personal hideout*

    • on the default config, main stash can be accessed using these off-raid position:

      - FactoryZB-1011 (customs)

      - FactoryZB-1012 (customs)

      - FactoryZB-013 (customs)

      -FactoryZB-016 (woods)

      Heart 1
  • Been waiting for this update! You do great work on this project, and I appreciate your dedication to it! Cheers!

  • Now I can actually use 3.10. Thank you :thumbup:

  • Regarding the update to 3.10, Im not an user of it (yet^^) but I knoiw it was a step for you to do before taking care of other mods that Im waiting for an update and THIS is azn awesome new!!

    Thanks a lot for all your work man, looking forward for what you 'll do, next


  • Is this still getting an update to 3.10? Should I keep an eye out?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • 3.10 version is on the FIKA Discord in #mod-releases>Path to Tarkov / Reloaded

    • what do you mean by that ? its the same version as on here on the fika discord.

    • No it's not, check the pins

    • Also if you find a bug on a release candidate please don't post it here.

      You can report a bug on github or on the discord thread that Ahtu mentioned.

      release candidates versions are mainly made for people that want to help me test the whole thing before the final release, so please READ THIS before posting a bug.

    • (EDIT: SORRY! I am dumb and stupid and just found it.)

      Thank you for the mod by the way !

      So I was just wondering (cause im a noob), when you say "pins" what do you mean by that ? Do you mean the pinned thread in the "mod-releases" tab inside the fika discord server ?

      Thanks again

  • hyped for 3.10 transit odyssey will do for now

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Will it be updated for 3.10?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Love this mod!

    Would it be possible to add a setting for Fika users to keep offraid positions together if someone dies and others extract successfully?

    Right now to group back up we would either need to head back to another map to group up before continuing or manually set the offraid position in a profile editor.

    For example:

    Map: Shoreline

    Person 1: Dies

    Person 2: Extracts to lighthouse

    After raid all users should have have the lighthouse offraid position.

    • I have something more flexible in mind -> on die, let the player decide which friend offraid position can be joined (or even choose to reset)

    • That sounds like a great feature Trap, I know it would be basically required for my group to reintroduce this mod as they find it tedious to keep traversing maps to play together again after deaths (filthy casuals). If there was a way to have a configurable cost for travelling back to other players that could be a nice alternative punishment for death in this system?

    • not sure what could be the punishment, maybe just loosing stuff is enough for most of players ?

      But I'm open to suggestion here.

  • I have an issue where none of the Labs extracts actually work

    • This is a known issue (it will be fixed in the upcoming v6)

  • hey, i want add some new exfil and infil position with new stash. how to add a new stash? i tried but i dont know how to do.

    this is my goal

    1. add RR point which move lighthouse <-> reserve <-> shoreline

    2. there are new stash with nothing. no traders, no items, just for emergency extraction or move fast each points. concept is mountain travle.

    firste one is done but second one is very hard. i cant add new stash. can u help me?

    • For the 2, I'll need more details on what's going on.

      I think you want to create your own offraid position + secondary stash. here but what is your problem ? you don't know how to do it ? or you experienced some bugs ?

      You can join the FIKA Discord in #mod-releases>Path to Tarkov / Reloaded if you want more direct support on how to make your config work :P

  • Guys, why am I unable to use any other extracts other than the two to Customs and Factory?

    • It's because the mod setting, you can use the config. jason in user files to add more extraction point.

  • I had to set the reset offraid position on death to false, since it's the only way to play on other maps. It's the only way to get shit done without a checkpoint system. And It's Nirvana. Now, you can't just die and 'go back home' you spawn on the last checkpoint always.

  • One thing I'm trying to figure out (I run 300 mods or so) is what's causing items to loose the FIR status when I take them out from a hideout and take them to another. Anyone know ?

    • This is a vanilla behaviour, the FIR fix on PTT is supposed to put the FIR status on all equiped items (if you survive the raid, then you deserve the FIR status on your stuff)

      I rewrote the FIR fix for version 6 and it works fine now.

    • No worries, I have a special mod that marks anything in your slots as fir if needed.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • You need to bring back the CHECKPOINT SYSTEM ! the letter for therapist !!!!!!!


      Thumbs Up 1
    • just change the reset offraid pos on death. I'm stuck on GZ (nakatani) for

  • This is THE BEST and ONLY way to start SPT (i have over 300 mods) but this is the ONLY START AND END for anyone ! My recommendation is to make "bypass_keep_found_in_raid_tweak" true by default, so that cheesing by default is not possible. I spent hours grinding down my mod list only to find this option was breaking my barter economy (softcore) mod.

    Heart 1
    • Was trying to figure this out as well ironically just today and heres your post. I'm running softcore as well. Turning this to "true" as you stated now makes it so i have to have the item found in raid if i understand correctly right? or is it vice versa?

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yea just change to the opposite of the default. Btw, is there any "Marked letter" like in Traveler ? What's the checkpoint system when you die ? If I wanna play on a map, I just get sent back to home base.

    • Let's try to play fika if you wanna. Let me know.

  • there is no extracts on streets.

    • which Path To Tarkov config do you use ? the default one ?

  • I'm not sure if my problem relates to Path To Tarkov, it's more of an open question

    I couldn't extract as scav from Customs Crossroads and Woods UN Roadblock using "selectedConfig": "DevilFlippy". Extract countdown shows, finishes, but nothing happens.

    I would like an advice, how could I debug this?

    • Ah yeah not 100% sure but I think scav can only take scav extracts, try to tweak the config and add a new exfils that could work with a scav.

    • Repeatable quests can now be assigned to locked traders

    Is this by default or do I need to enable this?

    • No this is not configurable and it will never be because I've had so much hard times to fix some client crashes related to repeatable quests.

    • Okay, was curious, thanks for the answer :)