Path to Tarkov Reloaded 5.2.7

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Path to Tarkov but for 3.8.3

  • Version 5.2.7

    • Fixed a Fika issue with multiple extracts causing offraid position to fail for some host/clients by converting the raidcache to a dictionary 😎
    • Tooltips are now available and editable - Note: configs from punknumber0's rip are compatible. All you have to do is take that config and rename it to tooltips.json and drop it in PTT's config folder.
    • Alternate configs included courtesy of Narcotics, Hollywood, and punknumber0 - these may have been updated so always check the Fika discord for the lastest of these configs.
  • Version 5.2.5

    • Fixed player spawn location for Player Hideout to actually be at the Nakatani Hotel.
    • Added new exfil and player spawns for the following.
      • Railroad to Tarkov <-> Interchange railway
      • Old Gas Station <-> Collapsed Crane on Streets
      • Old Factory Gate <-> Factory Office Window
      • Administration Gate <-> RUAF Roadblock on Woods
    • Added Russian locales graciously provided by For The Jerusalem
    • All exfils should now have at least an 8 slot stash.
    • Issue with the Underpass and Catacombs not taking you to labs should also now be fixed.

    Hotfix - Added missing stashes to Ragman and Emercom station on GZ.

  • Version 5.1.0

    Changelog -

    -Groovey fixed the broken insurance.

    -Added some additional stash points to ensure there is always a stash where there is a main trader. (gonna add more smaller stashes eventually to each point so you can sell trash to Fence.)

    -Added support for Artem, Lotus, HarryHideout, Scorpion, and The Machine.

    The Repeatable quests type error on brand new profiles still persists. Still looking into why. You can still use my work around method for this OR it will eventually bring you to the main menu after several minutes.

  • If you have issues. Do not just post an error code in the comments expecting me to provide support. You must tell me exactly how to replicate the issue.

    No modlist- no help

    No replication instructions - no help

    Auburn fan? - no help

    Heart 1
    • Does this work for 3.8.0? I know it states its for 3.8.3, but out of curiosity does it work?
      Thanks in advance for any info.

    • It SHOULD work on 3.8.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Cool, thx for the quick reply.
      Any ETA on the missing BepinEx folder?
      No rush of course & thx for updating this mod to work with the newer Tarkov.

      Edit: Disregard that I should learn to read; I see its in now.

    • Yeah I just uploaded it.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you appreciate your hard work!
      And I can see you also packed the entire package completely fool proof.
      I appreciate you my guy.

      Edit: I can confirm the mod does work with 3.8.0 as intended.

      Can we get a restriction limitation option so we can choose to disable to locked areas via a disable prompt in the config.json file?
      Appreciate it if you do.

      And one last thing the "MAP" button also still allows for bypassing of the locked areas, I figured that since this was a bug from the last older version that you may be able to fix this too.

      Again thx for fixing this mod up man!
      Went ahead & gave you a bug report here:…ed/#comments/comment43273

  • Can you tell me how to move the shelter to the customs office, the exit of the old gas station. Thank you

  • HI Rockahorse, greatly appreciate your time in reloading this excellent mod. Enjoying a playthrough with my kids, have a good challenging setup so need to be cautious even when just transiting to pick up/hand in tasks, so the extra depth from the RPG element is fantastic.

    I would like to enable post-raid healing at cars; I reckon Jaeger would be a decent field medic and I'm running my own Brutal Meds mod (my first!) limiting in-raid heals. I haven't been able to locate anywhere to change this - I'm a TypeScript noob so this isn't too surprising! My guess is this screen actually needs to be disabled when N/A (rather than enabled specifically) and possibly linked to presence of Therapist. Can you give me a quick pointer on where to look? I'm totally happy to take it from there myself, helps with the learning curve.

    Thanks in advance!

    Heart 1
    • Oh figured it out, nvm on the Jaeger healer bit. Cheers!

    • Most of the mod is configurable through the included config. Glad you're enjoying it. Groovey has been cooking a pretty sweet update for it as well. Stay tuned on that.

    • Yep I couldn't see it in the config - I'd previously used the derivative Traveler which did have a bool in config to enable medic for each trader. I added a couple of lines into trader-controller locally as it seemed too minor a change to do a fork (not familiar with GitHub protocols, I only dabble.) Look forward to seeing Groovey's work too.

      This has been another good learning experience :)

  • Do you know what would happen if I used SamSwat's Fire Support extract Helo with this installed?

    • Most likely scenario - You're not going to be able to move to any of the maps except the ones you were able to infil to at the start.

      Other possibily - It breaks your profile entirely

      SamSwat created his own stuff for that mod so the heli exfil isn't picked up by the game the same way the map extracts are. This is one of those things, that is possible to make compatible, but to the same extent making artificial water is.

    • got it

      I most likely will have to remove this from my mod list for the moment anyway since of the issues with pheecuh

    • I use this all the time. It puts you back to your last Off Raid Position.

      So... if you were at an off raid position that only has one spawn point, then that's the only place you can infil to.

      As long as you understand how it works, it works great.

      Also if you are playing with Fika, clients need to extract before Raid Host, if the Host leaves before, it nukes the raid for everyone else and you get all sorts of desync fun.

      Heart 1
    • thank you for this- I may use the sam swat mod it with ~pheeca~ without this mod

      Can all clients see the helo when it arrives in your experience ??

      I didnt think the air support mod was compatible with co op

    • There is a Fika specific one in that discord.

      Its per person, so noone sees anyone else's heli.

      Would be dope if it got synced at some point, as well as having the ability to assign a cost to it.

      We have also used it a a fix for desyncs, normally if someone disconnects they are kinda fucked, but with the heli they can just reset without alt-f4 and they keep the progress they have from the raid up to that point, so its kinda nice.

  • How do i move my hideout?

  • something about this mod is annoying me a bit. id understand not really changing this because of one lore obsessed dumbass but i feel like the traders should have a set location in a single extract on their dedicated map (with exceptions like peacekeeper being at un extracts). therapist is in the scav checkpoint on ground zero of course, and all the other traders seem fine but the only two that bother me is mechanic and jaeger. mechanic is literally meant to be inside of the camera bunker door on factory, and jaeger (considering the fact that his profile picture is in the woods and not a room) would likely be at the outskirts extract of woods. i dont really care weather or not these would be implemented as changes, but tis just bugging me a bit

    • Me too, is there a guide how to config files?

      I spend 6 hours and nothing works.

      Trying to set trader location of:

      1) Prapor | Acces only from Customs, Mill Base CP

      2) Jaeger | Acces only from Woods, Mountain Stash

      3) Mechanic | Acces only from Factory, Camera Bunker Door

      And spawn location of PMC.

      Another things looks fine for me

      If someone have a good guide or did it before - plz help if u can 👏
      I can try do it by myself, but i need proper explanation how to do that

    • These edits will be made in xzzPathtoTarkovReloaded\config\config.json

      There are 3 components to create map connections: Offraid Position, Exfiltration and Infiltration.

      Offraid Position (OP) is where you are stationed after extraction. These are Player-Created, and can be any name you like.

      Exfiltration* designates extracts for that OP. Valid names are found here: xzzPathtoTarkovReloaded\

      Infiltration* designates which map and spawn point is accessible from that OP. Valid names here: xzzPathtoTarkovReloaded\config\player_spawnpoints.json

      *Not all available exfil/infil locations are shown in these files. If necessary, you can find more extracts in SPT\Aki_Data\Server\database\locations

      You need to connect all of these items in a logical way, the OP will break if any Exfils/Infils are invalid or are overlapping with other OPs.

      In other words, 2 separate OPs cannot be connected to each other.

      Here is an example:

      *this is not a drag-n-drop script. You need to account for the lines I skipped and any necessary brackets/commas.

      This would put Prapor @ Military Base CP, and Jaegar @ Mountain Stash (dead end).

      You have to create a new OP for Jaeger, and you have to do the same for Mechanic in order to isolate him from the other Factory extracts.

      You can add more infils/exfils accordingly, Only adding 1 of them will create 1 ways.

      I hope this helps. DM me if you have any questions :)

    • Thank you!

  • The latest version, evac to mil base on streets seems to be incorrect in some way shape or form.

  • Hey I am back to comment, a second small image with the locations of modded traders would be helpful. Can be as jank as possible just something rudimentary.

  • Anyway to remove Streets from this system? My PC literally can't run it at all, even with Lossless Scaling, and having to travel through it or use a V-Ex every time I want to get from my main stash to anywhere else is just a massive headache lol

    • you would have to manually edit the config.json to reroute the extracts/infils to avoid Streets. There are files in that folder for exfil names and valid player spawnpoints. Make sure to backup anything before making changes.

      You could also try this mod: No Streets Quests

  • Hi! Absolutely loving this mod! Maybe you can help me? I am trying to alter some traders locations (f.e. move therapist from scav coop exfil to mira ave exfil). How can I do that? I've tried to alter config file in the mod folder but nothing happened. Thank you in advance!

    • u could simply change therapist "access_via": ["TherapistHideout"] to "access_via": ["EmercomToKlimov"] or "access_via": ["SniperPath"] or even create your own route and put therapist there

    • Redowz is correct.

    • Thank you, I will try it! Meanwhile maybe you also can tell me how to add custom traders? Specifically, Painter and Gambler.

    • ive put both of em in tunnels

      "PAINTERSHOP": {

      "// mod integration for painter": true,

      "// painter is available after extracting from Tunnel (shoreline map) or Lighthouse Tunnel (lighthouse map)": true,

      "disable_warning": true,

      "override_description": true,

      "location_description": {

      "ch": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "cz": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "en": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "es-mx": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "es": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "fr": "Entre le phare et le littoral tunnels",

      "ge": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "hu": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "it": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "jp": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "kr": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "pl": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "po": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels"


      "access_via": ["ShorelineLighthouseTunnel"]


      "gambler": {

      "// mod integration for painter": true,

      "// painter is available after extracting from Tunnel (shoreline map) or Lighthouse Tunnel (lighthouse map)": true,

      "disable_warning": true,

      "override_description": true,

      "location_description": {

      "ch": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "cz": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "en": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "es-mx": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "es": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "fr": "Entre le phare et le littoral tunnels",

      "ge": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "hu": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "it": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "jp": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "kr": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "pl": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels",

      "po": "Between lighthouse and shoreline tunnels"


      "access_via": ["ShorelineLighthouseTunnel"]


    • It worked, thank you! I've tried to write something similar myself but it didn't work. My guess is I was writing names of the traders wrong. Which file you took their names from?

  • can you play scav runs without issues,

  • I have removed the cleanRaidCache(); event in the runEndOfRaidCallback(); inside of the event-watcher.ts and tested it on 2 local instances and the raidCache.currentLocationName is no longer null for the second instance to extract but thats prolly going to cause some memory leak wutchu think m8 ?

    • but we are force to the same route since it seems to b server side so only 1 route

    • You're saying, with this adjustment, all clients will follow the host on world map regardless of where they extract themselves?

    • Check the fika server post for a beta build.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Testing now

  • if you extract while using fika one person stays in spawn but one goes to next area

    • He is aware of the issue. Did you receive the "null" error in the server terminal?

    • was this ever resolved?

  • Please, how to modify the main stash size ?

    • Use Server Value Modifier

    • you mean your hideout stash? that's done in your player profile.

  • how does fika work if one player dies but one survives?

    • Needs more testing - the error mentioned in the Fika tab has been triggered by this happening. But it's only been reported so far by two users. So if you run into this same problem you'll get some cool points for letting me know.

    • ok i will, but what IS supposed to happen under the circumstance that only one player does survive? also i shorelne getting extracts fixed

    • if only one person extract everything is gucci 100%, the problems comes after the first one extract. me and my buddies we just do a normal raid then after extraction everyone but the first to exfil load back in solo then freecam teleport to extract to set our raidCache.currentLocationName and get the right traders/stash/spawnpoints etc.

  • something that would be cool is by completing quest chains and/or building something in the hideout you should get access to traders from your hideout. It would be a neat progression addition.

  • how do i acess lotus and gunsmith? i cant.

    • You must go to where Lotus is located. Hovering over the question mark in their icon will tell you where they are.

    • thanks for replying i appreciate it

  • Any way to add an option to block the extract you entered from? Would love to play a variety of this where you can't play the same map consecutively, in other words.

    • then never go back the same extract u came from my guy :)

    • You can do this by going into the config and changing the infiltrations that have spawn points to which ever map you're trying to go.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is there any way to separate the hideout as another location? I would like to have the stash available anywhere but it would be cool to have the player hideout in one location for crafting.

    • The hideout already is already separated from the other stashes. You can only access it from the Nakatani Basement

    • Yep, the server i was playing had the stash available everywhere. Thank you for responding.

  • I have created a map - I have done minimal testing on this, so let me know if any location name is off / path is not correct.


    Heart 2
    • grazie fratello.

      I replaced the map on the Description page with this one. Looks great!

    • This is amazing.

  • Big THANKS ! Far better than the traveler mod :p

    • Just curious, why is that? They don't look that different to me from the descriptions?

    • If I had to make one's likely because he didn't have to wait for you to update it yourself. Or sift through a dumpster (reddit) to find it.

      There's several thousand flavors out here, amigo I don't know why you're choosing salt.

    • I wasn't, I was merely curious to know why he thinks it's better. Capish?

    • capiche*

  • hey does Custom Traders work with this mod or i have to do some editing ?

    • haven't had no issues with custom traders other than The Machine trader, it says I need to extract to Tarkov suburbs which isn't even a map yet

    • Yes Custom Traders work.

  • Making a detailed map based off the config file on the latest version - are there any plans to change the design / map location that I can keep in mind when I create this?

    • I do eventually plan to come up with a use for the exfils that aren't added in yet, but as for the ones currently in place I think they are pretty set for the most part.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • HAHQIQN.png

  • I am stitching the entirety of the Tarkov map from the maps we have if you are interested for exfil accuracy. I will post it here when I am done.

  • getting

    Path To Tarkov: end of raid detected for exit 'Sandbox_VExit'

    Path To Tarkov Error: raidCache.currentLocationName is null

    when second fika player extract resulting on not having access to multi stashes but somehow sees the right maps on map screen.

    • Same issue here. PM'd rock about it. I think he's working on it.

      Heart 1
    • u guys got it to work with the exact same mod setup on both fika user with multistash n traders?

  • Lotus says that she should be available at StreetsEvac, but she has "access_via": ["Boat"]" in the config.

    And while i was changing that i also noticed something very funny, therapist is available at "В лагере скавенов на нулевой отметке" which is "In the skaven camp at zero mark (the one used in construction)" and while i assume localization is currently at the lowest priority possible, i will still offer this for the russian translation:

    Prapor: "Между лесом и заводом"

    Therapist: "В лагере диких на эпицентре"

    Mechanic: "В бункерах ЗБ-*"

    Skier: "Между лесом и таможней"

    Ragman: "Между развязкой и таможней"

    Jaegar: "В машине"

    Peacekeeper: "В лодке"

    Priscilu: "Где-то между лесом, резервом и берегом"

    gunsmith: "Между маяком и берегом"

    Harry Hideout: "В эпицентре рядом с убежищем"

    Artem: "В лодке"

    Lotus: "Между городом и развязкой"

    Scorpion: "Рядом с военной железной дорогой"

    The machine: "Рядом с военной железной дорогой"

    Heart 2
    • Thank you!

      Happy 1
    • I noticed that you moved two traders "Peacekeeper is now at the UN roadblock and Skier sits between shoreline and customs" so when you get around to rewriting their location description or if you decide to add compatibility to more traders i'm more that happy to provide russian localisation for those.

      But if i assume that peacekeeper will literally be "At UN roadblock" it should be "На блокпосте ООН" and assuming skier is "Between shoreline and customs" it should be "Между берегом и таможней"

  • Path To Tarkov: profile saved: raidCache.isPlayerScav=false

    Path To Tarkov Error: raidCache.currentLocationName is null

    So, when playing with a friend using the FIKA mod this is the error I get when I extract and it doesnt update my (the host) off raid location. My friend is totally fine and his off raid position never messes up, just mine. Im not sure what could be going wrong and it's frustrating having to go through the same map AGAIN by myself to get my position updated.

    If you need more information to diagnose it, I'll happily provide it. Again, when playing by myself, it has no problem making sure Im at the right stash and can access the right traders, only when playing with a friend.

    Heart 1
    • If possible get a recording of this for me so I can see the process of it happening. Fika hasn't been fully tested with this mod so this will provide some good insight to get it fully compatible. Thanks

      Heart 2
    • I had to remove PTT from my FIKA server due to this same exact error. It is occurring when players are extracting, one player has no error and their off raid location is recognized correctly, then the other player extracting has the null error. It does not matter who extracts first, host or player. Also, in the last several days of playing, the host has had the null error and the player (client).

      I love this mod, I hope development continues, I'm completely aware in no way shape, or form, is this optimized for FIkA.

  • This is clearly still heavily in dev, but I can't wait until it gets cleaned up. I currently use the Traveler mod floating around on Reddit, and I love the mod but I think it could be massively improved. Just a couple thots, prospective features? Anyone please chime in:

    1) One thing that I think holds the mod back a lot and makes it clunky is that you have to physically go to traders in order to get quests. I think a good middle ground would be that you can manage quests with traders without being physically in their presence, but to buy and sell you would need to be there.

    2) I think the car / BTR / train extracts could be utilized really well for this mod, as in, if you take one of those you have the option to go to any infil on any map which that particular vehicle frequents. Example: car extract on Woods, you can now infil at Shoreline, Customs, Lighthouse -- but NOT your stash directly (which in the case of Traveler is defaulted to Customs garage). I think this could add a lot of depth to the mod for not a lot of work and cut down on the tedium of Traveler / PtT.

    Eventually I will just make this mod myself TBH, but it would be easier if someone else did it first. Plz.

    • Honestly, Jehree if you read this and could enlighten me on the relationship between the configs and the main patch in PTTExtracts (InitAllExfiltrationPointsPatch), I would start working on it because I think it's important.

    • "Eventually I will just make this mod myself TBH, but it would be easier if someone else did it first. Plz."

      You must work for Battlestate Games.

      Happy 2
  • So if using the map button bugs things out, would this mean this mod is semi incompatible with mods like Dynamic Maps?

    • No, I use it with Dynamic Maps, Raid Overhaul, and Jehrees new time system.

  • I'm happy to see this mod revived!

    After playing for a few hours, I have some feedback: Take it or leave it.

    • The Nagatani Basement position always spawns me closer to Mira on the otherside of the bank, It would be wonderful if it was a little closer to the other side of the bank, near nagatani.
    • It can be difficult to understand where extractions lead to, especially since some don't seem to lead anywhere yet. Jehree's Traveller addressed this by adding a small tooltip note to the o+o extraction menu, and definitely made the experience more comfortable as a player.
    • With Fika, when playing with a friend I'm assuming it is possible to die while your friend remains alive on a distant map, raising the issue of reconvening. I've read that there's a bug to skip to any map using the "map" button here in the comments. If it's possible to retain some amount of a skip mechanic to jump back to a friend it would certainly save many lonely uncomfortable raids.

    Thank you for all your hard work, I am excited to see small off-raid stashes for trading with fence and hopefully seeing every extract function to lead to a map or trader.

    • Some of the spawn points are going to be reworked once I get most of the game breaking kinks addressed. Especially the one for the player hideout. Since it really makes no sense for you to be that far away from the hideout once you leave. With Welcome to Tarkov the bug mentioned is addressed by simply hiding every zone you cant access from where your at. We might rip that and it to this. Might being the key word here.