Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 0.13.1
- gabe_over
Updating from 10.X DO require full mods purge!
Profiles from 10.X will NOT be supported.
Updating to 0.13.1 requires full mods purge.
PLEASE READ GitHub notes!
- Fixed Jaeger missing stock
- Changed "Welcome to Tarkov Pt. 1" quest objective.
- Removed 2 experimental modules that I left by accident that MIGHT have resulted In some issues.
Version 0.13
- gabe_over
This update MIGHT work with existing profiles, but most likely will not.
Fallow CAREFULLY installation instructions in Installation settings.
MODs UPDATE:- Flealock - Fleamarket unlocks after com center level 1, after updating to com center level 3 you unlock access to all traders.
- remember to have power ON! (might need server restart)
- Hideout Tweaks by Kobrakon - Resting, Heating, and Meditation passives reworked to increase max stamina/energy/hydration.
- No more passive regeneration from the air.
- SPO-LootProgressio - Loot spawn chance changes depending on player level.
- Early on the player will have to travel far from his Hideout to get better loot, but loot will normalize across all maps with player leveling!
- Time permanent. Once you pick a time you are stuck with it.
- If you cant access Factory that it's because one of the base time zones is locked. You still can click it and pick a time corresponding with your time.
- r1ft-BackpackResize - Huge rework of backpacks
- Fin's Big Rigs added to balance out "overcarrying" of chest rigs.
- Lua's The Gacha Box Trader - Lizard Scrap - Lizard opened his storage unit where he can gift you some random stuff.
- Lua-Spawn-Rework - Whenever you create a profile it will force change enemies to the opposite factions. No more helpful PMCs, and no more in fighting
- If you will continue having issues check #spo-updates and #spo-faq.
- Huge readjustment of Skils progression.
- Traders reworked
- Obtaining full auto weapons is a lot more difficult.
- Recol reworked
- Spread and gun recoil are a LOT easier to control but the visual kick is a lot more noticeable.
- AI adjusted to be more active, more corner peaking, longer alert timers etc.
- Heavy bleeds are very dangerous yet not super common, while light bleeds will be common frustration.
- Factory key was added as a gift from the first Lizard quest.
- Container progression updated:
- Alpha and Beta containers are now tied to Lizard quest lines.
- Gamma is still locked behind PK barter.
- Energy and dehydration rates adjusted.
- Readjusted food and drinks charges.
Huge thanks to the SPO community for testing, feedback, additions, and fixes! I could not continue working on SPO without your support
Especially huge thanks to Kobrakon, Ghost Pheonix, and R1ft for your custom modules and endless patience! -
Version 0.10.2
- gabe_over
- Trying to fix issues with people having blank traders.
- Download Valens Has The Power
- in-game press F12 and in "com.Valens.HasThePower" change values to:
- Customs 100
- Interchange 25
- Reserve 10
- Customs 100
- in-game press F12 and in "com.Valens.HasThePower" change values to:
- PTT DynamicTimeCycle Had an update. Please make sure to download version 0.5.
- If you will continue having issues check #spo-info.
- Flea lock - Fleamartke locked with Com center! Full credit goes to amazing Kobrakon
- Hopefully Fixed "trader locked from selling buying"
- Reduced Raider Spawn chances.
Version 0.10.1
- gabe_over
- Trying to fix issues with people having blank traders.
- Download Valens Has The Power
- in-game press F12 and in "com.Valens.HasThePower" change values to:
- Customs 100
- Interchange 25
- Reserve 10
- Customs 100
- in-game press F12 and in "com.Valens.HasThePower" change values to:
- PTT DynamicTimeCycle Had an update. Please make sure to download version 0.5.
- If you will continue having issues check #spo-info.
- Added new recoil changes!
- Guns have a tighter spread and less recoil.
- Visual recoil increased to increase the difficulty of keeping the gun on target.
Version 0.10c
- gabe_over
Fixed Bepnix folder - should not prompt "Trkov not installed"
Removed PTT DynamicTimeCycle - to comply with R1ft wishes - download manually at the end of the SPO installation process.
Updated PTT Extract Requirements
If you still have problems with buying/selling after updating to the newest Aki Configurator -
Version 0.10a
- gabe_over
10a tiny fix for starvation - bleed bug
MODs UPDATE:- Updated Whole pack to 2.3.1
- Removed Ereshkigal-CoreMod
- Removed Ereshkigal-AkiConfigurator
- Removed Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)
- Added Fin's AI Loader (FAIL)
- Removed SPT Realism Mod
- Added Readme with instructions on how to install SPT Realism Mod for those who still want to use it with SPO.
- Added Lua's The Gacha Box Trader
- Added PTT DynamicTimeCycle
- Added Kiki-MysteriousKeys
- Check installation process. Lot had to change!
- Time progress only in raid
- Changed player HP
- Adjusted Meds
- Adjusted Food and Drinks
- Adjusted Recoil
- Adjusted Inertia
- Adjusted Melee damage
- Rebalanced Starting profile
- Rebalanced OSP
- Added new "trader". Lizard Scrap - based on Lua's The Gacha Box Trader
- Adjusted Bleed damage
- Adjusted Stamina drain
- Adjusted Carry Weight
- Added quest that rewards Beta Container
Version 0.9.2
- gabe_over
- Updated Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)
- PMC should drop higher level dog tags
- REMOVED PTT Extract Requirements
- Many ppl reported not being able to use Car extracts.
- Added - but disabled by default - First playable tutorial quest for SPO and PTT made by Perrehkeet!
- Slowed down skill progression - people reported leveling too fast and unable to complete Jaeger masochist-quests.
- Rotation on Trader stock! Soon, you will see i.e. Prapor selling Ak47 for Roubles, later for barter other time not having it in stock at all!
- The tutorial Questline will help understand Path To Tarkov
- Secured Container unlock questline instead of the purchase-based economy!
Known Issues:
- Insurance with Fence can be dodgy. If you want to ensure make sure to use Prapor or Ragman.
- The profile might get "corrupted" after the update. Use the Profile editor method to fix.
- Very rarely you can spawn on the map with no EXFILs available. Just Alt+F4, that will save your gear, and extract again. (it happened to me twice within the whole SPO project testing)…web_id7057525120689309189
SPT-Aki Profile Editor
Version 0.9.1
- gabe_over
- Fixed misspelling of "user" folder within a package
- Fixed "," and "}" within Lua Spawn Rework pattern configs.
- 2 out of 3 files had errors, so it had 66% to produce an error, within my testing I was "unlucky" to keep on missing those odds. Sorry for the problem.
- Fixed Mod tag to 2.3
Version 0.9
- gabe_over
Temporary disabled download lint untill I figure out what I did fucked up
- REMOVED Le Kaiju - AdvancedModding
- too many issues. Install on your risk.
- 2nd Economy update
- All T2< ammo is locked behind barters. Current barter offers are temporary and will be polished with subsequent patches.
- 3 Distinct AI spawn patterns! Each raid had 33.3% of rolling one of those AI spawn patterns
- Scav - low PMC, Raider and Boss spawn chance - High Scav Activity
- Boss - Medium Scav, PMC, low Raider, high Boss spawn chance - Watch out for Killa and Tagilla hanging together!
- Raid - Low Boss/Scav activity, High Raider / PMC activity
- All those changes are subject to change - and that change requires your feedback!
- Rotation on Trader stock! Soon, you will see i.e. Prapor selling Ak47 for Roubles, later for barter other time not having it in stock at all!
- The tutorial Questline will help understand Path To Tarkov
- Secured Container unlock questline instead of the purchase-based economy!
Known Issues:
- Insurance with Fence can be dodgy. If you want to ensure make sure to use Prapor or Ragman.
- Profile might get "corrupted" after the update. Use the Profile editor method to fix.…web_id7057525120689309189
SPT-Aki Profile Editor
Version 0.8.2
- gabe_over
- Updated SPT-Expanded Scav Karma
- Fix to negative karma
- Fix to negative karma
- Fixed Flea Market available from level 5
- Tweaked Bot AI slower reaction times.
- Tweaked Spawn tweaks
- More AI throughoutraid duration (need feedback. A lot of feedback)
- Tweaked Bot Loudouts
- Less optics on AI
- Tweaked AI - I'm in the process of reworking spawns myself but for now, using config provided by Chao~ (it seems to work better from my early attempts of tweaking 😅)
- Tweaked Damage Over blacked limbs - from 0.1 > 0.25 (vanilla is 1.0)
- Fixed Dehydration and Bleed damage to actually do anything. (Need feedback)
Known Issues:
- Can't Insure MIC case.
- Insurance being locked as the price to Ensure drops to 0 - Cant replicate and find fix
gabe_over Author
If you want to install SPO after SPT Realism is updated to 3.0, you have three options:
A: Delete SPTR from SPO
B: Ask someone on Discords for SPTR 2.4 (because it's no longer available)
C: Wait for me to release the updated version
I don't have old versions of SPT Realism unfortunately, I just push stuff to my github, and upload the updated file to mediafire. In future I will upload versions separately with their version number in filename.
gabe_over Author
Any plans to bring this mod up-to-date?
Did this mod die?
Kobrakon Author
Quick heads up for anyone still interested in SPO, currently in the process of rewriting for the latest AKI ver
will take some time but it's on its way
You can check the progress here
Is this still being worked on? Loved this mod collection!
How are things coming along with this rewrite? I saw the last time any changes were made was 5 months ago. Any eta or update on the current standing of the mod?
can i somehow disable path to tarkov? Aftere deleting mod i have acces to traders but they are blank untill i extract like with the mod installed
see two
Hello there. I really enjoy this modpack's concept and follow the development on YouTube videos. I particularly enjoy the backpack changes and am curious if we could get that as a standalone mod? Or at least tell us which particular file in the modpack changes the backpacks, please. I've tried "bigger backpacks" mod and it's not the same, I'd like to be able to use reworked backpacks without the rest od the modpack when I play with other mods.
Been getting consistent crashes to desktop with the same errors every time. I've been disabling mods here and there to try to find the culprit, but with no success.
Here's what the error looks like - Error Screenshot
I can't seem to figure out what causes it in game, so I can't recreate it. It happens 10 minutes in to every raid, but rarely I can make it through an entire raid without the issue occuring. Most recently I tried to equip an M1A from a dead guy's inventory and it crashed to desktop immediately.
Appreciate your work, looking forward to exploring the mod once I get it stable.
Secure container progression would make a good standalone mod
i dont understand how to install it
it keeps saying mission package json
Single player overhaul edition doesnt show up in the launcher. I followed all the instructions, except for installing SPT realism. Please help me.
Hello, do you have a working Discord Link? I left it by accident and cannot find the Link again. The Link a little below in the comments, not working...
CoreMod is down/deleted it seems.
It's in Ereshkigal-AllinOneMod
then scroll down to HOW TO INSTALL then u will find a link it's odd that its mod page is gone
Just want to ask, is it normal that on Factory Tagilla rushes straight to me every raid.
If no is there a way to reduce boss spawn rate ?
Ereshkigal-Coremod link seems to say file not found
NVM Found it
It's in Ereshkigal-AllinOneMod
then scroll down to HOW TO INSTALL then u will find a link it's odd that its mod page is gone
can i get a link for the discord??
Is there a way to disable the path to Tarkov parts?
Where can I get the link for the discord?
guys i installed SPO followed all instructions then i run server exe and client made a new account but i dont have the option single player overhaul? The only thing i skipped was the stuff about realism mod which i didnt install even.
ME too!!! somebody answer this man
1. Seems like [DEV version .15] kills some of the trader items or I just missing something. if it's normal, I can exchange the [Rotor 43 9x19 muzzle brake-compensator] at [Skier] with a [Can of Majaica coffee beans].
But now it has gone, If I am lucky enough I can find one but now I need to find it on the map it's hard.
The item needs to finish the mission [Welcome to Tarkov Pt. 5]
2. Fence doesn't sell anything .
Anyone knows why i'm not able to sell anything to prapor, therapist or mechanic? clean EFT install, clean AKI, clean SPO, I've left the Woods through Factory Gate - but im not able to buy anything from them (like sell tab doesnt work - quests also..)
Got the same problem even after disabling Path to tarkov thinking it was the issue
EDIT : I found the issue : Try to disable the super item mod and it should be fine
Thank you!
Forgive my ignorance. What is the super item mod?
Gunsmith LL2 Error
Whenever I try to remove empty fuel tank from generator, I get this error:
[Client Request] /client/game/profile/items/moving
[ERROR] Trace:
TypeError: Cannot set property 'upd' of undefined
at Function.takeItemsFromAreaSlots (C:\xxx\EFT\obj\src\controllers\HideoutController.js:232:13)
at Object.takeItemsFromAreaSlots [as aki] (C:\xxx\EFT\obj\src\callbacks\HideoutCallbacks.js:24:34)
at Function.handleEvents (C:\xxx\EFT\obj\src\routers\ItemEventRouter.js:26:30)
at Object.handleEvents [as aki] (C:\xxx\EFT\obj\src\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.js:9:53)
at Function.getResponse (C:\xxx\EFT\obj\src\routers\HttpRouter.js:26:26)
at Function.sendResponse (C:\xxx\EFT\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:149:33)
at Inflate.cb (C:\xxx\EFT\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:195:32)
at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)
at Inflate.emit (events.js:315:20)
at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)
After restarting, empty tank is still at its place.
Every now and then all Extracts just stop working. Has happened on Woods and Customs.
Kolia Huang
After update to 0.15, the "all examine" is disabled.
And Fence doesn't sell anything.
Gunsmith, the new merchant, only sells GP coin.
Kolia Huang
Why only USEC spawns?
All PMCs wears red armband, but they carry USEC dogtags.
Is it normal that the a.i. just stops working sometimes? Like they will just stand in place, or run into each other.
They will also only chase if they're bosses, like Killa or Tagilla will chase me down, Scavs or PMC's will just stand still, or at most, go into cover.
Also, are there any usec spawns? Have yet to see one.
Also a few tid bits of feedback;
The Superitem mod breaks a bunch of traders.
Snipers seemingly never miss, not sure if intended but its quite annoying.
Interchange seems to have no/too few spawns inside of the mall. 4 Runs, and i have a combined 3 kills, and each of them was at the car extract.
Examining items is broken. The stats are all messed up and when you try and close the window it just breaks and a blank window gets stuck on screen until you force quit.
please help me with this
can you enable flea market somehow? i tried with the ServerValueModifier by setting the fleamarket unlock level to 1 but it doesnt change it i still cant access the flea market until level 99
I made the same adjustment.
It seems that it will be reflected if the above part is changed.
gabe_over Author
Just build Com center
i got the flea market to work by changing the 99 to 1 but now i cant list any items or buy anything because its all blacklisted -_- is there any way to remove the restrictions
Go to
right click and edit "index.js"
right above "// Removal of Run Through" almost at the bottom there will be a line that says
"items[i]._props.CanSellOnRagfair = false"
set to true and save
If it doesn't work, remove the lines entirely so it looks like this:
// globals.config.Stamina.BaseRestorationRate = 12
// Removal of Run Through
after that you go to flealock (user\mods\.SPO\mods\flealock) and change the two lines that say:
globals.RagFair.minUserLevel = "90" to the desired level
and now you should be able to sell on the flea.
Have you thought about rebalancing the traders' sales sum? As most of the selling price to traders have been decreased and most of the things from traders are for barter instead of purchasing with rubs, the sales sum of traders seen to be a little bit difficult to reach.