Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
What is HANB?
HANB allows you to reset your hand controller and certain queued events in the inventory controller to get out of the "Hands are busy" bug. It works best if you have a weapon equipped and use the hotkey as soon as the bug happens. Stay calm, don't and simply press the hotkey to fix your hands.
Can I change the hotkey?
Yes, in the Configuration Manager (F12) you can change the hotkey. Default is 'End'.
What should I avoid doing with HANB?
Do not spam the key, click it once gently and wait. Clicking it in rapid succession will most likely cause more harm.
What do I do if it didn't work or want to report a bug/incompatibility?
Report the exact steps you were doing to make your hands get stuck, and provide a log file so that I can try to reproduce it and add support for that specific scenario in the mod. "Hands are busy" is a very complicated bug to fix and this is a hacky workaround. So far it has been consistently working for me as long as the explained steps are followed.
How do I install/uninstall the mod?
Extract/remove the 'HandsAreNotBusy.dll' file to/from your BepInEx\plugins folder.
Version 1.5
- Lacyway
- Updated for 3.11
Version 1.4
- Lacyway
Updated for 3.10
(thanks Archangel for the update)
Version 1.3
- Lacyway
- Updated for 3.9
Version 1.2
- Lacyway
- Fix freeze when looting items after fixing your hands once
Version 1.1
- Lacyway
- Replaced reflection with property
- You can now use HANB when accidentally queueing a discard on an equipped weapon
Version 1.0.0
- Lacyway
Is "Hands are busy" the usual culprit if you were to loot something at the exact same time a scav does and then lose the ability to pick up items, or start drinking something off the ground that a scav also started drinking and then being unable to sprint until you drink something else?
Lacyway Author
Sounds like something that could happen; yes.
Alright, because that's happened too frequently on scav runs for me, so this sounds like a must-have mod. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question!
Take Kei-Tec RFB on the raid + ammo but not intro magazine. When you will in raid press Reload. Without any animation the ammo will be loaded and you will can shoot. In Inventory stack of ammunition will have animation as if it loading into a magazine but without loading circle. Such a stack cannot be edited in any way.
After using the shortcut for reset animation in logs is printed this:
[Info :HandsAreNotBusy] Cleared 3 stuck inventory operations.
There 3 because ammo was take from 3 stacks. If HANB can fix it via shortcut then i think this is right place for report.
Lacyway Author
I'm not following.
Does HANB not fix it?
if use a shortcut, then yes. I thought you make these thing to work everything automatic.
Lacyway Author
I finally narrowed down my bug to this mod. Occasionally my hands will be stuck as busy and I can't reload, change weapons, or do anything so I end up dying in raid. I imagine there's some kind of race condition, but either way I haven't had the issue since removing this mod.
I'm using open the damn context menu instead and it works much better.
Lacyway Author
What are you saying? What was your issue?
This mod does absolutely nothing until you click the key, so unless you had issues after clicking it, there's literally nothing this mod can do.
Still hands busy when canceling healing.
This mod does something, but i'm stuck in animation like when you check your inventory. Inventory doesn't work, F interactions doesn't work. You can only extract
No idea why this mod on 1.4 version doesn't allow me to go into hideout.
Sorry if this isn't relevant, but will this fix a bug I've gotten a couple times? I'm in an animation i.e.; healing then cancel to a weapon, the swapping ani. will play in slow motion then I'm unable to do anything in a raid at that point besides extract, can't swap weapons, open inventory, or even open any menu besides escape key.
Lacyway Author
That sounds like busy hands, yes.
you can queue up reload animation while doing something else to get your hands stuck and this didnt fix it,(3.7.x)
Lacyway Author
This mod is not for 3.7.x
Can you reproduce it on 3.9.x?
After installing this DLL - multiple files in my user/mods folder were randomly deleted
I actually have to completely re-install to fix the crashes in the server because a bunch of random files are now missing from spt data as well
just died to busy hands. time to install this mod now
this mod does free hands but when i try to pop a propital,it busy again,culprit is propital!
Ive downloaded the latest version today, i have made sure its all in its correct folder and my game gets stuck on the intro screen? - When I remove this file the game starts up fine. Any suggestions? - this hands busy is getting frustrating now
Lacyway Author
Are you trying to use the 3.9 version on 3.8.3?
lifesaver !
This mod has saved me in many scenarios:
I just press END and boom, problem solved. Thank you for creating this (in-game) life saving mod! Great work
Thank you for making this mod! I am a Chinese player and I want to ask may I repost your mod to our website? Of course I will indicate the source and your name
Lacyway Author
The license allows you to share it, as long as credits are given and when it's my original files being shared.
Thank you again!
Is this mod compatible with Spt Realism Mod?
Lacyway Author
I don't see why it wouldn't be. Try it and see
Getting the bug where I can't pick items up at all after using your mods function.
In my case I accidentally pressed "END" whilst trying to zero my optic, and afterwards I could no longer pick up anything.
it seems that with the other people facing this issue as well, it may very well be caused by your mod.…dMhx7cDJf5NLubvXemeauXE2X
my log file attached here.
Lacyway Author
Thanks, I'll take a look at the log when I have time.
I've had the same happen when using the mod while not having the actual bug.
Lacyway Author
Hey again!

Thanks to your log I was able to fix it. Uploading a new version now
Awesome! Thank you! glad I could help!
You've done the impossible for BSG, thank you!
Absolute legend of a mod, works flawlessly!!!
The fact you fixed what BSG doesnt is a godsend
Hegot Drip
I tried to use the KORD machine gun in Ground Zero and I was bugged! I had to reset my SPT! I hope this lets me use the KORD or at least be able to try it and leave it without having to crash my game.
Lacyway Author
Were you bugged with "Hands are busy"?
Hegot Drip
I don't know, there was no pop up that said "Hands are busy" when I tried to get off of the KORD. But when I used the default END hotkey when I was frozen after pressing F to get off the machine gun, I could leave the KORD and continue playing.
So the mod worked and I could leave the bugged emplacement.
Do you figured what mod caused the static machine gun to be bugged?
I face the same problem, and it's a bit annoying
Dk where the reviews tab went on mods but just wanted to comment to say I'm an impatient idiot that constantly gets this bug cause I tend to reload mags while topping off other mags pretty consistently and just tried it; worked flawlessly and I had a huge grin appear on my face. Nice fix to a game-breaking bug finally $
Lacyway Author
Thank you! I am happy that it worked for you.
As I mentioned in the overview, the bug is very complicated so if you ever run into a scenario where it does not work, do not be afraid to reach out and I'll see if I can add support for that specific sequence of events.
Guys, does anyone have problems picking things up from the ground after using this function?
Lacyway Author
Send me your log files and I can take a look. Might be a bugged MovementState.
\AppData\LocalLow\Battlestate Games\EscapeFromTarkov\Player.log
Here's a player.log from an occurence like this
I've been having a similar issue if not the same issue and was curious if it had anything to do with this mod, where sometimes when i try to pickup items off of the ground my character is stuck in place and cannot move and i have to alt f4 the game
Lacyway Author
Sorry to both of you, I did not get a notification on your comments.
This happens without the mod, or can be caused by another. I've had it happen a few times without "Hands are busy".
The past above is expired, mind sending a new one?
Lacyway Author
This has been fixed in the latest version!
i love you
Actually exceptional mod, and surprised it didn't come sooner!
Busy Hands is a HUGE issue in just about every survival game I've played and EFT is no exception. Hell, it even happens on live sometimes.
Seems to function great too!
I don't understand what this mod does. In simple words, please explain what this mod does.
There is a bug in tarkov called busy hands, that happens sometimes in certain situations, like for example if you enter as a scav, enter your inventory and try to reload by using the right click reload on a magazine if you don't have enough space in your rig and BOOM you got busy hands and now you cannot do anything in the raid, you can't open doors, you can't use meds or eat food, you can't shoot or reload, this mod tries to fix that by clearing the queue for using items.
I have a feeling this will come in HANDY!
ha.. ha ha...
I'll see myself out
Is this real life?
No, it is just fantasy.
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality...
Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see...
Timely rain!