Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
Version 2.2.1
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.11.x
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed randomized stock / buy restriction not correctly updating flea offers
Version 2.1.1
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.11.x
3.11 Update
New Features
- Now sells FIR items
Bugs Squashed
- Fixes to buy/stock randomization
Version 2.1.0
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.x
3.10 Update
- Updated Harry to MongoID
- Updated reference code to utilize MongoID
- Increased prices slightly
Version 2.0.0
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.X
Code Refactor
Harry will now always have the items required for any upgrades in the Hideout - even if they change in future updates
Harry will always charge prices reflecting flea price (load after Live Flea Prices if you want those)
Blacklist to prevent adding currency or christmas ornaments
Stock Randomization configs are now async
Version 1.2.0
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.X
Update to 3.9.0
Version 1.1.0
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.8.X
- Changed useBarter to default false.
- traderRefreshMin (Default: 1800, Adjust this to change minimum time in seconds for a trader refresh)
- traderRefreshMax (Default: 3600, Adjust this to change maximum time in seconds for a trader refresh)
- If realism is installed, the following 3 settings will automatically disable.
- randomizeBuyRestriction (Default: false, Change this to true to randomize your buy restriction counts. Will never be lower than 1)
- randomizeStockAvailable (Default: false, Change this to true to randomize the available stock of each item, will also roll for outOfStockChance)
- outOfStockChance (Default: 25, Percent chance an item will roll "out of stock" when randomizeStockAvailable set to true)
Version 1.0.3
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.8.0+
Added minFleaPrice variable to align prices more accurately (should be closer to cheapest prices)
- Moved Wi-Fi Camera (lol) and Scav Junkbox to barter system
- Wi-Fi Camera barter is 3x MS2000 Marker & non-barter price is 37,189 Roubles (instead of 800k+)
- Scav Junkbox barter is 2x BTC & non-barter price is 1,081,368 Roubles
Development on this will likely be limited to minor changes as I move to another project. If you have any issues or suggestions you can throw them in the comments for consideration! -
Version 1.0.2
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.8.0+
Added enableConsoleDebug config option
- Refactored items.json to allow editing barter cost & item requirement
- if useBarters = true, then the barterItemID & barterAmount is used to control the requirements and price is ignored
- if useBarters = false, then the prices for items are pulled from items.json "barterItems" & "nonBarterItems"
- This does not support adding multiple barterItemIDs for a single itemID yet - don't do it
Version 1.0.1
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.8.0+
- Add mathRound to disabling barter code to prevent partial ruble spend
- Move mathRound in non flea pricing to prevent partial ruble spend
- Move mathRound in flea pricing to prevent future issues
Version 1.0.0
- acidphantasm
This version will only work for SPT 3.8.0+
- Initial release for 3.8.0
i love you. harry hideout.
what a nice mod i need !!!!
ModLoader: Error when loading async mod: Unable to find trader: HarryHideout in database
Error: Unable to find trader: HarryHideout in database
at DatabaseService.getTrader (C:\snapshot\src\services\DatabaseService.ts:306:19)
at TraderHelper.getHighestSellToTraderPrice (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\TraderHelper.ts:482:53)
at Function.updatePrices (E:\SPTarkov 3.9.8\user\mods\zzDrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices\src\mod.ts:134:50)
at Mod.postDBLoadAsync (E:\SPTarkov 3.9.8\user\mods\zzDrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices\src\mod.ts:46:24)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:51:60)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:26)
It shows this error. What am I suppose to do?
acidphantasm Author
Fix your load order. Live flea prices must load after all trader mods, that's why the folder for it has a bunch of zzzs in front of it.
It Fixed after change my Load Order. Thanks!
Is it possible to get version or a file to swap so Harry DONT sell items that are black listed on flea?
e.g remove Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier Unit - as is NOT sold on flea
acidphantasm Author
That's not an option currently, but could be in the future. They are in his assort automatically because they are required for hideout upgrades or construction.
Any idea why I would be getting the error "Unable to generate flea offers for trader Hideout Harry, no assort found"
acidphantasm Author
Did you change any of the config or edit the assort?
No. I completely deleted the mod and reinstalled it with same error
acidphantasm Author
Without your logs I'm not sure how I can help. If you are on the SPT Discord I can provide better assistance there in the #acidphantasm-mods thread in #mods-development. This mod is validating working on 3.9.4 so you probably have a mod conflict or load order issue.
3.9.8 is me too, and no item for this trader.
acidphantasm Author
If HarryHideout doesn't have an assort then you have a mod breaking it. The assort for him doesn't exist until the server starts and loads HarryHideout, so if a mod is trying to alter it before it exists I could see that breaking it.
In addition to this - if you have a mod removing the requirements for building/constructing things in the hideout...he won't have an assort.
Not sure if I'd consider this an issue since you're able to change the values of how much the items are worth, but if you buy the Pipe Grip Wrench it will sell for more than you bought it for.
acidphantasm Author
Is this selling it back to Harry or any vanilla trader?
If it's Harry, it's a leftover from the original iteration of the mod. There's no reason you can sell anything to him and I'll probably adjust that for the next release.
you can sell it for profit to both therapist and harry
Missing a Cat Figurine and Fleece Fabric required for Hall of fame.
acidphantasm Author
Thank you, I'll get them added soon
acidphantasm Author
3.9.0 finally fixed this. Harry should now always have whatever items are.needed to construct/upgrade an area.
acidphantasm Author
If you were one of the 8 people to download 1.1.0 when it first released, sorry. Wrong mod zip! It's fixed now.
Something interesting to note, if you ONLY buy the items from your trader, from 0-100%, the hideout costs a total of (I've converted the 225k euros and 25k dollars to roubles for this) 84,391,398 roubles. I spent like 8hrs of my day today doing all of the math to get it 100% accurate. Minus the hall of fame as the items aren't sold by Harry.
acidphantasm Author
Oh no I've missed some then. I'll look at adding that in a patch!
Interesting to note that it costs that much, I didn't bother doing the math just tried to make everything available pre-15 (even though most upgrades you'll do later)
I spent like 8-9 hours straight doing the math on it and doing all the conversions lol, I was bored and curious, figured you'd get a laugh out of it.
I play with flea disabled until level 55 (where it unlocks with 0 restrictions). This mod is the only way I can progress through the hideout at all.
very helpful, thank you !
Is it possible to change the quantity of items to personalized values and use the restock timers ?
im asking because i wana tweak it for a more hardcore playtrough !
acidphantasm Author
You would have to edit the mod yourself, I didn't do the assort in the most easily customizable way.
The prices can be adjusted in the config - the quantity cannot.
I'll look at creating a hardcore config option. Maybe. I'm mostly focused on my quests trader Scorpion right now
acidphantasm Author
I've added some hardcore configuration options in the latest release, the randomizeStockAvailable will change all items to be between 1 and 25 available per refresh.
I've also included the ability to adjust the refresh timers.
you are a wizard harry
Extremely grateful for this mod existing. Thank you for it.
I was waiting for a successor to hideout helper since 3.8.0 dropped. Glad to see someone taking up the helm