Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.4.4
- Devraccoon
Updated to 3.9.0
Version 1.4.3
- Devraccoon
Devraccoon Author
Remove FIKA before you comment about any potential issues with this mod.
Great mod
Is there any way to disable auto-stretch to 16:9 resolution?
Devraccoon Author
That's out of my hands unfortunately, since I ported this but didn't edit the code. You could find a way to crop the wallpaper into 16:9.
I can't make the video in splash folder work, tried alot of format and size, nothing goes.
oh myy ive been waiting for this to be updated. its early versions was before my time.
now i can try it!!
this mod is GOAT
Somehow does not work atm.
No errors no nothing just does not replace the image.
Devraccoon Author
It works fine for me on 3.9.0 when using JPEGs in the environment folder.
i just double checked 5 times and thats exactly what i did the last time i used it in 3.8.3.
Its even the same pictures as i used before.
using the latest version of eft api, the latest version of your mod and the last version of spt 3.9.2
The current EFTAPI doesn't work with this mod or Game Hud, here is a link to the fixed one on the FIKA Disc, didnt realise it also fixed this mod until I istalled it lmao:…55539/1264106338431008821
Here is an album of pics I use for this.
lord of wolfgirls
is this one supposed to do the same as the kmhkyui's mod where it rotates environments after each raid?
if not, could that possibly be implemented?
Devraccoon Author
After each raid I do not know, but it does cycle between each restart.
works on 3.7.6?
給任何無法使用的人,把下載下來的檔案放在\BepInEx\plugins\kmyuhkyuk-EnvironmentReplace,背景放在environment,過場動畫放在splash,開始遊戲前到SPT LAUNCHER的設定中清除快取,檔案用JPG與MP4都可以
Give the downloaded files to anyone who cannot use them. Place the files in \BepInEx\plugins\kmyuhkyuk-EnvironmentReplace, with backgrounds in the "environment" folder and transition animations in the "splash" folder. Before starting the game, go to SPT LAUNCHER settings and clear the cache. Files can be in JPG or MP4 format.
Devraccoon Author
Neat! I would've never thought that the cache would've been a problem.
I'll put this in the Overview. Thanks!
anyone gotta good collection for this because i have no idea what to put in my splash folder
I wish i could get this mod working. Adding mp4 files to both locations does nothing for me
I have every feature working 100% Spash screen is changed, upon loading main menu the screen changes to environment. I have images and videos working at any rez. Took me the night to figure it out but it was simple once I took a look at logs.
How did you fix it?
yeah how did you fix it please
eftapi needs to be updated for this to work. Spt discord has a temp fix. thats where i got it working, someone posted it there.
This is an awesome mod. I am gonna get really creative with this one. I haven't been able to get the video to work. Any specific format or size/time required? Thank you.
Never mind. I figured it out. It works on environment but not on splash. At least I haven't figured out how to yet.
Devraccoon Author
Splash does not work for me either, it's not really a problem for me though
Yea, I'm ok with it. I'm gonna make a really cool video for the environment section.