Penguin's Drug Collectables 1.0.2

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Brand New Drug Items To Find And Sell! - DISCLAMER - (I don't support the actual use of drugs, this was just a mod idea i used as a basis for learning items)

  • i need my coke, 3.9 please :p

  • Praying for this to be updated for 3.9

  • This an Important Mod that needs an Update.

  • lets see it happen!

  • 3.9.0 update when?

  • I am on 3.8.0 currently and using SVM to modify my loot rates. Is it possible this is preventing my contraband from spawning?

    I was also wondering if you can give a bit of context for loot probability and the scale it exists on. Is the default value of like 650 (iirc) extremely rare? What would constitute an extremely common value?


    • Any mods that effect loot rate can possible effect the mod

    • I'm sure it's SVM related. Thanks!

      It's just odd because the doom toys mod you made works just fine. I'll toy around with possible incompatibilities.

  • Can't wait to Horde drugs and sell them. What traders buy them? And do any loot modifiers affect this as well as are they in the general loot pool?

  • I got a problem, my problem is that i can't sell these drugs, nor other items sometimes. i don't know what may be the cause, load order of mods or some mods are coliding? maybe you know what may be the reason to that

  • is it just me or is it not possible to find the drugs. Have looked in all of the listed locations but to find nothing.

  • RETURN OF THE KING! THE DRUG KINGPIN! Wooo! Got my cocaine fix again! <3

  • maybe contact with pes7 a sasha himik mod creator about creating custom drug growing system like weed plant and coke plant so we could farm on our own drugs :P

    ? 1
    • this sounds so cool but also so, so, so complicated lol

    • i think it could work similar to his custom crypto mining but you would just need to create custom items like fertiziler etc. everything needed to make own farm and it could be really similar to that

    • i just saw that cryptomining thing myself, would be cool as hell to have a drug growing one, or some more passive money, surprised more people havent done stuff with the hideout, i dont know coding or the difficulties with it though

  • Hell yeah!
    Saw this in the backlog and thought "Sure wish that would get updated"
    Thrilled to see you delivered!

  • lol bloody brilliant. I did change the prices a fair bit though and lowered the weight of the small bags. Bloody love it. Great idea. Thank you

  • Oh shnap its updated!!!! THANK YOU Mr.Penguin! :evil: Time to get lit lmao

  • Very cool! It's fun to have more loot items that are just valuables to sell!

  • Do you ever intend to update this mod to make it compatible with the latest patch? If not, would it be okay with you if I tried my hand at updating it?

    Heart 2
    • Did you end up having any luck updating this to work with 3.8.3?

  • Fix didn't work, still got inf loading on traders

  • Trader's do not work for me and this is 1 of 55 mods I run. When I disable it traders work fine. Eagerly awaiting a fix!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • traders working normally for me, but cant sell the items i got. (coke brick, meth bag, meth tub)

  • When i put the mod. All trader are in infinite loading for items

  • Just letting you know, that this currently still break traders at the moment.

  • How is the 3.8.1 fix going?

    • Is there any issues running this in 3.8.1?

    • @LegDeleter it brakes traders

  • Am I the only one who can't figure out how to sell these items? LOL

  • I know I installed it correctly because the items are showing up on the flea market, but jesus they must be incredibly rare because i've done probably close to 30 raids each one hitting at least 3-4 caches and havent found a single one.

    • **Just found a Coke Brick

      Thumbs Up 1
    • same here brother I'm still looking for them in my raid, maybe there is a way to increase the spawn rate of these items? Awesome mod though, and it makes sense for maybe bosses like reshala/kaban since they're kinda mobsters, some on kolontay since he's a crooked cop, and maybe tagilla and killa cause they are literally described as 'crackheads'. <3

    • Probably late but yes there is a way to increase the spawns for the items, if you dont know how yet its in the config in "mods/Penguin's Drugs/db/Items" there you'll find the "probability" and there you can increase the value for higher spawn chances

      Thumbs Up 2
    • this actually helped thanks brother

      Heart 1
  • Come on Jesse! We have to kill scavs!

  • how to download?

  • Walter, put your MCX sPeRm away walter💀💀💀

  • This is Payday 2 type shit.

  • ayy im breaking bad over here

  • doing some Walter White things...