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Version 1.0.2
- Hooshu
Updated for 3.10.x
Version 1.0.1
- Hooshu
Updated to SPT 3.9.x
Version 1.0.0
- Hooshu
Mod works great, but unfortunately I discovered for some reason it doesn't work with Molot 75 round drum mags. Would be a nice change in the future maybe
The mod worked great and then stopped. I tried moving the files again and overwriting but it is not working.
This mod does not appear to be working as intended? I get a message in the server saying the values have been changed but in game it seems slower if anything.
can't you already do this in svm
Hooshu Author
I am not aware of this. Maybe you can, but I haven't really looked into SVM that much. And maybe some people don't wanna use it in fear of breaking stuff. Much easier to just use a mod that does it.