Speed Load 1.0.0

This mod allows magazines to be loaded and unloaded with ammo much faster than before.

Vanilla Speed:

  • Loading: 0.85
  • Unloading: 0.3

SPT-SpeedLoad Speed:

  • Loading: 0.3
  • Unloading: 0.05

The speeds offered by the mod can be changed in the config.json file inside the mod folder.

I have no idea what happens if you set the values too low or too high, so modify them at your own risk.

  • This mod does not appear to be working as intended? I get a message in the server saying the values have been changed but in game it seems slower if anything.

  • can't you already do this in svm

    • I am not aware of this. Maybe you can, but I haven't really looked into SVM that much. And maybe some people don't wanna use it in fear of breaking stuff. Much easier to just use a mod that does it.

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