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Adds the iconic voice of Richard "Dick" Marcinko, played by Mickey Rourke, from the video game Rogue Warrior (2009).
The voice is available to both USEC and BEAR. The voice is not added to bots.
How to install:
Extract the BepInEx and user folders and move them to your main SPT install folder. Overwrite if prompted.
Any updates to this mod can be installed the same way.
How to use:
Switch to the new character voice in the in-game Sound settings.
Most voice lines are found in the following phrase groups:
- Mumble (F1)
- Fight mumble (double-tap F1)
- Enemy down
- Fire
- Scav
- Bad work
- Good work
- Ready
• GrooveypenguinX for the new VoiceAdder code, based on the original by CWX.
• GrooveypenguinX and rockahorse for WTT-Up In Smoke - this mod was based off of its server code.
• JustNU for STALKER VOICES - contains a link in the description to a Unity project for creating the proper assetbundles. I uploaded a backup of the Unity project, it's available here. I did not create the Unity project itself and can't help troubleshoot it.
Version 1.0.4
- TurboZoroger
- Fixed null reference error when entering a raid after changing voice from Sound settings menu
NOTE: Be sure to overwrite all files when installing the latest version.
Version 1.0.3
- TurboZoroger
Update for SPT 3.10
- Fixed blank mod config (F12) menu
NOTE FOR THOSE UPGRADING FROM 1.0.2: If WTT-VoicePatcher.dll exists directly in the BepInEx/plugins folder you must delete it. The WTT-VoicePatcher.dll file should only exist in the SPT/BepInEx/plugins/WTT-VoicePatcher folder, otherwise you will face issues.
Version 1.0.1
- TurboZoroger
This version is only compatible with SPT 3.9
Version 1.0.0
- TurboZoroger
This version is only compatible with SPT 3.8
I’m not sure how active you’re on here recently, But I can’t thank you enough for this mod. Had a lot of fun with it with my friends. And it helped me a lot making learning how to make my own voice packs for SPT. Recently with the 3.10 shift, I’ve tried moving two of my voice packs over from 3.9, and mostly gotten them to work, and have had no luck in resolving the issue online.
Both of my voices works alongside yours, but if I install both of my voices together, only one of them works and basically cancels out the other if they are both installed with no errors. But yours works fine regardless of which is installed alongside it. I think it has to do with the id of numbers in two .json files and the one file in the db folder since both my mods IDs match. But I have no clue where to find the proper id for one of my bundles since I’m not too versed in Unity. Could you share any input on this? Or perhaps point me in the right direction?
Thank you in advance,
TurboZoroger Author
It sounds like you need to generate two unique Mongo ObjectIDs, one for each of your voices.
They look like this: 67ad0895c0ca08c01a693999
You can search online for "MongoDB ObjectID generator" and there are websites that will generate them for you at the press of a button.
These ObjectID values are what you use in the .json file in the db folder. For my mod the path is: user\mods\DickMarcinkoVoicePack\db\voices\DickMarcinko.json. Each voice in that file should have a unique ObjectID value, so if your voices have the same one that's likely causing the issue where one cancels the other out.
This process is new for 3.10 and it took me some time to figure it out as well. Hope this helps, good luck.
Oh my god you’re a saint thank you!
I was so stumped but that’s exactly what I needed since I had no clue what type of IDs those were, but I knew I somehow needed to generate one! Your pointers should definitely help me make a breakthrough here in the next coming days.
im having issues with the mod, does it conflict with the aki profile editor
i keep getting this message
" object reference not set to an instance of an object''
TurboZoroger Author
Are you using the most recent version of this mod - 1.0.4?
If yes, can you provide your current SPT version and a link to the profile editor you're talking about?
i sent you a DM
So, this is the best thing I ever witnessed in my life ! lol
So not only did this mod not work it also broke all my other custom voices as well
TurboZoroger Author
I'll need more info. What other custom voices do you have installed? I'm on 3.10.4 and have the WTT-Up In Smoke mod installed and both custom voices from that are working alongside my mod.
Ensure you've moved the WTT-VoicePatcher.dll file from BepInEx/plugins to BepInEx/plugins/WTT-VoicePatcher.
I've done that an it still not working, the phases screen is completely blank
The other custom voice mod I'm using is WTT-TheLongLostHeadsOfYojenkz
I'm also running 3.10.5
TurboZoroger Author
Unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce your issue. I've updated to 3.10.5 and installed WTT-TheLongLostHeadsOfYojenkz alongside my mod and all the voices are working correctly. The phrase screen looks normal in-raid too.
My advice is to remove every file that came with my mod and WTT-TheLongLostHeadsOfYojenkz and reinstall them, just to be sure all the files are where they should be. The two mods share the same WTT-VoicePatcher.dll file so it's okay to overwrite it when prompted.
Edit: I released a new version (1.0.4), try that out and see if you have the same problem.
Not working on 3.10.4 bepinex menu gone, and on infill, I get an error getting me back to the menu.
TurboZoroger Author
Thanks. Fixed now, please see my reply to Ryw.
Thank you for creating such a great mod! However, I’ve encountered an issue while using it. When your mod is active, the client’s mod configuration manager (accessed via F12) is no longer displaying any mod settings in the list. The F12 menu itself still opens, but no settings are visible.
I’d appreciate it if you could look into this. Please let me know if you need more details to reproduce the issue. Thank you for your hard work and for sharing this amazing mod with the community!
TurboZoroger Author
Thanks to you and CXM for your comments. I have released a new version that fixes this issue, but you need to make sure the WTT-VoicePatcher.dll file from the previous version is properly removed from the BepInEx/plugins folder, otherwise you'll face the same issue. My mod adds a folder called WTT-VoicePatcher to the BepInEx/plugins folder - the WTT-VoicePatcher.dll file should only exist within that WTT-VoicePatcher folder, not the plugins folder directly.
Combine this with fika (vocal player) and you have auto voice lines on kills and reload/other maybe ! lol
hahaha!Nice!Happy new year!
Thanks for updating, i seriously can't play without this voice lmao
So i don't want to Rush or anything but any Updates on adding the mod to work on 3.10?
TurboZoroger Author
The mod is updated now.
Happy new year.
Heyo! I installed the Latest version im on 3.10.5 the Mod doesn't seem to work? I installed the mod by dragging and dropping the BepInEx and user folder into the Root of SPT 3.10.5 but its not showing up on my F12 menu?
TurboZoroger Author
This mod adds "Dick Marcinko" to the list of voices you can pick for your PMC. You can change your voice in the Sound settings or using the WTT - Head and Voice Selector mod.
This mod does not add anything to the F12 menu.
I'm on 3.10.5 and Just Installed the Mod to my SPT 3.10.5 and Just with that Mod it didn't work The thing is it shows the New voice listed in the List of PMC voices but after changing and restarting when i tried to Play ingame it showed this Object something error, and i have no other Mod Installed other then "Dick Marcinko"
TurboZoroger Author
Thanks for your help, I just released an update that fixes the issue.
so great and funny mod. good job

Any possibility of plans on adding Dicks face lol ? that would be great. I just don't think any of the heads available really match the voice lol. Great mod none the less. My favorite line is "you eat shit and die boy you eat shit and die". Got jumped by a raider otw to D2 and after killing him I mouthed off with that and it was just perfect lol.
TurboZoroger Author
It would be awesome for sure, but I don't have the time nor the know-how.
underrated, great mod!
It's pretty criminal to not at least put a preview of what the voice sounds like...
TurboZoroger Author
True. I've added a quick demo.
Nice thank you! It only makes sense
how hard is making something like this? were there any resources you used that helped? I don't know anything about coding lol
TurboZoroger Author
This mod probably wouldn't exist if the Stalker Voices mod page didn't contain a link to a Unity project that has everything you need to create the proper assetbundle files. There's a link to it in the Acknowledgments of this mod. I know my way around Unity so it just took a bit of tinkering with the project to figure out how to build the voice and audio bundles.
Most of the work involves working within Unity to assign your audio clips to the in-game "phrase groups" (i.e. Mumble, Enemy Down, Need Ammo, etc) and to get the volume levels for each clip in the right spot. You then use the pre-made script in the Unity project to build the voice and audio assetbundles and stick those in the correct folder.
If you use the code from my mod you shouldn't actually have to edit it at all. The JSON files are the only things that need edited.
Essentially, you can make your own voice pack if you can figure out how to build the voice and audio assetbundles using the Unity project. Make a copy of my mod and replace the assetbundles with the ones you built before editing the JSON files to reflect your changes and you're done.
dude I love you, your response means a lot to me, THANK YOU!!!! Not to mention.... this mod is fucking incredible and I could not be happier, I am constantly busting out laughing with the homies because of these legendary voice lines.
@TurboZoroger any chance you want to update that Stalker Voices mod? I think he says on the page anyone can if they chose
TurboZoroger Author
I've been too busy lately to even play SPT, but once I have some more free time I could definitely take a look if no one else has done it by then.
This mod is fuckin awesome lmao
I love this mod, it has more character than any of the vanilla voices and the hostile F1 voice lines are just hilarious. When you pair it with Grant - the older looking USEC - it is just so, so perfect. A whole new character basically. Great job and a must-have mod for me.