Epic's Muzzle Devices 1.1.0

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Adds a plethora of muzzle devices to the game.

  • Version 1.1.0

    Ver. 1.1.0


    • Black Surefire RC2, new textures and mesh for Tan one as well, credit to ehtacs for the work done
    • Delta-Tek MPI flash hider for Vityaz
    • B&T Rotex-V suppressors and blast deflector, all colors
    • Surefire: 762 Mini2, 762 RC2, 762 Ti2, Warden QD, 556 mini2 BLK/Tan
    • Gemtech Neutron 762 suppressor
    • KAC PRT suppressors with shrouds, BLK+FDE


    • B&T RBS 762 Compact SF Textures

    Possibly more, memory is faded, fuzzy and not all there.

  • Version 1.0.0

    Initial posting

  • I dont know what im doing wrong. i installed the mod how i should however it says old version and is not compatible?

    • Have you bothered to check what SPT version the current version of the mod is built for? I haven't updated it yet.

  • This is awesome. Thank you!