Immersive Daylight Cycle 2.1.0-hf1

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Immersive, Semi-Hardcore Time System! -Time is paused when out of raid -Only one time available when entering a raid based on what time it was when you left your last raid -Configurable daylight cycle rate and more!

  • Version 2.1.0-hf1

    For SPT 3.10.X Only

    Hotfix that fixes issue where hour value could sometimes be greater than 23, causing UI bugs and crashes on raid start with errors about invalid time data.

    Thank you Dicey for reporting it and testing the fix!

  • Version 2.1.0

    For SPT 3.10.X Only

    • Time data is now stored in the new server mod backend
    • Raids that last 5 minutes or less won't experience a time jump, instead they will only advance by the amount of time spent in the raid * the cycle rate. Idea here is to make super short raids still feel short.
    • Fika compatibility improved
    • Full patch notes here:…Cycle/releases/tag/v2.1.0
  • Version 2.0.0

    Sorry it took so long to update! Should be version agnostic for 3.9.X+

  • Version 1.0.0

    This version will ONLY work on SPT 3.8.X versions!

    Once the SPT 3.9.0 update is released, it should be version agnostic going forward.

  • Feature request:
    Each time the server/host starts ~ would it be possible to set the time to the current real world time?
    Ask this as it would add to immersion. Will have to work off hosts time zone with regard to fika

    • yes I wanted to ask this question..

    • i cant remember if it was raid overhaul or this that made raids match irl time. It was SUPER cool but none of them do this anymore. My guess is that BSG changed something because man we miss that.

  • I dont know what I do wrong but nr 2. in F12 confing menu is absent (is this how its suppose to be?) so I can no longer edit it while playing, have to exit (I suppose?) and open config.json or something like that and change time there?

    In previous build I used to just add some time for "going to the stash" (with PTT) then doing things like gear up, heal, trade, rest... then another time for "going in raid". It wasnt always an hour, so I liked the ability to change time whenever I wanted. Is it possible to bring it back?

  • keeps breaking my profiles all of the sudden it will turn from like10am to midnight and and extracting from a raid after this just results in the game crashing broke 3 profiles so far

  • The mod was working for me. Now the mod will not load. Any suggestions? I deleted the user folder and bpindex and redownloaded. This did not fix the issue.

  • Where do I go to disable the time reset upon death? Im only seeing 2 different settings in the config :/

    • Server mod config file. user/mods/LeaveItThere-Server

    • Thank you :)

  • Using version2.1.0-hf1 and I cannot get this to work with Fika Dedicated client.
    I can see the supposed to be time before starting the raid but when ingame it's using the normal Tarkov time cycle.
    Had no issues on Fika Dedicated client on 3.98.

    • Make sure the client mod is installed on every single client, including dedicated, and that the server mod is installed on the server.

    • I have client installed on both and server mod on dedicated client server.
      In the config time is set to 20:00 and I can see that ingame before queuing and when I get ingame its 15:00. I can also see when queuing in that Acidphantasms Progressivebotsystem debug log is reporting the wrong time (15:00) which its not supposed to be in the server window.

    • After some testing the issue seems to be caused by some incompatibility between DanW-LateToTheParty (Fika sync plugin installed). Removing that mod makes this mod work like it should, my bad.

      Acidphantasms Progressivebotsystem still reports another time, this might not be an issue but may change the bots loadouts since they might think its nighttime while its day time for the player.

  • A little review:

    Started using it for a new hardcore run

    - Spawn on Ground Zero: Died

    - Spawned 5 more times: Died again

    Tried woods, stuck at night-time, died again.

    10/10, love the mod, exactly what i was looking for. :D

    Heart 1
  • i don't really have words for this one.


  • Does this mod lock whether ?
    It looks like no matter what season is it's always "sunny" preset

    • This mod does not affect weather

      Edit: it's possible that the UI is getting overwritten so it always says it's sunny, but the actual weather shouldn't be affected. If this is happening.. I'll fix it someday maybe ;(

  • I'm using 2.0.0 with SPT 3.9.8. I noticed that PMC bots generated by APBS are not using NVGs anymore at night time. Is there a way to fix this?

    • Unsure. I'll make a note to ask Acid about it at some point.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thank you for updating! This is trully a must have mod for me!

    Heart 1
  • Great mod! Is 2.1.0 compatible with 3.9.x?

    • No, sorry I'll make a note of that on the release.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Does this mod's timescale option conflict with SVM's? I want to reduce the timescale in this so days and nights are longer, but don't want to break anything.

    • No it does not conflict, but your settings in this mod will take affect over SVM's.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • SUGGESTION: rather than resetting to a set time upon death, jump forward 12 hours. I die too much so it's always 8am xD

    • You can toggle off the reset that happens on death. Good idea for the time jumping though, I'll keep that in mind :)

  • Hi!
    Thank you for your efford!
    I tryied on 3.9.4 without FIKA installed and I get this on console

    [SPT.Singleplayer] 1 plugin failed to load due to errors:
    Could not load [Jehree.ImmersiveDaylightCycle 1.0.0] because it has missing dependencies: com.fika.core

    Is FIKA needed or I can disable in someway?

    • Sorry, I answer to myself.

      I should download the SP-Only (No-FIKA) version from the Github repo.

      Thanks again!

    • birbgunthreat 8o

  • Until this beautiful man returns to properly give you an update - you kids can play around with this for the time being.

    Updated for 3.9

    Immersive Daylight Cycle for 3.9

    Been playing with it for a couple days, haven't noticed any issues - only changed what needed to be changed to work with 3.9 so do not expect support from me if things go left. ;)

    (Virus Total)

    Heart 2
    • Thank you for the update! where should I be dropping this file?

    • BepInEx/plugins

      For future reference, all .dll files will always be a BepInEx plugin

    • thank you

    • Thanks for doing this while my lazy ass took forever to update the mod :D ;(

      Heart 1
  • we need this for fika 3,9,3 bb

  • Please, can you add a 2nd timescale multiplicator for the night time?

    i play with real time scale (time acceleration x1.0) but then the nights are to long for me
    i want the night time little bit faster scaled.

    Heart 1
    • Can't with the way the mod currently sets things. It only sets the time and cycle rate once at the start of the raid, it would need to be redesigned to be able to detect when it is day or night time during a raid.

  • Found a weird bug where if i restart my server or complete a raid. It changes my settings for this mod and only this mod. No idea what make it happen, so giving a better explanations is difficult.

  • Is there any way to just remove one of the time options and keep the clocks ticking?

  • let me say that this mod is INSANELY immersive with the new Path To Tarkov Reloaded mod. it makes it feel like time is actually passing while you travel inbetween maps, and it gives me a good reason to actually bring out nvgs even when its daytime. sweet mod bro!

    Heart 2
    • Agreed! I wanted to ask if you might consider some kind of sleeping mechanic to add to the immersion and be closer to the STALKER dream. Something like this would require players to plan their journeys more carefully, and decide when to call it on a mission and head back to base or set up camp.

      Something like interacting with Rest Space in Hideout gives you option to sleep which skips in game time forward 6-8 hours. It could leave you with low Hydration and reduced Energy, heal some light wounds, and only be done every so many hours. Drinking caffeine could increase this time and drinking alcohol could reduce it.

      Further ideas could be quality of sleep which affects healing amount/energy on wakeup, and could give you status effects like pain or focus, or even boost a random skill, as well as sleeping at campsites in raid, which results in a shorter time skip and worse sleep quality. Not sleeping for 18 hours could result in reduced focus and lower stamina.

    • this is a great idea, but i think that this idea belongs somewhere in the right place. i think the realism mod is the place for this idea, ill forward this to their comment section!

  • Can i use settings in this mod to make it use my local time. and remove the pause and the +1 hour?

    Mostly curios about the local time as right now the game is only 1h ahead of my local time which is annoying so have been looking for a mod that can change it.

    • No it can't sync to your local time. Raid Overhaul can do that though, iirc

    • Any chance in having this possible to be a stand alone in this mod?
      I'm not looking to use that mod you where mentioning.

    • Sorry, but no. That's not my goal for this mod.

      Crying 1
  • Great mod! Thanks for making it.

    For anyone wondering, this works with Raid Overhaul. No problems so far.

    • Oh sweet! I figured it'd conflict but didn't test it

  • I was quite literally just about to look into how to do this, good shit!

    Heart 1
  • Update your traveler now! I want to use this mod to play Tarkov with it! ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

    • Someone posted an updated version on Reddit, and people claim it works with 3.8.3. There were some kinks that needed ironing, but it looks like the comment section was able to solve most of it.…eller_mod_working_for_38/

      Heart 1
    • No. 8)

      Crying 1
    • so sad.

      I made a whole different set of route presets myself and didn't want to recreate them all for Path To Tarkov Reloaded. ||

      But, amazing mod!!thank your job so much!

    • There's a patch to get Traveler working floating around on Reddit, you can look into that.

      It is possible that I revisit Traveler in the future, but these three things make it not really worth it rn:

      1. I am interested in working on some other mod ideas
      2. It wasn't programmed well at all (I was brand new to programming) so I would need to rewrite pretty much the whole thing
      3. I'm not currently interested in actually playing with Traveler right now, which makes it a bit of an inefficient use of my time to update it

      I know you and many others really like it, though, sorry it's like this right now. Be patient, I'm sure better things are coming. :)

    • Thank you so much for your patience in replying to me.

      I'm already using the Reddit version.

      Just worried that he won't be able to keep updated for Future SPT, but it's okay, you did a great job. 8o <3