Additional Aki Gifts 0.9.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

More gifts code for Aki with vallina gift system.

More gifts code for Aki with vallina gift system. senkoembarrassed

You have no need to replace or write more items in the Aki gift configs to get more gifts!

Some duplicated strings like what items included in a gift is from our legendary mod: Welcome Gifts

I still recommend Welcome Gifts, because you can know the contents in a gift since it displays as quests.

You can see images, descriptions and choose when you want to get them.

Here is the additional code my mod includes:

Promotion code:

Holiday Gifts:

Free Loots:

:senkosmug: And there's a secret code: SENKO

With all respects to Senko, Chomp and Aki! Also ShadowXtrex who made Welcome Gifts mod!

Q: How to install it?

A: Just put the files unzipped (unzip as a fold) drop AdditionalAkiGifts into .\user\mods\

Q: How to use gift code?

A: Chat with "SPT" in your friend list, if you done everything right, you will recieve a message from system.

Q: Can I add more codes by myself?

A: Sure thing, you could add your own codes in .\db\gifts\

Q: What contents in secret code?

A: Try it out. senkopout

Also, if I miss some gifts (I think it should be some stuffs in 2022 or earlier), please leave the code and what it would bring players in comment. Or you can pull up a issue in my github (Recommended!), I will update this mod asap. senkoclean senkoclean senkoclean

  • Hey Quick Note: Some of the Old Gift Codes that gave Armors don't have any plates or built in kevlar padding...

    • That's actually problem, will check it soon.

  • Hello, to be able to create my own gifts in the .json file, in the "_tpl" line, I know which one belongs to each item, do you have a page where I can know the ID and the TPL?, also what code should I use if I want it to have the Raid tick. I thank you in advance

    • You can ignore "_id" option when adding gifts, just copy other gifts item "_id", for the "_tpl", you can check your language locale files in Aki_Data/Server/database/locales/global/, search items which you want to add with keywords, the "_tpl"(template id) code could be found there.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I thank you for the information

  • Sorry, but its not work. What mod need additional to use? Im created folder with the name "AdditionalAkiGifts_0_9_0" in user/mods, and aki server show then its package.json needed.

    • No, you should keep your files and package.json in mods/[mod fold]/

  • I have a problem, I installed everything correctly and according to the instructions, but they write to me that for some reason I installed it incorrectly ;(

    • What does it show in the Aki.server console? Basically what's the reason it displayed?

    • you have to make a folder to put them in

      mods not in a folder is basically the error

    • Why the uploader couldn't just do that like everyone else does is beyond me

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Okay, hmm, sorry, It's my first mod and I don't use scripts to pack it, so it was packed manually, will reupload one with directory.