Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Normally only your displayed dogtags increase the skill leveling bonus but this client mod makes trophies also improve that!
In SPT there normaly isn't much of a reason to display trophies so I felt like this would be a nice improvement.
(The bonus in this pic is gained from the displayed dogtags and trophies in the pic at the bottom of the page [v1.1.0])
- The +% added per item is based on the value of the item. A Bitcoin will add around +0.40%, whereas a Roler watch will add around +0.17%.
- Items will always give a minimum of +0.1% skill bonus (before other calculations).
- You get a +0.20% bonus for each found-in-raid unique item on display, making it worth collecting a lot of different items despite
their value.
- The base skill bonus gained from dogtags in SPT 3.9.0 is 0.02% per dogtag level.
- The bonus shown on the hideout UI may be higher than expected as it also
takes bonus from your hideout management skill into account.
The mod also has a config section in the ingame F12 menu where you can adjust the balance of the mod yourself.
I'm open to feedback on the default balance so feel free to leave a comment about it
Known issues:
You need at least one valid dogtag placed in the Hall of Fame for it to work. This is an EFT quirk.
Version 1.2.0
- Utjan
(Only works on 3.9.X)
Updated for SPT 3.9.0
Trophies need to be Found-In-Raid tagged to give their full bonus. Non-FIR trophes give half bonus. (Adjustable in F12 menu)
Trophies only give unique bonus if Found-In-Raid. (Can be toggled in F12 menu)
Minimum bonus from trophy value is now 0.1% (Before other multipliers)
The vanilla EFT value for skill bonus from dogtags got doubled, so the dogtag multiplier in this mod has been reduced back to x1 -
Version 1.1.0
- Utjan
(For SPT 3.8.x)
Even with the trophy bonus in version 1 the skill leveling bonus felt underwhelming. So I'm increasing the bonuses with this version.
Increased base skill bonus from trophy value by about +70%Increased default multiplier for dogtags skill bonus from x1 to x2
Increased default unique trophy skill bonus from +0.1% to +0.2%
Bug fix: Trophy skill multiplier (F12 config option) no longer also multiplies the unique trophy bonus
Improved config descriptions
You can see an example of a level 2 hall of fame and it's new bonus on the overview page -
Version 1.0.0
- Utjan
Love your Anomaly mods! Thank you so much for yet more QoL!!
Utjan Author
Love to see some Anomaly players enjoy the mods here too! Thank you!
The Techno
Was it this mod or a different that let you put anything in the trophy case? If it's not this one any chance you would consider adding that as an option?
Utjan Author
Not this mod. But I'll consider that
thx for share Utjan and sorry to ask here but can't find that other HoF mod either was hoping someone might know what happened to it in comments.
Anyway would be awesome if you could implement something like that, seems so stupid having all the small stuff on the bottom shelf so would love to replace them with masks or helmets or something, only problem with that other mod was the helmets and masks went in backwards.
I think I remember now it started as a weapon rack mod maybe.
Anyway thanks again.
Hi, I loved the 3.8 version of this mod! Currently I'm upgrading to 3.9, but it says the github link is down. Is there any workaround for this?
Utjan Author
Maybe github was having an issue? Seems to be working fine now. No idea why it would say it's down
I think so too; it works now, so ty regardless!
Cool mod, do you think a mod such as Collectables: Pokémon Cards would need some sort of integration patch? Would be cool to see some synergy with this mod, rare cards providing higher xp for example.
Utjan Author
If they can be displayed in Hall of Fame they should work. The main bonus is based on value so if rarer cards have higher value they'll give a bigger xp bonus.
Looking at it the cards may need that Card Case mod to display in Hall of Fame. My mod likely only reads the value of the Card Case and not the card inside. I'll try testing it for next update
Cool that makes sense, thanks for the reply!
Done some limited testing with this by the way, it does function as you'd expect although I don't really understand some of the prices in the Pokemon card mod such as Blastoise being 6k and Venusaur being 400k... but it does work.
I also edited the binders to be trophies so you can store all the cards in the hall of fame that way. This also works because the price of the binder goes up the more cards you add to it, pretty cool.
Maybe the combat percentage boost is a bit op when the binders are filled up though.
Utjan Author
The bonus from value doesnt scale linearly, so it shouldnt be too OP.
I'm busy with some other stuff atm, but I'll try testing with the binders soon and see if I need to improve the synergy between these mods
I see, nice.
No rush! It's pretty niche, the binders can't even be put in the hall of fame by default haha
love the mod def a 10/10 cause you get rewarded even in the higher levels cause you can get higher dogtags.
Only one suggestion i have to make.
Difference between FIR and non FIR items would be insane. so that FIR items have 100% effect but non fir like 50% or so.
Utjan Author
Yeah that's not a bad idea! I'll see if I can do that for the next update
that would be nice
Also there are some new "collector" items availible via mod. Maybe you can tell us how to fit them in the hof. or make a config where we can add new items which we then can fit in.
Utjan Author
You're going to have to ask the mod author of other item mods to make them able to display in hall of fame. Or you can edit the item .json file yourself. I believe you have to set
"addtoHallOfFame" to true.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i seeeeee.
ok ye i can make that myself then thanks for that info. thats great to know!
Utjan Author
Check out the new version if you're on 3.9.0. Got your suggestion in there plus more.
This looks like a great mod. I'll have to give it a try.
I hope this doesn't come across as rude, but I came looking for something and I think it would fit great in this mod: there are a lot of items that should be able to be stored in the hall of fame. Personally, it seems like the hall of fame is particularly suited to storing Collector (kappa) items, but there are so many that aren't allowed in there. It would be great if all Collector items could be stored in the hall of fame.
If you consider adding this as a feature and need my help with anything like looking up ids for everything, I'd be happy to help.
Utjan Author
It's a good idea!
I believe I'd have to make a server mod to enable items to fit in the Hall of Fame. I only have experience with client mods so far, but I'll look into it for a future update!
Amazing idea, thank you so much!
i completely thought this was the way it was. nice
Might be a silly comment, but I think the trophy display has a use, although situational. It works great as storage, honestly. Lions and the 2x2 items won't take up all the junkbox space when on display. I play standard account like an utter masochist, so the HoF was a great way for me to hang onto stuff while i leveled stash / hideout
Utjan Author
You're not wrong, but I hope you'd still consider this mod worth using!
I think I will, to be honest! I like that it's not a very large buff, I'm very much a Vanilla+ type of mod user and I think this goes great with that
Hey dude, I found your nickname is familiar, then I remember this name also being usually seen on Moddb's Stalker Anomaly section, I like your QoL mods, thanks.
i'll link this on my mod, thank you for making this