Collectables: Trading Cards 1.2.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Adds collectable Trading cards of the lewd variety Can you find them all? 75 unique cards Including holofoils!



  • Version 1.2.0

    Major Update:

    • Added Binder book end for displaying binders in the hide out.
    • increased the rarity of all cards.

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed issue of some items falling through the world when thrown on the ground.
    • Fixed issue of some items leaving copies on the group when picked up.

    Known Issues:

    • The binder book ends when holding multiple binders makes the UI a bit wonky to say the least,
      not intended to be used as storage expansion of the binder.
      Looking for solutions.
  • Version 1.1.1

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed an issue where one of the cards was not facing the correct direction.
    • Fixed an issue where not all special cases were holding simple containers.
    • Fixed an issue with pricing logic of the special containers.

    Minor update:

    • Moved some of the colored binders around the loot pools and updated rarity.
  • Version 1.1.0

    Major Update:

    • Added Card Case:
      Used for displaying cards in Hall of Fame.
    • Added cards and cases to flea blacklist.
    • Updated special case filters:
      now holds ALL special items, simple containers, and card binders.
    • Adjusted default card rarity to be less common overall.
    • Added mod config for setting card rarities.
    • Adjusted some card images and shaders.

    Known Issue:

    The cards show up as solid white when in the card case,

    This appears to only be a problem for the icons as the cards show normally in HoF and when inspecting.

  • 1.2.0 didn't show up in the SPT discord mod releases, thank god and was just casually looking through updates section on here lol.

  • Any consideration for packing the images somewhere in a plain image format? Even just in the Github project or a side folder or something. Tarkov doesn't have a great way to view the images in-game because there's limitations to the window size, so it'd be nice to have them viewable in a larger format.
    (Also, for those of you using UI Fixes like me, make sure you untick the preview window auto-resizing in the options so you can actually view the cards decently)

    As a side note, Melaina seems to be using Megan's asset in my game. Don't know if that's something borked in my install, or if the actual mod has a little bug.

    • I have all of the images viewable in the supporting discord. Including some additional portraits that didn't get selected for use.

      Ill take a look at the melaina card I do recall that being a problem in an older version maybe that found it's way back.

  • Hey the card rarity still seems to be messed up even after the update. Do you think it has something to do with Load Orders? Even with "enable_container_spawns": false, I still get them in containers. Example the case at the top of Factory gave me this many cards.

    • Now I do have a good chunk of loot mods here's my load order for them. But some of them have nothing to do with like rarity




      Loot Fuckery

      All The Loot

      Keys in Loot

      Pity Loot

    • Just checked and its not a load order thing it just might be broken.

    • doesn't all the loot add everything to every container?

    • hard to say what's really happening with that many loot mods tbh

  • I used UABE to swap out the card image so it's actually something men in Tarkov would want to collect.

    But it's very tedious because it's a ton of mouse work.

    Just sharing an idea came to my mind: a companion Client mod can do the texture swap work so it'll be much easier to add new cards or maybe support custom cards.

    • I am working on replacement bundles just going to take a bit of time, as I am working to build the tools to more easily generate the cards. enjoy the finger workout in the meantime. :thumbup:

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Curios about how'd you allow people to generate bundles without booting up Unity tho

    • For the time being there is currently no plan to support user made cards.

    • I just experimented a bit and got the client mod working.

      Do you mind me releasing the plugin? This way you don't need to maintain it (I also may not keep it updated in the future though).

      Or maybe if you want it I can leave it to you... It can actually be very useful for your development, with base card prefabs, you can just define all the SPT items and then leave various textures loading to client side. (For example, only make 4 bundles: common, rare, epic, ultimate, then let the client mod setup all the portraits and overlays)

      It works by looking up png/jpg files and for example if it's BepInEx\plugins\CustomTradingCardPortraits\_Portraits\common_penny_card, it then swap the _Portrait texture when the item inspection window is opened for common_penny_card.

      The only issue now is I made it with 0.9 and _Portrait is changed to _DecalsTex on most cards in newer versions. But I also found Ultimate card with _Portrait...

      Without a consistent texture namings, you and maybe users need to look at the material to know what folder name to use. (For exmaple: _DecalsTex\common_penny_card or _Portrait\common_penny_card)

    • I would wait on that. The structure of the cards is changing soon, and I would rather if some makes custom cards they replace the entire image as the Penrose on the back is specific to my work and branding.

      I don't want someone adding some fucked images and passing them off as my mod. The mod is already getting enough flak as it is.

  • Yuigi oh Cards would be perfect for this mod

    Thumbs Up 3
  • Is there a way to have the SC Cases not always display the grid when equiped in a special slot?

    • Nevermind, SVM has a setting for it

  • I installed this mod today, but I am unable to get it to work or understand how it works... :S

    If I buy a pack of cards and unpack it I get five icons in my stash, but if I double click on any card the Top-Up is grayed out and if I hover the mouse over the Top-Up button I see a message saying "No source to refill from".

    I logged out and created a new "account", but I still get the same message when I try to click the Top-Up button.

    And before any of you smartasses say it's locked because I'm a minor, I'm 58 years old... ^^ ^^ ^^

    SPT 3.8.3 and Trading cards 1.1.1 (profile copied from SPT 3.8.1)

    • When you say it is grayed out, do you mean in the same way as a uninspected item?

      If you click on the image in the inspection window you can drag to rotate the preview.

      Top up is a function for stacking items.

      Thanks Krackasourus. Now I can finally see the picktures... :D

      I thought Top-Up meant "Show the card with the picture facing upwards"... :huh:

  • Heyho great mod !

    Is it intended that the cards start facing picture away ? (i mean i cant see the lewd side at first, have to turn it).

    Maybe add a container like the GildedKeyStorage mod, where you have a fixed space for the binder (where nothing else can go in) and a bigger space for new cards you find in raid (almost like your special containers just more exclusive ^^).

    And maybe make the preview window be bigger by default ? (dunno if you can do that) its really small and i cant zoom in that much to appreciate.

    AAAAAnd yes, plz big mommy milkers xD

    Still like i said great mod :*

    • yes, it is intentional that the cards face away, you can kindof see why when you place a card into a card case.

      The fronts don't render properly for the inventory icon.

      I may keep them facedown though even if I resolve that issue, I think it's kindof fun to have to flip them over.

      If you expand the windows vertically it will increase the size of the preview.

    • ahhh ok thx man ;) :thumbup:

  • Would it be possible to make a non-lewd version? I love the concept but don't want to be collecting lewd anime women. I hope it's not too much to ask. Maybe we could collect Pokemon or cards of different guns, Just some ideas. Thank you for making this amazing mod!

    • Replacement bundles are something I am working on, just been a bit busy, I have toyed around with Pokemon cards just kind of a pain to source the card images. But non lewd cards are in the works!

    • Thank you for the swift response, I'm looking forward to the replacement bundles!

  • Finally more collectables to obsessively collect. it would be cool if we could modify the pics used, some people probably want their own cards to chase.

    • It would be neat if it sampled spt-aki users and their pfp like dogtags do by default. Would be funny to collect some of the people on here. Could even tie the value of the card or its "level" by some metric on the site or discord channel, depending on what APIs are available.

      Also there are some YuGiOh and MtG cards that would be worth looting irl.

  • Any settings to decrease the spawn weights? They spawn like in surplus whenever I am looting :(

    • yes you can adjust the spawn rate in the modConfig.json in the config folder

    • I tried editing them but they still just keep spawning in containers even with the changed settings

    • enable_container_spawns = false still spawns them in the containers for you?

    • Yk for some reason I remember turning the setting to false...but it like reset itself or maybe I am tripping gimme one minute I changed the settings to this.


      "debug": false,

      "fallback_trader": "ragman",

      "enable_container_spawns": false,

      "--//Item probability scalers": "0 - 1",

      "common": 0.005,

      "rare": 0.0035,

      "epic": 0.0015,

      "ultimate": 0.007


      let me test

    • So by containers what do those mean? Like the safes in factory for example are those containers?

  • This adds a very interesting aspect to the game i like it 😭

  • Anybody know of any mods to extend the hall of fames size to fit more display cases?

    Heart 1
  • This mod turned me into a c**mer ... ;( ;(

    Happy 1
  • Dude gross! I totally won't download this and I hope you won't make a theme with some big mommy milkers because that would be really weird...

    Thinking 1 Happy 4 Thumbs Up 1
  • awesome job! needs more butts tho 👍

    Happy 1 Thumbs Up 5
  • I likewise wanted to customize the card face map

  • The card being sideways didn't get fixed but honestly as long as the item works I'm okay with it. I know authors don't like constantly updating things so whenever you decide to hotfix next, I'm cool with.

    • be sure to Clean Temp Files via settings in the launcher

      Heart 1
  • 1.1.1 was released a bit ago, should be the last for a little while, hopefully.

    I am not a fan of mods that updated every day, so I aim to not to do that myself.
    Next in line will likely be an optional bundle replacement pack.

    Thumbs Up 3 Heart 1
    • Possible features I really look forward to is editing or adding my own deck of cards.

      Replacement pack sounds really promising.

      Thank you.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • one of the cards by default is sideways on the preview and it throws my OCD into crazy mode LMAO

  • Not sure if it was intended, but the new update made the special cases no longer accept anything other than special items and the mod's binders.

    Great mod otherwise.

    • it should take containers aswell, I'll look into this. Perhaps I pushed the wrong config. :S

    • It's probably the latter then as the files for the cases only have 2 included items, the portable rangefinder and "SpecItem". Well, other than the various versions of the binder.

      I'm not really familiar with these "filters" (or spt modding in general), but i assume they only take what's in the included list itself.

    • yes that is indeed the old config. I recall making that mistake, with the portable range finder. If you wish to resolve this yourself simple change that ID to that of the simple container.

      An update later today will resolve this issue. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    • Oh i already fixed it for myself before i even commented, thank you though.

  • Can we get an update to allow these to be put in docs or sicc cases? I'd like to collect these in raid and then put them in my binder in the stash instead of the binder taking up space in my secure container while in raid!

  • I'll be the one to say it, but a GFL-themed collection would go hard, especially since they already have their own rarities, probably tons of work though.

  • This is bloody brilliant but I would like to see Tarkov style cards :) xxx

  • I love the update. Love the cum ja-... i mean, the exhibitor.

  • the large model special case does not take signal jammers fyi.

    • will add to next update!
      hopefully later today.

  • Anyway to remove cards from flea? The cards takes up too many orders.

    • the next update will include the ability to toggle them off of flea.

      I myself would prefer them not being sold on flea aswell.

  • I thought i could do some sort of gambling on this,

    I was wrong.

    I lost 10m and made 1m in return..

  • would be super interested in templates and tools to make my own cards and packs. i've done this sort of thing before in unrelated projects and it'd be awesome to do something like this for SPT

    Thumbs Up 3 Happy 1
  • Its pokemon for men.