VHS - Various Hardcore Starts 1.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Want some more spice when starting your hardcore SPT playthrough? This is a possible solution for you.

UPDATED to 1.0.1. Fixed stash sized where due - used to be EoD for all, forgot about it initially...

Inspired by Zero to Hero+ by waffle.lord, this mod adds various presets, mainly based around EfT preorder packages.

What does VHS do exactly?

  • It adds 4-6 various presets, 4 of which are based on EfT preorder packs;
  • It uses assets from Unheard Update Item Preview by Pettan if set to in config and if available;
  • It does not attempt to be too much hardcore, as it gives you some starting capital
    (I am thinking to bother myself to remove cash from presets completely at some point);
  • It has some presets with unusual pocket sizes (one of which is more of a cheat preset in my book);
  • It can disable all other base SPT presets if you so desire (I did, so I've set it up);

What are the presets in this mod?
(bold - always on, italic - toggleable)

  1. Standard Edition preset - a bayonet, 30k RUB, Alpha secure container, 10x30 stash;
  2. Prepare to Escape preset - a Voodoo tomahawk, 40k RUB, Beta secure container, 10x50 stash;
  3. Edge of Darkness preset - Alpha armband, Kiba tomahawk, 50k RUB, Gamma secure container, 10x68 stash;
  4. TUE preset - TUE armband, TUE kukri, TUE pockets, 75k RUB, Gamma secure container; the kit is based on EoD if TUE assets are unavailable, 10x68 stash.
  5. The Axeman preset - TUE armband (if available), antique axe, 15k RUB, LIKE waist bag, smaller pocket size (2 1x1 slots, 1 SPEC slot), 10x40 stash;
  6. The Boss preset - Kappa & Kappa armband, taiga, TV-109 sized pockets with 1 SPEC slot, 1kk RUB, 10x68 stash (I don't even know why I did it, prolly a PoC thing)

First thing I'd do in Z2H is sell a knife to get a gun and 7 bullets JW-esque, so a tiny bit of money that may last you for up to 2-3 raids is not precisely an insane start, a tiny bit forgiving one instead. If you're playing with SAIN and secure container restrictions, you'd know that just one chance is not always sufficient.

Settings that can be adjusted in config file (located in ../config/config.json) - default values below:

JSON: config.json
    "RemoveSPTEditions": true,             - if set to true, it will remove base SPT presets
    "EnableAxemanEdition": true,           - if set to true, it will enable The Axeman Edition
    "EnableBossEdition": true,             - set to true to enable The Boss Preset
    "UseUnheardItemsPreview": true,        - true - w/Pettan mod, false - alt presets
    "Language": "en"                       - either "ru" or "en". Affects preset descriptions

Installation: drop the folder to ../user/mods. It's a server-side mod.

Sincerely hope it's fun for you, and not a useless junk of code. Cheers! :saint:


Mods I'd advise along VHS:

Special thanks goes to:

  • Jiblet and waffle.lord - for cargo pants and Z2H+ respectively, these inspired me to bother for a few days to do this mod in the first place (and to try and make horizontally scaled pockets, too ^^ );
  • Pettan - for the Unheard items preview;
  • And most importantly, you, who uses my mod. It's nice to know I am not the only one who finds this thing useful. :)
  • Version 1.0.1

    - Fixed wrong stash sizes per start - I missed out on it, and it used to be EoD one always.

  • Version 1.0.0

    Initial commit

  • love the idea, was it difficult to change a starting preset? I want to create a custom starting preset of my own

    • Hi!

      TL;DR - not precisely 'hard', but may eat some time of yours.

      You can go through my code and find out how it works if you wish - it's Creative Commons, after all.

      The most difficult part is setting up items in your inventory, rather than making a new preset. I advise you to create a new profile, put all of the items in relevant slots/spaces/etc, log out, and then make a preset out of user account file. As far as I noticed when doing my research, it should have the same structure as the loadout you initially pass via profile.

      I initially assumed I can make a mod containing a TUE loadout, but then I didn't want to bother with non-scripting stuff too much when I was onto this mod.

    • is it FIKA friendly? are all the profiles the same user .json? if it is, im guessing player should be able to simply rename their .json or maybe that would crash it. hope im making sense

    • It should be FIKA friendly. It just creates new presets on the server side. I don't think it's heavy enough to cause any issues whatsoever.

      As for profiles and user.json. I am not sure one can simply rename it and use it as a profile preset. However, when I was researching the file, as I mentioned be4, I noticed that inventory structure seems alike.

      You can either go through trial-and-error, or ask around Discord of SPT or FIKA or wherever else the modding community stays.

      If anything goes wrong when importing the preset, you'll probably know of it when creating a character or via console errors popping up.

  • This is a great mod idea. I'll be checking this out when I wipe in a few weeks.

    • does the crust add extra protection? i usually wipe every month

    • Here's hoping!

      I think the axeman should be the best of the bunch