Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.0.5
- AcidMC
This version is for SPT 3.10.
- Added UseBasicStashes config that switches stash lvl 1 for all presets if enabled
This update was brought to you by WildShpee's wild idea for TUE to have lvl 1 stash.
Version 1.0.4
- AcidMC
This version is for SPT 3.10.
- Updated to SPT 3.10.
This update was brought to you by Basic Structure Goodness. BSG - enforce ID rules, 'cuz that's the way it must be.
Just was told of an A/V flag on the file. Here's the VirusTotal check. Also attached to relevant file desc. field.
Version 1.0.3
- AcidMC
This version is for SPT 3.9
- Added EnableExtraIcons option to enable Dev, Sherpa, Emissary icons for all the new presets;- Added Killa tracksuit to The Boss Edition;
- Set EoD and TUE to include related icons and backgrounds; *presumably* this means dog tags, but requires confirmation.
- Set relevant stash levels in Hideout per preset (I didn't do it before, and it may have caused your stash to become smaller upon upgrade in theory)
This update's brought to you by Gleneth. Thanks for helping with research
Version 1.0.2
- AcidMC
This version is for SPT 3.9
- Removed Pettan's Unheard Item Preview support - irrelevant w/latest update;
- Added Cultist robe to TUE-HC edition.
Version 1.0.1H1
- AcidMC
This version is for SPT 3.8
- Fixed wrong stash sizes per start - I missed out on it, and it used to be EoD one always;
- Fixed an error where a few of profiles caused seemingly random errors due to a small issue in corresponding JSON files. -
Version 1.0.0
- AcidMC
This version is for SPT 3.8
Initial commit
Is it possible to edit the stash sizes for each individual start?
For instance, I am trying to set the stash size in the unheard-edition hardcore to level 1, but despite my changing it from lvl 4 in both the mod.js and mod.ts files, when I launch this start, the stash is still level 4.
AcidMC Author
Hi. For the stash, there are two options to set. First of all, the upgrade that is set in mod.ts. And second - the exact stash 'container'.
To set TUE stash 'container' to standard edition (lvl 1), do this:
That should suffice. Make sure to restart the server and recreate your profile with this preset.
Actually, come to think of it, I can set up lvl 1 stashes for all presets as an option. Not the worst idea for an update.
UPD: Version 1.0.5 is up. Make sure to set UseBasicStashes to true
Wow that was the fastest response to a question about a mod I have ever seen! Thanks so much Acid!
AcidMC Author
Urw, I was just around and not lazy enough to toss an update in the pot. Have fun with the game.
Thanks so much!
Exactly what i was wanting for my TUE playthrough!!
Is there anyway to fix where my player icon can be TUE instead of Default. There is no options to switch icons in the option menu. No options for EOD or TUE name.
AcidMC Author
I'm still researching about that as well as the background. I'll update it when I figure.
The MemberCategory Number is different. On default account its 0 Unheard is 1026.
I achieved what i needed by going into my Profile json after making account and changing this number located on Line 733 of the Json.
IDK how you would implement it into the mod but i always like a code challenge.
It DOES work changing it as i now can use your mod and have the unheard callsign!!!
Thanks for making the mod
(does not give you the cultist background but im looking! LOL)
AcidMC Author
Thanks for the hint, I'm on it as we speak.
UPD I got a hint on how it works, I think it's a sum of certain preset values. I'll fiddle with it and get back to you.
Changing GameVersion on Line 745 to unheard_edition fixes the Background
just trying to help
AcidMC Author
Wonder what else GameVersion may affect...
In any case, now I can switch on any of these roles.
Dig the mod, thanks for making this. I'm gonna tinker with it and see if I can get it to work after updating to 3.9.X and report back for others that might be interested.
I also made a john wick profile (m1911a1, 5x .45 ACP Match, EC Bayonet, Analgin) so if anyone wants that profile I can comment the json file info below this comment.
AcidMC Author
Hi Gemini. I can update it no biggie, I'm just not too invested in 3.9.0. To me it feels like an intermediary - the wipe's coming in Aug.
If you can, that'd be cool. I wasn't able to attempt it yet myself.
If not, that's fine too. I just like to help when/where I can.
I agree that there will likely be a bunch of updates with live wipe in August. My main motivation for the mod update is the FIKA server my friends squirreled me into making because apparently the cheating situation is getting worse. They wanna do a ZTH and first thing I thought of was this mod.
AcidMC Author
Cool to know I don't bother for nothing, thanks m8.
Anyway, if you want me to add this JW-esque thing, toss me the JSON, I'd be more than happy to do it for you!
[I mean I'll add it and toss here, alternatively you can ofc do it urself if u know ur way around.]
Keanu Reeves is THE ONLY actor I truly respect and love.
Either way is cool with me! Happy to contribute.
Also agree with Keanu, dude is like the north start of dudes to look up to/respect. Can't go wrong.
AcidMC Author
Hi again. I took liberty of editing your preset - the items will be worn on the character, not somewhere in the stash, and that sums it up.
Here's how you can implement it in the latest version of the mod in case you are yet to do it - I will ofc include this in the next update. It's just that I dont feel just one preset worthy of adding as an update tbh :O
1) Put the following code to VariousHardcoreStarts/src/preset_info/john_wick.json:
2) Add the following line before line 59. This code part will then look like this:
3) In the same file, add the following code after condition with "The Axeman Edition" - it will then look like this:
4) You're good to go - launch the server, this preset will be available in the list for you.
love the idea, was it difficult to change a starting preset? I want to create a custom starting preset of my own
AcidMC Author
TL;DR - not precisely 'hard', but may eat some time of yours.
You can go through my code and find out how it works if you wish - it's Creative Commons, after all.
The most difficult part is setting up items in your inventory, rather than making a new preset. I advise you to create a new profile, put all of the items in relevant slots/spaces/etc, log out, and then make a preset out of user account file. As far as I noticed when doing my research, it should have the same structure as the loadout you initially pass via profile.
I initially assumed I can make a mod containing a TUE loadout, but then I didn't want to bother with non-scripting stuff too much when I was onto this mod.
is it FIKA friendly? are all the profiles the same user .json? if it is, im guessing player should be able to simply rename their .json or maybe that would crash it. hope im making sense
AcidMC Author
It should be FIKA friendly. It just creates new presets on the server side. I don't think it's heavy enough to cause any issues whatsoever.
As for profiles and user.json. I am not sure one can simply rename it and use it as a profile preset. However, when I was researching the file, as I mentioned be4, I noticed that inventory structure seems alike.
You can either go through trial-and-error, or ask around Discord of SPT or FIKA or wherever else the modding community stays.
If anything goes wrong when importing the preset, you'll probably know of it when creating a character or via console errors popping up.
This is a great mod idea. I'll be checking this out when I wipe in a few weeks.
does the crust add extra protection? i usually wipe every month
AcidMC Author
Here's hoping!
I think the axeman should be the best of the bunch