All The Seasons 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Unlock 100% seasonal gameplay. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. All the seasons in the game! Seasonal (minutes) OR Randomly selected after every raid. Highly configurable. With full Fika support. Weather changes respected by SAIN bots.


1. Drag and drop the user folder into your tarkov root folder.
2. Optionally change your configuration (see below configuration options).

3. ???????

4. Profit!!!!

==== Configuration Options ====

// Turn off and on
"enable": true,

// Length of time in minutes for each season to last.
  "seasonLength": {
"SUMMER": 60,
"AUTUMN": 30,
"WINTER": 60,
"SPRING": 30

// If set to "true", will randomly select a season after each raid-end
"randomSeason": false,

// Weighting for season when randomSeason is set to true, and for initial season on game start.
  "randomSeasonWeighting": {
"SUMMER": 5,
"AUTUMN": 2,
"WINTER": 1,

"lessFog": false,

"lessRain": false,

// Less clouds
"clearSkies": false,

// If you want to see server messages
"consoleMessages": true

  • Version 1.1.0

    Initial release with all 4 seasons and weather updates!

    Unlock 100% seasonal gameplay.

    Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.

    All the seasons in the game!

    Seasonal (minutes) OR Randomly selected after every raid.

    Highly configurable.

    With full Fika support.


    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 1.0.0

  • Version 1.1.0

    Initial release with all 4 seasons and weather updates!

    • Unlock 100% seasonal gameplay.
    • Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.
    • All the seasons in the game!
    • Seasonal (minutes) OR Randomly selected after every raid.
    • Highly configurable.
    • With full Fika support.
    • Weather changes affect SAIN bots.


    8) :thumbup:

    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 2
  • Hey Deward, absolutely love the mod. Any way I could suggest a feature? It would be awesome to see what the current season is before loading into raid(if not playing with the random config on). Unless there's something I'm missing, I think that would be very nice; so I don't show up on woods with full, green multicam in the dead of winter xD


  • Hi, how would I go about turning off snow in the winter? I thought I got it but must have misunderstood the values in the config. Thanks for your work!

    Thumbs Up 2
    • I can't seem to do this as well.

      "WINTER": {

      "clouds": {

      "values": [-1.5, -1, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5],

      "weights": [60, 30, 5, 2, 1, 1]


      "windSpeed": { "values": [0, 1, 2, 3], "weights": [3, 1, 1, 1] },

      "windDirection": {

      "values": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],

      "weights": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]


      "windGustiness": { "min": 0, "max": 1 },

      "rain": { "values": [1], "weights": [4] },

      "rainIntensity": { "min": 0, "max": 0 },

      "fog": {

      "values": [0.002, 0.004, 0.008, 0.012, 0.087],

      "weights": [10, 4, 3, 2, 1]


      "temp": { "min": 0, "max": 24 },

      "pressure": { "min": 760, "max": 764 }


      Setting it like this also doesn't disable it. Any help would be appreciated. I just want to disable snow.

  • Hi, I downloaded your mod, but the seasons don't change.

  • I have the strange behavior, when I installed the mod the maps will still have snow ground regardlis of season.
    When I uninstalled the mod, it is still the same, does anyone has an idea, why that is?

    • Sounds like you have an svm setting or something else going on.

      My mod doesn't save the season.

    • I have SVM but did not set winter. Before your mod no snow, after it snow stays, strange.

    • You likely have some other mod touching weather, that is the only explanation.

      Clear your launchers temp files (in settings).

    • I have used the mod Simple season selector to force Spring and now the snow is away. Could it be because my server is running on Linux and does not get the correct machine date?

  • maybe a dumb question but this mod is compatible with swag + donuts right? like it doesn't fiddle with ai spawns?

    • It's completely fine with swag and donuts yea. it doesnt affect any spawning

  • I added an extra hook on /singleplayer/enableBSGlogging which is only called once when the game launches, it helps kickstart the mod by applying weather settings from the start, as /client/match/offline/end only triggers at the end of the first match.

    • Wat?
      I apply the weather on server launch, and it updates on raid end.
      This is to make sure Fika servers sync with players.

      Why was this necessary?

    • Disregard my previous message, another mod is interfering with weather on my side, your mod works perfectly fine on its own. Also my fault for looking at the code too hastily, I missed the initial weather change and thought it was just a hook. Still this extra hook solves a serious mod conflict headache, I'll keep it that way :D

    • Load order can solve most issues like this.
      Glad you got it figured.

    • Hey hey, I have a pretty long mod list and was just curious if you suggest having this mod load first / last / in a specific position in regards to any other particular mods like SVM maybe? Could be a broad question but I figured it was worth an ask.


    • Probably doesn't matter.

      But last would be preferable.

  • Hey Dewardian,

    I'm not sure if it was intended behaviour, but when (I assume) Winter is in effect, the falling snow effect still applies inside the Interchange mall and the underground parking garage.

    Here's an example screenshot JEfjAAc

    I didnt know if setting the rain off during Winter in the advanced config or changing the temperature would disable the snow so I left it as is since you stated no support would be provided. Ideally if it's a quirk of the mod, I'd like to disable snowfall for specific maps.

    • You can turn off the rain in winter. This is a EFT/SPT bug unfortunately, nothing to do with the mod.

      I may turn off snowing in winter by default in the next release but I haven't minded it until now.
      Granted I haven't played interchange with it yet...

    • It happens on Customs too, not sure about other places...

    • I've seen it on Ground Zero.

      I'll turn it off in the next release. For now you can set the rain to favour 1 in the advanced config.
      Or just turn on "noRain" in the main config (that would prevent rain in all seasons of course).

    • I see. Thanks for the confirmation.

      If what the mod's doing is enabling semi-working features, I can understand why it wasnt available from the beginning. It's really refreshing to see the landscape change in general. I can tolerate the effects to a degree but indoors the snowfall is so bright it creates insane amounts of visual noise. I'd imagine without "ThatsLit", you put yourself at a heavy disadvantage against the bots that have unimpeded vision.

      I'll follow your recommendation. Aside from this one thing, love the mod.
      Good job

      Heart 1
    • Hi, nice mod, great work! :love:

      Do you mind elaborating on: " can set the rain to favour 1 in the advanced config"? I'd love to play with random seasons without having to worry about snow going through buildings.


  • any plans on making this or something similar that does the seasonal events AI and bosses?

  • Thank you very much for the update! <3

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Any chance to add Fika support? My raid could be winter but my squad mates might be normal weather.

    • I've thought about this, will see in a nextvrelease

    • it was already working for me and my friends on FIKA with SPT 3.8.3

      idk if that was intended tho

    • It was previously inconsistent, try now.
      Should be working much better.

      If you restart the fika server between games, make sure to also restart all clients so they have up to date season/weather data.

  • not working for me, even if i put 100% chance..

    Thumbs Up 3
    • same

    • same here

      do you know of any incompatibility with other mods, or maybe load order, or some other thing not indicated in the instructions of this mod?

    • What mods are you using? It works for me just fine... Are you using any mods that change the in game time, perhaps?

    • I use the classic ones, sain, that's lit, realism, alp, questing bots, looting etc

      I used winter mod, which worked, but I obviously removed it to use this one... others, just some traders and weapons

      edit: maybe the problem is amands?

    • never used a mod for change wheather

  • This is perfect! Perhaps spring chance too in 3.9?

  • Thanks for this mod! It's great!

    Heart 1
  • You're a legend! Thank you for making this, big ol bag o' appreciation homie!

    Heart 1
  • I'm about to bust

    Thinking 1 Happy 2
  • Thanks for the mod! Exactly what I was after.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • My man! Another mod to the collection.

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 2
  • I need to restart the server after snow to start without it? 👀

    • No, it's random chance on each raid.

      Heart 1
    • im pretty sure its how the server works with snow im gonna downlaod and double check now but as far as i understand if u enable snow using weather mods or the snow command its stuck that way untill reset

      Crying 1
    • It's not a question.

      It's a fact.

      You have a 15% chance on raid start to have snow.

      It updates on every raid.

      That's it.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is this any different from the option in Raid Overhaul? I guess in Raid Overhaul you don’t have a percent config option but just making sure.

    • Percentage roll is on raid start, no server restart required.

      That's why this exists.

      Thumbs Up 1 Heart 1
    • it works... please read guys... closely!

      Heart 1
    • This mod is different from the current other two weather mods (WinterMode and Seasonal Weather at Home) in that once those two mods change to snow, it remains snow for all subsequent raids until the server is restarted. This mod (Sometimes It Snows) allows it to change between raids based on the percentage chance.

      Happy 1