SiulSC Guns - Realism Compatibility Patch 1.0.4

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This adds SPT Realism compatibility for the weapon mods by SiulSC.


Compatibility patches for the weapon mods by SiulSC.

If you experience any issues, feel free to open an issue. If fixing it yourself is more your thing, there's a guide on how to contribute on the GitHub repository.


Obviously, you'll need the AR-54, DVL-50, and/or MK-12 and SPT Realism for this to do anything.


1. Remove the Realism incompatibility line from the mods, "\user\mods\<mod_folder>\package.json", then save:

JSON: package.json
"incompatibilities": [

2. Download the latest release.

3. Drop the provided user folder into your SPT folder.

If the changes don't load, you may want to also clear cache / temp files.

1. In \user\cache, delete:

bundleHashCache.json, jsonCache.json, and modCache.json

But do NOT delete the folder named bundles.

2. In the SPT launcher, clear temp files:

Open launcher > Click settings > Click clean temp files

  • Version 1.0.4

    This is for SPT v3.9.X, SPT Realism Mod v1.4.5 onwards, AR-54 v1.0.4, DVL-50 v1.0.3, and MK-12 v1.0.3


    Update malfunctions to adhere to latest Realism update (v1.4.5).

  • Version 1.0.3

    This is for SPT v3.9.X, “AR-54” v1.0.4, "DVL-50" v1.0.3, and "MK-12" v1.0.3


    Upon request by SiulSC, added support for his DVL-50 and MK-12.

  • Version 1.0.2

    This is for SPT v3.8.3 and “AR-54” v1.0.3.


    This makes the AR-54 compatible with Realism mastering.

  • Version 1.0.1

    This is for SPT v3.8.3 and “AR-54” v1.0.3.


    Fixed overtuned weight, thanks to Strahhe for pointing that out :)

  • Version 1.0.0

    This is for SPT v3.8.3 and “AR-54” v1.0.3.

  • Thanks for the patch. While building a preset for this, I noticed that the final build weighs 7.8kg! So I checked the stock preset, and compared with the default SR-25, and rechecked values in the json files.

    I think the weight value in AR-54\AR-54.json is overtuned: "Weight": 4.88,, considering it should only be the lower receiver. For comparison, the lower receiver for the SR-25 the weapon is cloned from is only "Weight": 0.51, based on MarksmanRifleTemplates.json from Realism.

    The original mod also lists the same weight as the SR-25 for the lower receiver, in AR-54\database\siul_items.json.

    I of course changed this for personal use but I thought you might want to review and update that :) again, thanks for the patch!

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Ah yeah brainfart! I totally figured it was the entire weapon lol.

      Happy 1
    • Fixed it on both my compat mods, good catch my guy!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I dont know what I did not do right but I can't get this mod to work. Could you possibly update the file so us non-coders can get it to work. Thanks!

    • If you've done this:

      1. Remove the Realism incompatibility line from "\user\mods\AR-54\package.json", then save.

      "incompatibilities": [

      2. Download the latest release.

      3. Drop the provided user folder into your SPT folder.

      And it isn't working, you may want to also clear cache / temp files.

      1. In \user\cache, delete:




      But do NOT delete the folder named bundles.

      2. In the SPT launcher, clear temp files:

      Open launcher

      Click settings

      Click clean temp files

      Then it should work, otherwise just leave another comment :)

  • Worked perfectly after I read the other comment and deleted that line, guns got a great feel to it, would you be able to add a larger capacity mag like a 40 rounder. Thanks for the upload though :thumbup:

    • That's great!

      I'm not the author of the original mod, but if I recall correctly, you can just edit the capacity in the compat file :)

      I can show you how in a bit.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • 1. Open "\user\mods\AR-54\database\siul_items.json"

      2. Edit the "_max_count": 20, number to whatever capacity you want:

      3. If you want the name and tooltip to change too, change it at the bottom of the file too:

      JSON: siul_items.json
      "locales": {
            "en": {
              "Name": "AR-54 7.62x54mmR KAC 20-round steel magazine",
              "ShortName": "KAC 54R",
              "Description": "A 20-round double-stack steel magazine for 7.62x54mmR cartridges. Manufactured by Knight's Armament Company."
    • Thanks dude :) :thumbup:

  • You might want to add to the instructions that you must remove the "SPT-Realism" incompatibility from line 12 of the AR-54 package.json to clear the errors in server terminal.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Good point, I'll add it when I get home :)