Yet Another Keep Your Equipment Mod 2.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Allows you to keep your equipment after death!

I am no longer maintaining this mod, I simply do not have the energy or interest to do so anymore. To be frank, I'm not proud with it's current state, it was rushed to update and I cannot recommend using versions 2.0.0 or 2.0.1.

Config options

Option Default Description
active true Controls whether the mod actually does anything.
keepItemsFoundInRaid false Should items found in-raid be saved, you will be set back to the equipment you had pre-raid if this is disabled.
keepItemsInSecureContainer true Should the items in your secure container revert to pre-raid. Redundant if "keepItemsFoundInRaid" is enabled.
retainFoundInRaidStatus true Should items found in-raid, retain that status on death.
saveVitality false Should health, status effects, energy, hydration, etc be saved. You will be set back to normal health upon death if disabled
keepQuestItems false Should quest items (aka task items) be kept after death.
killerMessages true Should you receive messages from your killer.
victimMessages true Should you receive messages from your victims.
profileSaving true What parts of the profile stats should be saved on death.

Let me know if you have any issues, preferred method is to make a github issue as I might not be as responsive here.

  • Version 2.0.1

    Fixed quest items not being restored after death.

  • Version 2.0.0

    Updated to SPT version 3.10

    Old configs are not compatible.

    Change log can be found here.

  • Version 1.0.3

    Added "stats" option

  • Version 1.0.2

    Fixed items in containers in a secure container not being saved.

    Added options for saving stats, has not been fully tested, recommend to leave it untouched for now.

  • Version 1.0.1

    • Added "keepItemsInSecureContainer" option.
  • Version 1.0.0

  • Figured I'd mention it, I noticed the mod doesn't work with Fika, I have to exact copies of servers, one with Fika. Works great with my SPT server w/o Fika, but for some reason with Fika it doesn't work. Even with the mods installed on the client system. As my Fika server is on another PC.

  • unfortunately I'm losing everything if I die. I'm fairly certain it's in the right place

    • This is just not true for me. Clean SPT 33420, clean SPT 3.10.2, and ONLY default mod [Yet Another....] config.json options. Upon death, all starting gear restored to original condition, lost Secure Case items (and FIR), gained EXP, statistics, and skills. Have not yet tested all the config options, but I will be doing so.....

  • The injection case disappears with its contents after death. The rest is saved.

  • Mod is not working for me.

    clean 3.10.2 install and only mod installled, all mod settings on default.

    When killed in raid everything except armband and melee is lost.

    • Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it.

    • This is just not true for me. Clean SPT 33420, clean SPT 3.10.2, and ONLY default mod [Yet Another....] config.json options. Upon death, all starting gear restored to original condition, lost Secure Case items (and FIR), gained EXP, statistics, and skills. Have not yet tested all the config options, but I will be doing so.....

  • Thank you for update it to 3.10!

    However, it seems that this mod will stop mission item from spawning again after a raid when you obtained it and died, i don't know if this is the issues or other, i found it during the bronze watch quest.

    Thanks again!

    • Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it. When you get a chance can you send the config you used?

    • Okay, this was an oversight on my part, I can confirm this is an issue with default settings, I'm going to start working on a fix.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you for replying this fast !

      And thank you so much for updating the mod.

    • Thank you for the update!

      Does that mean I will be able to restore the quest item after death?(without enable keep quest item)

    • I think you should be able to go into a raid with nothing, die, and that should fix the quest conditions as long as you have the "keepQuestItems" set to false, but admittedly I didn't test how to fix already broken quest conditions, so I'm curious to know if that works.

      I'll probably test it myself in a few minutes.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thank you so much for the update to 3.10!

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • I hope this gets updated soon cause SPT 3.10 won't even try to load outdated mods and it's just painful to play without this. :D

    Thumbs Up 3 Heart 1
  • why hadn't I found this earlier?

    I been reloading profile backups on death everytime.

    Seems like if you set config properly this works just like "No Save On Death" I compared screenshot of "Overall" tab and seems to work how I want it to.

    Thanks for share.

    Glory to the Modders

    Happy 1
  • hello Likly. having a small trouble

    what should i do? can you help me please?

  • Doesn't work sadly. All equipped items lost when dying in raid.

    You just have to reboot the server, my bad.. :S

  • Hey, not sure if I'm blind or stupid, but does this have a feature like NLE by Revingly where if you die, you start with the kit you took into the raid?

    Sorry if this a stupid question, but I would just like to know.

  • do you know how i can make it so that i lose everything i found in the raid (i know this is a feature) + some equipment while keeping others? more specificailly was wondering if you can use lostondeath.json from the base game with this mod somehow

  • compatible with FIKA?

  • run throughs still count as deaths, is there any way to change that?

  • So... this doesn't work as I expected. "Keep items found in raid" being disables removes the items in your inventory if you extract succesfully, and enabling it means you'll keep all the items even if you die. I'm not sure if it's possible to ONLY keep the items we started the raid with in case we die but also be able to loot and extract normally, but that's the functionality I'm looking for in a mod like this.

  • Is "keep items found in raid" being disabled supposed to reset you to what you had before the raid even on successful extract? If it is supposed to work like that could we get an option to only reset your gear if you die instead of extracting? basically I was expecting it to work like "restore initial kit" from NLE and am a bit confused.

  • Hi, @Likly! Thank you for the mod. Just wondering, whether the setting "profieSaving" is identical to that of Revingly's "backupProfileBeforeSave".

    The issue is that that setting of Revingly is useful when the game crashes for some reason during the raid and it makes sure that everything made just before entering the raid is saved (changes to items in stash, tasks, hideout, etc.).

    Thank you in advance!

  • New to SPT, is there any future for this mod to be integrated into the ingame F12 mod menu so I can emulate the offline practice runs of live EFT but decide which raids I want to be like so on the go? Alternatively, do I need to quit and restart the game each time I edit the .json for it to apply?

    • I asked the author the same question for an added feature. Currently it is a server mod, so yes you need "to quit and restart the game each time I edit the .json for it to apply".

    • Oh, thank you... yea i noticed the hard way that it is in fact, a server mod after not restarting the server after making a change... good thing I didn't lose anything though I only didn't get to clear my inventory as I wanted

  • With the release of v1.0.3, we now have a "true" alternative to using [Alt][F4] :) As if the raid never happened. Bonus, you can choose to also keep your secure container items and the FIR status to boot! A true replacement for [Never Lose Equipments] that is currently only for SPT 3.8.x.


    @Likly, Any chance of possibly adding another feature? [Lua's Magic Save] and [Lua's MagicSave patched for 3.5] used an item (i.e. an arm band) to determine what type of scenario you want. For example wearing a red armband would make it "Do Not Save" and a green armband would make it an "Always Survived". This allowed you to not have to restart the server to change/pick the selected configuration you wanted to run the raid with. Would be nice to have the config.json to have options for if you take a particular item into raid, that would determine the different set of config options to use upon death. Thanks for the consideration.

    Example: [Lua's MagicSave patched for 3.5] CONFIG.JSON


    "Enabled": true,

    "UseExtraSpecialSlot": false,

    "UseInventorySlots": true,

    "RemoveNoSaveItemAfterUse": false,

    "RemoveAlwaysSurvivedItemAfterUse": true,



    "NoSave": "5b3f3ade86f7746b6b790d8e",

    "AlwaysSurvived": "5b3f3b0186f774021a2afef7"



    Thinking 1
  • conflicts with realism im pretty sure, i get errors in the server console related to being unable to read body parts or some such and infinite loading screens if im using both mods.

  • Can you add an option that resets your account to exact state it was before the raid after you die in raid?

    • Sorry for the very late reply, I just updated the mod, if you use this config, it'll hopefully be what your looking for.

      Heart 1
    • It is. works perfectly. Thanks Likly

  • A mate of mine had an issue with the keytool and the Mod Gilded Key Storage.

    Both Items were in the secure container but after death the keys inside were lost.

    Following config was active with the latest version (1.0.1)

    we play on spt 3.9.3 with fika-server 2.2.3 / fika-mod 0.9.8964.35784

    Thank you for the mod!

    "active": true,
    "keepItemsFoundInRaid": true,
    "keepItemsInSecureContainer": true,
    "retainFoundInRaidStatus": true,
    "useSacredAmulet": false,
    "saveVitality": true
    • Same issue here. Lost all the items in my SICC case and my Injectors case. It seems to only affect cases inside the secure container. The rest of my stuff was ok.

    • I think I know the issue, it should be fixed in next update.

      Heart 1
    • Sorry for the long delay, should hopefully be fixed now.

      Heart 1
    • No worries!

      It works now.

      Thank you!

  • I've been looking for an update of "no save on death" mod where the game simply just forgets about the raid where you die. Items and quest progress aside, the game won't record stats for KIA or MIA. Could you please add that feature?

    • I was actually looking into this earlier, it doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to do and I most likely will add it, but it probably won't be until tomorrow.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • yes please, grounghog day untill raid survival, Ihope you can do it.

      Glory to the modders

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Implementation of this has been started, there are now some options in the config relating to stats, however, I would recommend to leave them untouched for now as little to no testing has been done yet.

    • tried the newest mod with that config,

      when I died the game still recorded my KIA count

    • I just added a "stats" option, if you disable it, your kia/mia/awol counters shouldn't be saved.

  • Thank you for this one!! :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • thank you Likly!

    does the "keepitemsfoundinraid" affect the secure container? if i have this to false do the items in the secure container stay?

    if it doesnt is this something that can be added? cuz if initial kit can be set back to as if raid never happened, secure container items would be saved, but not items in picked up in raid and put into the inventory, to me, that is the perfect "keep items" mod

    • You can look at the test results I posted earlier

    • yes i did, but nothing with the mod description, or your test results you shared, mentions the secure container. i was wondering does having "keepitemsfoundinraid" affect whats put into the secure container?


      "keepItemsFoundInRaid": false, puts your all the gear back EXACTLY the way it was before the raid started. If you had things in the secure container, they will be there after death. It does NOT retain any items you put in there while in raid. It only differs from pressing (Alt-[F4]) after death in that you do get/keep EXP, Skills, and Stats.

      "keepItemsFoundInRaid": true, leaves you with all the gear as if you survived/extracted. Then the "retainFoundInRaidStatus": true/false, determines the FIR status of the items (including what is in the secure case).

      Try the settings, I did.

    • Now that you mention it, I definitely forgot about the secure container, I'll look into that now.

      Heart 1
    • @Likly thank you!

  • I just want to keep the bullet I had when I started raid

  • @Likly. First off, of the half a dozen mods currently attempting this, you seemed to have nailed it. Tested with SPT 3.9.3 and no other mods. This mod successfully allowed upon death to either 1) restore condition as if the raid never happened, or 2) keep condition as if you "SURVIVED". The FIR status option worked along with the vitality option. I did not test the useSacredAmulet. Thank you so much for getting one of theses mods working under 3.9x.


    - keepItemsFoundInRaid false Should items found in raid be saved, you will be set back to the equipment you had before the raid if this is disabled.

    - retainFoundInRaidStatus true Should items found in raid, retain that status on death.

    - useSacredAmulet true Should the Sacred Amulet be used on death.

    - saveVitality false Should health, status effects, energy, hydration, etc be saved. You will be set back to normal health upon death if disabled



    "active": true,

    "keepItemsFoundInRaid": false,

    "retainFoundInRaidStatus": true,

    "useSacredAmulet": true,

    "saveVitality": false



    - All gear amount/condition restored to before the raid

    - FIR Status Kept: N/A

    - Health and metabolism fully restored: Yes

    - EXP, Skills, and Stats: All kept

    - Summary: Like pressing (Alt-[F4]) but with EXP, Skills, and Stats all kept



    "active": true,

    "keepItemsFoundInRaid": true,

    "retainFoundInRaidStatus": true,

    "useSacredAmulet": true,

    "saveVitality": false



    - All gear amount/condition remains as if "SURVIVED"

    - FIR Status Kept: Yes

    - Health and metabolism fully restored: Yes

    - EXP, Skills, and Stats: All kept

    - Summary: Like "SURVIVED"



    "active": true,

    "keepItemsFoundInRaid": true,

    "retainFoundInRaidStatus": false,

    "useSacredAmulet": true,

    "saveVitality": true



    - All gear amount/condition remains as if "SURVIVED"

    - FIR Status Kept: No

    - Health and metabolism fully restored: No

    - EXP, Skills, and Stats: All kept

    - Summary: Like "SURVIVED"

    • Thank you for the kind words and the testing, they are both much appreciated.

    • No, thank you