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Adds a new Trader 'Ryzhy' from "The Chronicles of Ryzhy" into the game. [Compatible with 3.9.X]
Ryzhy sells Provisions and some Barter Items - He will also buy them
Ryzhy has 4 available quests - more will come soon
If have any issues or find bugs please let me know
Here is another trader mod I made: Igor - Grenade Trader with Quests
Version 1.0.1
- Pycak
-Added RU locale (Thanks to AcidMC)
-Fixed error this mod causes when using SPT Realism Mod -
Version 1.0.0
- Pycak
we need a update please for 3.10
I second this comment !
I love this quest series, and if I can continue to make more interesting quest work for Ryzhy, I have made a locale for Chinese players, please feel free to take it if you need it
"ryzhylostmygunquest name": "丢失了我的枪",
"ryzhylostmygunquest description": "你好陌生人,我听说你是这份工作的合适人选。我丢了我父亲给我的一把霰弹枪,请帮我找回它。",
"ryzhylostmygunquest handover": "找到并交出在突袭中找到的MP-43 12号口径锯短双管霰弹枪",
"ryzhylostmygunquest completePlayerMessage": "找到并交出在突袭中找到的MP-43 12号口径锯短双管霰弹枪。",
"ryzhylostmygunquest successMessageText": "哇,你找到了!太谢谢你了。我觉得我们未来会是个很棒的团队。我现在没什么,但把这当作奖励吧。这把枪对我来说意义重大。",
"ryzhypaybackquest name": "投资回收期",
"ryzhypaybackquest description": "Glukhar是个残忍的人。他折磨了我,把我带到了一个叫做“竞技场”的地方,我勉强活了下来。现在是我报仇的时候了。找到他,杀了他。这次,我会给你更好的奖励。",
"ryzhypaybackquest kill": "杀死Glukhar",
"ryzhypaybackquest completePlayerMessage": "杀死Glukhar",
"ryzhypaybackquest successMessageText": "什么?你杀了他?现在少了一个想要杀我的人。拿着你的奖励吧。",
"ryzhyselfdefensequest name": "自卫",
"ryzhyselfdefensequest description": "你听说过一个叫Sanitar的人吗?他是另一个想要杀我的人。如果你帮我解决这个问题,我会非常感激。",
"ryzhyselfdefensequest kill": "杀死Sanitar",
"ryzhyselfdefensequest completePlayerMessage": "杀死Sanitar",
"ryzhyselfdefensequest successMessageText": "干得好,我的朋友!但是我没有好好考虑。现在我让一个我真的喜欢的人不高兴了不管怎样,这是你的奖励。很快再见!",
"ryzhyinlovequest name": "爱情",
"ryzhyinlovequest description": "还记得我让你杀了Sanitar吗?我惹恼了一个被称为治疗师的人。我真的爱上了她;她多次救了我的命。我想向她道歉,但不能空手而归。她知道我和你一起工作,所以你能不能改善一下和她的关系,买点医疗用品?",
"ryzhyinlovequest handover": "交出任何25个在战局中找到的医疗物品",
"ryzhyinlovequest loyaltyText": "达到Therapist的忠诚度2级。",
"ryzhyinlovequest completePlayerMessage": "爱情",
"ryzhyinlovequest successMessageText": "好了!她不再生气了。我从她的储物间拿了一些急救包和其他东西给你。嘿嘿。"
Code: db/locales/ch/ch.json
Hello there. Can you make compatibility with Realism mod, please? I'm using hard economy (you get much less money from selling stuff) and Ryzhiy has vanilla prices sadly.
Pycak Author
I will try
Hi. Like the idea. Went ahead and made a RU locale for you. It's not a word-to-word translation as I added a bit character to the lines (imo). Use it if u wish.
I think that logically Sanitar and Glukhar should be killed with smth specific; it would make sense that T knows of Ryzhy's involvement based on his style or smth, 'cuz anybody could've killed these two
P.S. Besides there are Jaeger quests for just straight forward murdering.
btw his name in russian is written as 'Рыжий', I didn't add this to locale file, jfyi.
Pycak Author
i named my cat like this
Good job dude, I created a DE locale for you. As with AcidMC, I refined the text a bit so that it fits the character of the dealer. Keep it up!