Bronzemanmode by KcY-3.9 port 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

For true zero to hero experience, no trader/flea stock until you unlock it through raid extract or quest. Highly customizable.

If you want to earn the better gear this is for you, all trader and flea items are unlocked by raid extract and quest completion. Original mod by KcY Bronzemanmode, i only made it work on 3.9 if he updates the original this will be deleted. ALP is really good with it because the bots gear are tied to trader so on low level you can get the early items but only if you uncheck FIR only option.

Possible update: All items before unlocking has a background color for quick checking. Morecheckmarks wishlist works too for now.

Configuration Options

  • `playerstofilter` , list of player IDs who dont want to use this mod in FIKA
  • `unlocks.raidRunThrough`, if true allows you to unlock items even if the raid was a "Run Through".
  • `unlocks.raidDeath`, if true allows you to unlock items even if you died/were MIA.
  • `unlocks.inventory`, if true will unlock any items already in your player inventory.
  • `unlocks.quests`, if true unlocks any items receieved as quest rewards.
  • `unlocks.foundInRaidOnly`, if true will only unlock "Found in raid" items. Affects both raids and inventory unlocks.
  • `hideItems`, if true will remove locked items from trader inventories, if false will set their stock to 0 instead.
  • `allTraders`, if true all traders (including those from mods) are affected, to configure only specific traders use the next option.
  • `traders`, a list of trader IDs to restrict. (Default traders can be found in Aki_DataServerdatabase raders), works with custom traders, i use it with Artem and Gambler
  • `includeRagfair`, if true will also restrict the flea market/ragfair.
  • `ignoreItems`, items that can be purchased without being unlocked, useful for quest items i.e. the MS200 marker.
  • `requireUnlockComponents`, if true you'll have to have unlocked every item on a weapon, in a bag, etc. in order to purchase it.
  • `debug`, if true will display additional debug information in the AKI Server window and in `user/logs`
  • Version 1.1.0

    New config option:
    playerstofilter : "profileID" format, filter players who dont want to use this mod in FIKA

    couldnt test it in FIKA environment but i think it should work, feedback would be nice

    Virustotal result

  • Version 1.0.0

  • Hiya I am having a issue with Peacekeeper with this mod. Specifically M4a1 and base attachments not unlocking as well as STANAG mags and M882 9m FMJ. I have no custom traders , equipment or ammo mods installed. Any advice would be apricated.

    • hi, i will look into it on monday when i get home. I think i have that problem too actually but i thought i had bad like finding lvl1 peacekaper items. The mod stores the unlocked items in your profile save under bronzemanitems and you can enable server logging in config, when you open the trader the server outputs all items with green if unlocked or red if locked, maybe there is an error too on those items.

    • Cool I'll do that ty and report back any findings ty!

    • OK so looking around the wiki some of the stuff I am expecting to see unlocks at lvl2 now so my bad misremembering. I will note that the full base M4 that I took to base was from a weapon box from a supply drop. I think because I sold it before logging it did not log it for unlocking ( looking through the log some the items from the same case like the 20 rnd maglock mags did). so it may be mostly user error. thank you for the help.

    • when i looked at the code i didnt find anything for weapon box, but if inventory unlock is enabled when you restart the server it will unlock all the items in your stash so open weapon box first but dont sell locked items before server restart, unlocking only works on raid end, quest completion and server start on stash and pmc inventory.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Oh lawd here we go for the snowflake account

  • Really thank you for this port, I love this mod.

    It works perfectly for me.