Rexana's New Desert Eagle 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Beat them to it. Again.

Stick it in user/mods.

Buy it on the flea. just search "Desert" or "Eagle" on the flea market. I didn't feel like doing a traderassort for this ridiculous gun. No realism patch. Custom .50 AE cartridge is there, not .357 this time. I made .50 AE just for this.

Scuffed Textures by me, Chowdered Sounds by me, Models are RIPS.

It takes scopes this time. ALL the scopes. No i'm not doing suppressors. Ever. Don't ask.

  • akimbo and a a deadpool suit is all i need now

    Happy 1
  • cool mod i liked it but had to remove due to mastery screen locking up

    i have removed it but my Mastery screen is still locking up is there a way to figure which gun mod is doing this?

    • i get that too, idk which one it is, lol

  • I'm loving this thing. It's great.
    Ran it for a few raids to fulfill tasks that wanted pistol kills and it was a lot of fun.
    Makes me wish I could get any sort of extended magazine for it. Even a magazine that goes to 11 would make fights feel a lot less sketchy.
    Absolutely love the art and sound design for it though. Makes me also want just like... a manufacturer's spec black one.

    • There are mods that allow you to use any mag/ammo in any gun.

  • A i'm getting wacatac virus warning with this mod

    • well considering 1,600 people downloaded it with no issue....

  • I don't know if the problem is this mod alone, but i cannot go to my weapon masterys with this mod installed, it locks up all the tabs. I have to restart to be able to switch between health, skills, etc. tabs. Absolutely love this addition thought!

    • I have that problem on my own install too. I just avoid that button like the plague, idk why it does that.

      Happy 1
    • Hello, any plans on researching/addressing this issue? Thanks


  • almost perfect except for empty reload there's still a round in the mag...but yea that's my gun OCD lol.

    • or the fact i forgot to paint the diamond shaped holes on the right side of the grip plate because usually cod UVs are 'mirrored' but this one time it wasn't?

      there's actually a lot wrong with this gun animelaughing

      Heart 1
  • Akimbo when? :/

    Thumbs Up 2
  • I love you, thanks so much for doing this!!! I started making one but it was so shit 😂

  • Looks Crisp, can we get a silver Version as well?

  • Full auto switch when?

    Happy 2
    • When i figure out the g18 container

      Thumbs Up 1
  • You made Desert Eagle before a BSG could even make it. You are the true Chad of Tarkov.

  • So what about a drum mag for this? ^^

    Happy 4
  • Who is selling this?

    • The flea market

  • WTT... Saturday? Nice~

  • Can we have a non-Gucci'ed out one? Would love to drop PMCs with an absolute hand cannon without flexing on the entire region.

    Happy 1
    • Wait for BSG to release theirs then

      Heart 1
    • What a fucking chad response. Fair. Thanks king. 👑

      Happy 2
    • Gun is cool but it's too zesty to the entire Tarkov region. Waiting for a possible skin in the future.

      Happy 1
    • "Zesty" made me lol

      Heart 1
  • Whats with the listed caliber in the pics being 127x55? Was that just the easiest option since it already exists?

    Mostly just curious. Also who tf would EVER suppress a deagle?

    • so we discovered that for whatever reason if you put a "custom caliber" in that field, it'll squish the Eotech reticle.

    • So i picked the closest thing to a .50 cal. 12.7x55.

    • lmao thats actually funny af

  • Absolute beaut of a Deagle. <3

    Heart 1
  • what in the preview pivot is this lmao. i want to really test the armor pen on this shit.

    • I did the preview pivot manually.

      "ArmorDamage": 46,

      "PenetrationPower": 50,

      You should try making a weapon container.

    • i just use the preview pivot settings of the base gun and pray if it looks good. i thought you would copy and paste (insert pistol) preview pivot xd. i mean it definitely makes the gun stand out

  • very nice