Practical Tactical 1.4

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New gear for the PMC on the go

Mod to contain the tactical gear I'm modding into the game. I have a good handful of WIP but I figured I'd upload the two carriers I have finished and then just keep adding stuff with each update.


1x JPC Assaulter Variant

1xAdvanced Slickster

1x Shaw Concepts ARC V2 Assaulter carrier

Plateframe-Modular Medic Variant


AVS JTAC variant


FCPC MP7 variant



  • hey can u make railed comtacs to this mod pls?

  • Any way I'd be able to add my own patches? I have a few dumbass ideas but I dont wanna force them on everyone lol

  • how do you install correctly i only have the mod name and when i click on it on it shows the file/gear on the inside of the folder

  • hi man do u know any good MC g3 for this mod that would look nice?

    • For example my mod Multicam Clothing Pack

    • thx but the mc is not same your is more darker than in this mod

  • can't seem to find the pvs31 anywhere in the game, checked the handbook, flea market, AND bluehead's AIO trader :( strangely everything else is there including the wilcox mounts and custom helmets but both the pvs31 and new GPNVG aren't anywhere to be found, did i install something wrong?

    • Are you loyalty level 3 with mechanic?

    • oh can you only see it in his trader assort? weird it wouldn't be showing up in the handbook though, lemme force ll3 and get back to you

      EDIT: made ll3 through profile editor and there they are, disregard above -- and by the way, this mod kicks ass, i love all the gear :)

  • AOR1 JPC seems to be bugged, it's breaking inventory and player slots. See attached image.


    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi, sry for the stupid questions, but how i must install the mod... Thks for reply. It load the mod but cant see the armor

  • another great update! It would be nice if you asked Borkel to make a compatibility patch so we can use your nods with his mod, we're waiting for that Chimera too!

  • i think the helmet and the carrier is a bit heavy

  • y is the multicam ashy??

  • Love what you're doing, please keep up the phenomenal work! Excited to see more to come in the future.

  • Anime patches when? :D

    Now for the serious question. Will you add black GPNVG?

    Also sick mod. Love it

    • Both ATLAS Gear and Artem have black GPNVGs

    • I know and I already have them but they don't work with this mods helmets. Bababooey added new TAN gpnvg's that you need to put on special mounts. That's the ones I would love to have in black

    • Black GPNVG planned

      Heart 1
  • Amazing stuff mate! The only IF i have is that it costs me almost a mil to customize FAST SF ^^
    Maybe that's something wrong with LiveFlea Prices installed but it is what it is. I know it's a tedious process but do you plan on adding these accesories to traders?

    • yeah I just realized I forgot to toggle add to traders on the accessories because I have it off for the helmets and vests etc (they have to be added to a trader assort seperately in the code because they need an armor preset).

      I'll push an update fixing that before my short hiatus

      Heart 1
  • Code
    hi, is there a way to set the headphones for use without a helmet? thanks
  • I installed it, silly question but where do I obtain these badass carriers?

    • At Ragman's, also, If theyre not appearing check out if you extracted the file properly - youre looking for a folder without numbers at the end of it's name.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Haste makes waste =), I got in the blind habit of drag n drop into user folder... Thanks for waking me up !

  • I'm on the verge of tears by the time I arrive at SPT pub, since I'm positive that BababooeyRatatouille couldn't have released even more vests But he did, and relief washes over me in an awesome wave.

    This mod is a straight up banger, i hope it gets the kudos it deserves

  • Holy shit this is hot.

    If I sent you pics of my spiritus plate carrier would you render it?

    Kofi initiative HIGHLY approved.

  • Someones been playing Ready or Not ;)

    • Havent play that shit in a couple years, since I used to mod it. Have they added something similar to my stuff?

  • JTAC AVS carrier dropping next update, along with the Plateframe-Modular Medic Assaulter image.png?ex=66bef45c&is=66bda2dc&hm=853edba7f0e212adec27c73d9d48d62f638515ae6dd5d6a44f1d066a4f6b972e&



    Heart 1
  • I love these Plate Carriers, thank you. Do you mind if it's possible to make a plate carrier with SMG mags (like mp7 or so)? There are not really plate carriers for smg's in the Game (besides 2).

  • Dude, all of your mods are absolute bangers, but this... Im beyond disbelief. Finally some good looking plate carriers. any plans for an FCPC?

    • Yeah thats actually gonna be one of the next couple carriers added.

      Heart 1
    • Any chance for a multicam AR config? or only the black subgun as shown above?

    • Oh theres definitely going to be multiple configs of each carrier. My goal is probably gonna be like 10-15 carriers before I move on to other tactical gear in this pack.

      Heart 2
    • I'm gonna cum.

  • Looks sexy as hell.

    Any plans to develop realism compatibility as well?

  • Rigs look great!

    Also, in my game the rigs seem to be compatible with realism already. they have the comfort, reload speed, ect stats, the increased hp on the armor components... it looks good to me, and I didn't do anything special.

    • Mine don't, could you perhaps share your load order? I am curious to see if there's anything in there that may already adjust the stats in this case.

    • I'll get you this when I get home

    • You can get realism stats by loading this mod AFTER realism. I guess it takes stats from vanillf rigs which are already patched by realism. Although, these stats make sense

      Thumbs Up 1
    • @Iliketurtles Sorry, I forgot to reply. what Dun said is correct. Load it after realism

    • why it did not work for me? I load this mod after realism and it did not take any stats

  • Realism compat patch?

  • hope there will be a realism compatitable patch

    • At some point the WTT realism patcher gets back from vacation and I'll ask them to do it then. Alternatively, the info to make your own patch is available on Fontaines realism page.

    • thank you for asking them when they get back. mod looks very good cant wait to try it :D

  • What are the container sizes of the vests?

    • Matches what pouches are visually on the carrier as best as I can

    • I checked yesterday real quick and forgot the exact number but it's at least 9 two slot containers, so you could fit in 9 30round magazines if that makes sense? This is on the slickster specifically. I am unsure about the JPC as I haven't tried that one yet.

    • one of the elastic mag cells is partially blocked by the radio, so I figured 8 2x cell slots (2 on the right cummerbund, 3 in the center plus 3 on the left) plus a horizontal bottom 2x cell slot for the dangler would be fair

  • I've made an account specifically to comment on this mod, I am 100% downloading this when I get home as I've been waiting for someone to add the slickster into the game.
    It's also an incredible co-incidence that your screenshots use the same outfit choice that I have going on for myself on my current playthrough. Your screenshots are looking great too, it looks like it actually belongs in the game and doesn't use weird MW2 textures for example that make it feel out of place.

    I cannot wait to give it a shot at home, will try to remind myself to add another comment here when I've played with it.

    • Thanks homie, hope you enjoy

    • Coming back after installing the mod, it looks great in-game. Very happy with the result, the in-game backpack tri-zip also slots in perfectly with the vest, no weird clippings that I can find right quick in that regard.

      Very good quality, also love the amount of slot availability you gave the vest. Makes it very modular and makes sense with the available mag / radio pouches that are built into the cumberband (sides of the vest) and the front slots. The only thing I would change is perhaps the covers that are on the front three magazines but only because I've never really seen these before so my brain just needs to adjust. All in all I am happy I can larp in-game with pretty much the same load-out as my airsoft load-out.

      Thanks for releasing this!

    • Covers? do you mean the extended basepads? or the BFG 10 speed slapped on the front of the triple mag placard?

    • The extended basepads, I found out what they are thanks to your extended mags mod and I've already taken a liking to em now. Initially I thought they were some form of protection for dropping a mag.

      Got used to the look now and love it.

  • ery noice