Entry Point Selector 2.0 2.0.7

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Want to pick where you spawn? Guess what, now you can!



  • Version 2.0.7

    -Fixed an issue that was causing the Client.exe to be blank and have a random box in the center.

    -Re structured the BepInEx folder because I realized it wasn't correct.

  • Version 2.0.6

    -The plugin for this mod now works 100% as it should. It auto opens and auto switches to the map you pick before the start of a raid.

  • Version 2.0.5

    - Updated to work for 3.10.X! Thanks a ton to GrooveypenguinX for rewriting portions of the code to get this to work! Much love brother<3

    - Removed Factory for the time being as spawns still don't work. (This shouldn't be a major loss, the map isn't that big, so you shouldn't need to pick spawns)

    - Updated all Lighthouse spawns and updated the image for the Client.exe

    No support for older versions! If you have any issues please let me know!

  • Saved my ass on the lighthouse quests lol

  • Hi. Just curious if you had a rough ETA on an update that fixes the conflict with BALIST0N's Reality mod. I'll delete me comment if it's too annoying to ask.

    Thank you for the great work!

    • I do not, I honestly haven't started looking into it yet. I apologize

    • No need t0 apologize! I can live without it. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks again!

  • Just a heads up. I seem to have issues with your mod and MOAR. Nothing spawns on some of the maps with both mods together. Not sure why. I already advised the MOAR dev.

    • Interesting, I’ve used MOAR a few times and don’t remember having issues. I’ll run some tests and ask others if they are having issues. I will communicate with the dev for MOAR as well. Thank you!

    • I started about 3 updates back from MOAR, after 2.6.1. I had to sift through all the mods I use to figure it out and you're is the only one that was causing the issue. I have no idea why. Makes no sense to me.

    • I’ve had this problem too recently, not sure what exactly triggered it because it was working fine until I installed some other mods including softcore then suddenly no bots were spawning

      Removed this mod and then things went back to normal

      Thanks for looking into this

    • Thanks for the report. I’ll communicate with Dewar and try to see what’s going on. This mod never had issues with SWAG+DONUTS (that I’ve heard) so I wonder what is going on with MOAR :/

    • If you want to this on any of the latest, turn off the zone changes.
      Should be good without those enabled on moar.

  • for some reason i spawn in with all PMCs at the same point and they instantly kill me

    • Does this happen on every map with multiple spawns? I will try to re create the issue on my end. However, I believe this was also an issue in the live game. If that is the case, I don’t know how much I can do about that sadly:/ I will investigate though!

    • To make sure its not any other mod i disabled all of them except this one.

      I tried it on most maps, same thing on all of them.

      after playing around with it i now know that its some plugin i loaded that causes this issue, idk yet what it is. on a clean install the mod works fine

      Found the issue!!!
      "Reality" from Baliston is the problem.
      both of these at the same time cause the problem

    • Oh good! Thank you for the report! I will make an addition to the mod description that “Reality” is not compatible. Thank you!

  • Thank you so much

  • I know on the initial release you stated that there is no entry point selection for factory but I think its causing you to spawn in the same spot every single raid. Not a huge deal but it would be nice to spawn in different locations

    • Are you talking about Factory spawning you in the same place? Not sure how the mod would be causing that since it’s not even in the Client.exe, but let me look into it a bit. Please check your logs, are there any errors when spawning into Factory?

    • happens to me too

    • So I noticed that when spawning into factory the customs map pops up so I unchecked any spawns I had selected for customs and now im getting different spawns on Factory

    • Huh, interesting. I know that the exe will default to Customs since I removed factory from it. Let me test adding it back, but removing the pixels from the map and see if that does anything. I will work on that within the next day or so. I apologize if it’s causing any inconvenience for anyone. 😣

    • Its not a huge issue, thanks for looking into it though!

      Heart 1
  • I have a problem. It opens when i select a map, but i don't see any spawn points which i can select. When i close entrypointselector.exe and open it again all i've got is black screen with white square in the middle and it doesn't respond when i try to select different map.

    • The same

    • Me too

    • Thanks for the report. I will look into the issue shortly.

      I want to note that if you are using FiKA this mod will not work.

      I just uploaded a fix. Install the latest version please.

  • Been waiting patiently... This is on my "must have" list for QoL. Thank you for your time and effort. It is much appreciated!

    Heart 1
  • Mod is great and works as it should but something I noticed from previous versions, when the map pops up to select your spawn it does not open the correct map your going to like it did in the last version. Not a big deal just pointing it out

    • Okay! I will look into the issue tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for reporting it! I’m glad you enjoy the mod overall!

      Thumbs Up 2
    • This issue has been resolved

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Great mod, thanks!
    Can't wait for updated Lighthouse now that Drakia's Navmesh has been updated :)
    Btw, if you are looking for good Tarkov Maps, try the ones by Re3mr: https://reemr.se/

    • I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

      I probably won’t push any more updates until 3.10. Life has been very busy! The next update will likely be a big one.

      Thanks for the map references! I’ll check it out. :)

  • Just checking -- this new version does not include the client-side mod from the old version that opens the map selector for you, yeah?

    • This has been added!

  • A quick thank you for your effort on this mod. I find it very helpful to keep from spawning on the other side of the map from my quests, and I am very pleased you took the time to make it.

    Hope you're having a fantastic vacation! 8)

  • I suggest look into shoreline map. The one you have used in this mod is outdated, so it causes problems using some of the spawn points. Shoreline was expanded and reworked a wipe ago :). But great mod over all, Love it <3

    • Yeah someone else reported that as well :( after I return from vacation I will focus on getting that fixed ^^

      Heart 1
    • Oh, I'm so sorry for bothering you on vacation. GET REST, BRO ! ^^

    • You are totally fine! I didn’t technically leave yet so it’s all good! Appreciate it!

      Heart 1
    • Shoreline spawns should now be good!

  • seems not working with fika? is that easy to fix?

    • It doesn’t. I do not plan to make it work with Fika. At least not anytime soon.

      *Looking to fix this*

    • Sadness, but understandable. They do something odd for spawn point selection.

  • Hey there, it would be very cool.

    if one could make a mod, that have custom spawn points like these.
    and use custom AI Mapping
    in combination with something like Path to tarkovs custom extraction points.

    to have one point for bots to go for
    and one extraction point, for the players to extract at.
    and be it the same.
    with a long exfil countdown.

    creating a survival / wave defensive mode.
    where they have to defend each other. and standoff combatants.

    then one for each map in tarkov, creating a "end game"

    then, only having the trader. to stock up on food, ammo etc.
    in between the exfiltration's.

    giving the players only a certain amount of money to start with.
    To try different strategies.

    then using a custom trader.
    have custom missions. like get 5, 10, 15, 20 Headshots / kills etc.
    rewawarding money. as a additional way to buy in between maps.
    to try and make it trough all maps.

    then if the players die, they start over to the first map.

    so kinda combining
    path to tarkov.
    custom traders.
    custom quests.

    additionally, maybe custom achievements.
    or people in the FIKA, SPT community.
    bragging and competing against each other.

    • Hello,

      I really do like the sound of that idea! Unfortunately something like that is out of my wheelhouse. I know that “Lua” had a mod that allowed you to make spawn points and such, but it is very outdated at this point.

  • @Doup22, just checking the version 2.0.2 link is downloading the same file name (EntryPointSelector2.0.zip) as the original 2.0 and is the same size if you check the Properties. Just making sure the link is to the current version. Usually the file names (.zip) and named to match the version. Thanks in advance.

    • Yes it’s the same. I didn’t make any updates to the mod itself. It only changed the link of the download and added the source code. I will make sure next update I push that everything matches up. Thank you!

  • Idk if its been stated or if its being worked on but the Shorline Spawns arent updated for the newest parts of the map

    • It is not yet. Once I get ground zero added, I will begin to work on updating other spawns on other maps. I unfortunately don’t have a timeline of that yet. I will be leaving for vacation in a few days. Thanks for reporting that to me though!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is it possible to random location? Since default spawns are pretty much same all the time, maybe randomising button would be good idea?

    • This isn’t something I’ve ever done before, but I may be able to look into something like that. I can’t make any promises though. The red pixels that you select should have multiple sets of coordinates within except some of the Streets spawns.

  • ok thanks for your replies. will give it amiss for the moment. all the best

  • its fine for the mod to stay open, just dont want it on my system monitor. needs to stay on main monitor and either in background or minimized. gonna do another raid to check on the looting issue. last raid bots froze on death and were unlootable/ i'll do another raid with the mod then one without to check. back later

    • Then you'll just have to keep moving the window once it's open. I just ran 2 quick raids and looting worked fine.

  • Does the exe window have to stay open while loading into the raid? I tried to set my spawn on Customs by clicking the spawn I wanted and setting it to Green and turning the others to Red. I didn't see any button to like save or commit the changes, so I closed the exe. Then when the round started, it just dumped me off in a completely different random place.

    • You need to keep it open. Open the exe, get setup in game and before you click "ready" to go into the raid, click your spawn point or multiple if you want a chance to spawn at different spots. If the pixels are green then you have them selected to spawn at and you can then proceed into the raid.

    • Okay, so my mistake was closing the exe. I'll give it another go and try that this time.
      If such is the case, a note in the Description in the usage instructions might be helpful.

    • Yeah, the exe must be open at all times. There might be a way to have it so it doesn’t need to stay open, but I will have to look into that.

      The description has been updated.

    • Okay, so turns out that it's a compatibility issue that makes it not work for me.
      Likely the forbidden F mod bypassing the spawning this mod is trying to do. I'll play around with my load order, but it just might not work with my list.

    • Most likely. There are two other people that seem to have the same issue with that mod as well.

  • sorry didnt explain myself too well. the exe stays on my second monitor until i tab out of the game and manually close the exe. also it seems that i have an issue with bots not being lootable after killing. more testing needed

    • The exe must stay open for the mod to work. I will look into the looting issue, I used this mod in previous versions by the original author and didn't run into this, but I will look into it. I was my version of the mod earlier today and looting seemed to be functioning fine.

  • i like the mod but, it currently load onto my system monitor screen and then has to be manually exited after raid. not sure how to fix that yet

    • I am not sure what you mean. The exe loads on your second monitor and you have to close it to use every raid?

  • I guess its not compatible with some mod start with f end with ika?

    • Not sure I don't use it.

    • It's not working for me , it does open during map selection but even if i select any entry , it will spawn me in random location anyway so i guess it won't ;( :/

  • thanks for the updata.

    this mod some how mess with loot, the previous version do that too.

    • What do you mean it messes with loot? Can you give me an example?

    • sorry about the chinese, but number is there.

      2nd is with the mod, and is duplicate. i know the log thing but with green word that is not log right.



    • That’s interesting. I’ll have to dig into this. I have no clue why this mod would mess with loot spawning in any way.

    • mod,js line 111 ,maybe, iam just guessing :)

    • I do see that. I will look into the issue and try to get a fix for it!

  • Can you provide a link to the source code please ?

    • Yes, I will. I apologize. It’s gonna take me minute to get it, as that is new to me!

    • Source Code has been added :)

    • Thank you, I asppreciate that :)

  • Starting my server shows a critical error in the console. It says that there are not valid JSON "Doup22" and spVE in the package.json. Deleting ,"Doup22" in the author section, and the ~ in sptVersion fixes the error and allows the server to load.

    • Getting ready to upload a new version fixing the "Author" issue. However the "~" is fine. I verified on my end and with other mods I use as well.

      *This should be fixed*