[BETA] Viper 1.0.5

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

When You Get To Hell, Tell Em Viper Sent Ya





    AND MABYE BALANCING, depends how much I wanna die when I get to that stage

    And some other minor fixes

    Heart 3
    • great update thank you so much <3 , looking forward for more ^^

    • this wasnt the big update, this was a fix with some additional content

      next update should have new items and a new questline

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Anyone know how I would go about updating the mod? I just realized I wasn't running 1.05 and would like to install

  • Is there different text or quests for both factions/is there planned to be? I haven't played much through the quests so far, just got past the GZ lab tasks (loving it so far, very well-done mod.) I just like interaction with factions in some quests (like "Our own Land" from Prapor for example.) Very nice mod! :)

    • assuming i can figure it out, yes faction specific quests are planned.
      Viper is USEC so he'll naturally be alittle more abrassive towards a player BEAR

    • Awesome :D Great work so far!

    • as thanks heres a small teaser (assuming the image uploads)2024-09-0804-37_-173.2_1.5_-315.9_0.0_1.0_0.0_0.2_0.png?ex=66e60387&is=66e4b207&hm=7a6de9db631f63de2fbed43938558df114d6b63db3810f27d9bb39fe58d5c382&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1193&height=671

  • Hi~I am using a custom language(Traditional Chinese), which will cause all quests to become garbled. Is there any way to manually translate the quests or change the language used by the quests (even to English)

    • User > mods > VCQL > db

      Step 1, go to db>locale>En and copy viper_locale

      step 2, go to db>locale>ch and paste viper_locale

      If this doesn't fix it, I'll look into it later

    • Thank you. I used google Translate to replace all the Simplified Chinese text. It took me three hours lol

  • I was wondering if anyone could help me, on the lab part 2 I tried placing the jammer on the desk in the terragroup lobby after fixing the elevator but I wasn't getting any prompt to interact with the desk or the computers on it, did anyone have a similar problem or did my game just bug out/ or did I miss the interaction point?, any help is appreciated, awesome mod by the way :)

    • desks in the lobby is where you place the jammer

    • never mind I'm a nonce, I thought the signal repeater he gives you was the jammer, but I have found there is actually a special item just called signal jammer. My bad still relatively new to the game, thanks though

  • is there a way to edit the armor values on the helmet? id like to modify it to be a bit higher than lv2 just because its a cool item

  • MULE and propital should be more expensive and limited per restock, MULE should be on loyalty 4

  • What is it with custom trader quests always seeming to have these "training" quests like they're trying to be dollar store Jaeger?

    If people hate his quests as much as they say they do then why do people keep making them?

  • So whats up with the "Tron's Judgement"? You can buy it off him for $1,000,000 but sell it back to him for $10,544,277.


    Also the "Joey Jordison" mask you can buy for $75,000 and sell back to viper for $109,780

    • being worked on, for future reports please contact me through discord because website notifications may take a while for me to see

  • How should I update, just overwrite all files ?

  • holy shit

  • Ive done multiple resets of my character and every time viper stays locked, even after completion of burning rubber and enough quests to get skier to lvl4, IDK if this is some compatability issue with other traders like Atrem and Painter, but in the end I just can acess him no matter what I do.

    • Has to be a compat issue as I have over 100 mods and it works for me.

  • Not exactly sure how sensitive VCQL is to additional installs of itself on top of each other, as it's normally recommended to have it installed before most everything else quest/trader related is anyway. It's probably not a good idea to require it as an automatic install attached to Viper.

    Just an fyi. It shouldn't be too bad of an issue, I'm just commenting on it because VCQL is literally the very first mod I installed before everything else, and I'm trying Viper just now as server mod number 77.


    I know it's a bit much, but I had a few expectations for EFT's PVE mode that just didn't work right on Live.

  • Is that a reference to Shaggas from Game of Thrones? ^^

  • Trader image not loading for SPT users who host their servers on Linux. In "Viper/src/Trader/TraderTemplate.js" it has viper.png in lower-case, needs to be Viper.png for it to appear :)

  • Hey, just want to double check: Does The Lab - Part 1 have the proper quest parameters entered for "sandbox_high" in addition to "sandbox"?

    Because I'm currently loaded into "sandbox_high" and the map doesn't have any objectives being detected on it and I'm thinking it might be because the quest is only setup to look at the <Lvl15 version of Ground Zero only.

    • it should be setup to only be sandbox_high, hence the level 22 req, im looking into abunch of the code now

    • Ah, even curious-er then.
      Yeah, my current setup doesn't have the objectives spawning into GZ for me. Dynamic Maps, Game Panel HUD, and GTFO all aren't displaying any objectives on the map (this is the only quest I have on GZ right now), so I'm assuming that they aren't being populated into the map for some reason.

      If you need any information/data from me, please let me know and I'll try to gather what I can.

    • I'm having the same issue. The Lab - Part 1 isn't showing up on the compass or anything, but I'm not sure where it's supposed to be located at.

  • Realism Compatibility?

  • This is currently breaking my game which sucks because I love it its locking me into the quests tab

    • i have the same issue, UI is bloqued inraid

    • new updated had fixed the issue

  • Hi, it says that Virtual's custom quest loader is missing it's package.json

    does it need it? or is there something wrong with my computer?

    • you need to download and install VCQL first, then copy-paste this trader mod into your mod folder

    • i have same issue... says its missing json... and i have the VCQL installed

    • Alright, its fixed, but now none of the quests are showing up.

      the SnakeEater quest is still not there and VCQL says none of the quests are loaded

      btw, none were showing up even before

    • end user issue, works for everyone else, seek assistance in one of the discord servers, either mine or the main SPT server

    • alr thanks

  • So wheres my realism patch buddy

    Happy 1
  • How do I enter the bunker for "strange reports"?


    • very sad theres not at least a small hint showing how to enter the bunker

    • hey guys ima tell you a secret, you have to extract through ZB1011, thats why on the installation tab i recommended open extracts

    • The task has wording that opts for flavor over clarity and is inconsistent with other tasks in Tarkov as a result.
      If this was a vanilla task, the sub-objective would read something like "Extract via 'ZB-1011'" or something similar and the quest's flavor text would describe how the lair is located inside of ZB-1011 or something like that.

      It's just a bit of unfortunate wording that - especially paired with the RNG of extract availability - results in unneeded confusion.

  • Trader assorts are pretty cool, just need some price tweaking and such. One thing I noticed was that it goes from the worst ammo in the game on T2 to some of the best ammo on T3. Another is that all ammo is sold as packs, which you have to manually unpack each one whenever you buy ammo. Which just makes it a pain in the ass.

    • UIFixes spamming the 'U' key goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

      Thumbs Up 1
    • first one is a valid complaint and ill look into balancing it

      the ammo packs is on purpose

  • watch this

    Happy 1
  • Такой вопросик: какие новые вещи добавляет данный торговец?

    • В настоящее время только один элемент, но планируется больше

  • this kid got me running around factory with a makarov dying 5 times in 5 minutes 😭10/10

  • I'm a fucking addict for quest traders. SNORT, lol

  • If he's gonna point a gun at me he best make the first shot count because he ain't gonna get a second one

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Quest: Good Potential
    Objectives: Eliminate 10 targets [___________] 0\5

    So how many?

    • please join my discord and provide screenshots because im looking at my code and there should be no reason its saying 0/5

  • What is the method to unlock Tarkov Viper?

    • NOTE : First quest is given by skier after burning rubber

    • i added viper while i am lvl 22, am i locked out of him?

    • prolly, use sptaki profile editor mod and see if you can unlock the intro quests

  • Где найти продовца? Не понимаю.