Magnum Research Desert Eagle .50 AE/.357 Pistol 1.1.0

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Port of the Deagle from the new Tarkov wipe.

Special thanks to the SPT devs for dumping the relevant json files required for these mods to work, and for everything else! <3


Download the .zip file, extract all, and add the folder MC-DEAGLE to your user/mods/ folder in SPT. Make sure it is just the folder with all of the contents, not a folder with another MC-DEAGLE folder inside of it, else the mod will probably throw an error!

The directory should look like this:


and not this:



If for whatever reason you need to remove this mod, make sure you delete any new items that this mod adds from your inventory before you delete the mod folder!

Please let me know if you run into any issues!


  • Hey, can I know if the mod works for 3.8.0? (I doubt it can) I can't update for reasons. wrongful ban *coughs*

  • Where are the bullets located in the config? Want to adjust the stack size but can't seem to find them.

  • Thanks for the update! Are you still planning to bring .357 DE and UZI? Patiently keeping fingers crossed <3

    Thumbs Up 1
    • The .357 Deagle should be in there, and as for the UZI, I was going to wait for RaiRaiTheRaichu's port of the weapons but I'm not sure what the ETA for that is.

      Edit - I updated the title of the mod to be more accurate, sorry about that.

      Heart 2
    • Thank you!!!

      I would love to get my hands on the UZI! But I respect the author's decision, thank you! <3

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Hey, great work with the Deagle and M60! Are you waiting to do the SR-3M aswell?

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yes, waiting on that port to come out. It is looking like it should be coming out soon but I don't know for certain.

      Thumbs Up 2
  • Just a heads-up, not a huge deal, but the kills with this weapon aren't counting for Gendarmaerie - Mall Cop (pistol kills at Stylobate), so be sure to use a different weapon for that task. :thumbup:

    (mod is A+ btw, thing of beauty)

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Check the mod called "Add Missing Quest Weapon Requirements". It applies quest requirements to most of the modded weapons

      Thumbs Up 1 ? 1
    • Thanks for letting me know. I can add that in eventually, but please do not hold your breath as it is possible I forget or just don't have the time.

  • hey is there a way to make the recoil lower ?

    ? 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • I dont use realism

      Thinking 1
    • Yes, here is a comment made a while back on one of my mods by @kss0314948 about recoil adjustment:

      Guidelines for adjustments to gun recoil:

      RecoilForceUp: vertical recoil

      RecoilForceBack: visual recoil (how much the gun is pushed backwards)

      * The above values are ▲ recoil increase, ▼ recoil decrease

      Convergence: recoil stabilization speed (auto fire)

      *The above values are ▲ fast stabilization, ▼ slow stabilization

      RecoilAngle: recoil angle (90 is max)

      *The above values are ▲Horizontal recoil decrease, ▼Horizontal recoil increase

      RecolDispersion: Ballistic Dispersion = Spread

      *The above values are ▲Dispersion increased, ▼Dispersion decreased

      Thumbs Up 1
    • You will have to go into /database/templates/items.json, open that with a text editor like notepad, then find the ID that represents each of the guns and tweak the values from the comment above.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thank you very much.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • cant download the new update cause so many people downloaded it all at the same time pepescream

    Crying 1
  • is the sound bugged? it sounds like Granade launcher rounds being shot

    • I have not heard any reports of that happening yet, no.

  • Good lord, the fricken SOUND of this hand cannon! I see myself not using another pistol for a loooooong time to come. Thank you very VERY MUCH for this mod!!!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Awesome addition to my collection eheh ! However is it possible to edit the value of the stack of bullets by any means ? I use SVM for bigger ammo stacks but it doesn't seem to work with .50 cal bullets.

    Thanks anyway !

    Thumbs Up 1
    • You can edit it manually if you want by going into the mod folder/database/templates/items.json, opening that with a text editor like notepad. Then you find the ID of whatever ammo you want to change. For example, "668fe62ac62660a5d8071446" represents the FMJ ammo, then in that object you go under "_props" and find the property "StackMaxSize" and change that to whatever value you want. Make sure you save and close the file, and reload the game for your change to take effect. Be warned that editing these files can have unintended consequences, but this edit should be fine.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Mighty, you're a fucking genius! I admire your work! Keep going, no matter what. You're a genius bitch!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Is this weapon meant to be found on the flea and where do I get the ammo for it?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I only see it on flea market, no traders.

    • I can't even find on the flea I've only found one in raid

    • It can be found on the flea market only, yes. I was not sure if any traders sell it, but if anyone knows that info let me know and I can add it to traders as well.

      It could take a while for the SPT devs to get full trader json dumps which means I won't know for sure who sells each item and for what price until that happens.

  • Nice job man, thank you very much!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Is it selled by traders, or only found in raid?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Unfortunately it is flea-market only until we get full trader json dumps or someone can tell me if/what traders sell what items. That is if any traders sell the deagle at all.

  • Does this work with Realism?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • nice thx for this mod

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Finally the non zesty version of the deagle.


    Thumbs Up 2
  • Praise be to the all Mighty_Condor! :love:

    Happy 2
  • Hell yeah Mighty!!!You're the best!!!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • always comes back w mod dev

    Happy 1
  • I do plan on adding the other new weapons but it could take a few days at least. Sorry I did not get to this sooner, life gets busier sadly.

    Enjoy! And let me know if there are any errors in the comments!

    Heart 15

    Heart 3