QuickSell 1.0.5

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More context menu options that let you sell items without changing screens

For those of us who are too lazy to press too many buttons after a successful raid. This mod adds 2 new buttons to the stashes context menu to streamline your inventory management experience. animehappynod

  • "QuickSell (Flea)" - this button gets the average price for that item on the flea market and automatically lists it for that price.
  • "QuickSell (Traders)" - this button automatically chooses the trader with the best price for that specific item and sells it to them

Now QuickSell Supports configs! animehappyhop

There are 2 types of configs: Json and Bepinx

  • Json:
    • EnableQuickSellFlea and EnableQuickSellTraders: Shows/hides entries in the context menu
    • ShowConfirmationDialog: Shows/Hides the confirmation dialog while selling through this mod (FATFINGER WARNING!)
    • TradersBlacklist: Allows you to use blacklist traders you do not want to quicksell to (this mod uses their localized name as the filter)
    • AvgPricePercent: Adds a modifier to your flea market sell prices based on the percentage value (100 is base avg price)
    • IgnoreFleaCapacity: Allows you to quicksell items on the flea even if you dont have the capacity to.
  • Bepinx:
    • KEYBINDS! for selling to both traders and flea

This mod should be compatible with custom traders and other inventory mods. If you find any compatibility issues please let me know! chikastaring

  • Version 1.0.5

    Quick Hotfix

  • Version 1.0.4

    Finally got around to adding config options. Now you can enable/disable features. Add price offsets. Black List traders. ignore flea capacity and even add keybinds! animehappynod

  • Version 1.0.3

    Added compatibility with SPT realism mod

    Completely reworked how selling to traders works. Hopefully this will result in less jank. animehappyhop

  • Version 1.0.2

    Updated the way traders are loaded. This should fix (hardware?) dependant issues.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Now with less freezing issues! animehappyhop

  • Version 1.0.0

  • For me theres a bug where sometimes items simply will not sell. This doesnt happen with any specific items, just alot of them

  • Hello I couldn't find an answer to my question - so, what happens if I sell through a "quick sell at the flea market" before I reach 15?

    I notice that the market has charged a fee, but I did not receive a notification of the sale. Will my items be sold when I reach level 15? Were they technically sold but I will get $$ after I reach lvl 15? Or were the items discarded due to lack of lvl 15

    • I believe, since you can access the Flea Market to look for items from traders before level 15, it will put up your item but nobody will purchase it until you have access formally. I believe I tried this and had no buyers until I unlocked the flea.

  • Getting a bunch of console errors when using with the Update 15 Backport, still seems to work though. thanks for the mod!

    this for example shows when I try to quicksell a 50 rd uzi mag (successfully) with the context menu.

  • Can you please make multi sell integration with the "UI Fixes" mod by "Tyfon" :saint:

    He has a multi select item feature which would work amazing with your mod

  • Thanks for adding the key binds, it makes it much easier to sell items now :)

    I have noticed however that if you put your cursor in an empty space in your stash (or if you type something in the stash search mod) and press the hotkey for either Trader or Flea on a pop-up appears:

    Quick fix was to rebind the hot keys from M & N to F1 & F2 for example.

  • You should probably include some kind of disclaimer with the new version to let people know that the plugin is in a separate folder now and not overwriting the old one, otherwise people will have two QuickSell.dll files present in their BepInEx folders. This causes the game to load the old version first and completely disregard the new one.

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Spams with error in raid:

    [Exception] : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    QuickSell.Patches.ConfigController.SelectItem () (at <fad71268e697496bbc3bb43a885d94ff>:0)
    QuickSell.Patches.ConfigController.Update () (at <fad71268e697496bbc3bb43a885d94ff>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    Class362:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Also this writes in the right corner: InventoryScreen Not Found

    P.S: this happens when using the mod called DynamicMaps, when you open the map

    • OOPS. Forgot one check. Hotfix is out.

      Thumbs Up 2
  • Now make a Quickbuy option. (If you want of course :D)

  • Any interest in merging this mod with LootValue ?

    Lots of overlap in features and intent -- the expanded context-menu from your mod and the keyboard shortcuts from LootValue basically do the same thing. I prefer your algorithm though - LootValue's always seem to prioritize Fence over non-rouble traders.

    Heart 1
  • If i can suggest anything:

    button shortcut :)

  • Hello again!
    Sorry to report another little thing but I hope it helps out more haha.
    The quick sell feature sometimes acts strange when coming back from a Raid (I think this might be related to the SPT-Realism changing prices/stuff? I don't know?) and will sometimes not allow you to sell any item, stating that it cannot be sold to traders despite it obviously being able to.

    Tried to find some helpful info in the Logs but the only thing I could find when this happened was in the Traces.log and it says: 04:00||Error|Default|supplyData is null

    Let me know if that's helpful, it seems to be inconsistent n sometimes doesn't do this when comin back from a raid and like i figure, may just be a weird interaction with SPT-Realism's random pricing/trader stuff.

    Heart 1
    • Hey, you were most likely spot on. Just put out an update that should fix this and other issues.

    • You are genuinely amazing
      Thank you so much :)))

  • Experiencing the infinite loading when selling things. Not sure if it is certain items that arent working. Seems random sometimes, but then other not. Any updates?

    • do you mean that the item is not sold directly when put on flee? if so, make sure to have the item fullly repaired, otherwise they dont get sold, i had to do that because i also had that issue, but after repairing an item before selling worked :D

    • New update that I just released completely reworks selling to flea. Issues like that should be gone.

  • I also support the idea about making it possible to sell with hotkey. That would be even more awesome!

    • This may or may not just got implemented.

  • weird bug after install this mod

    brought a gun from raid, disassambled it to sell on flea by parts

    in order to check nothig left on the barrel cliked right button on it - and got like empty window of item's properties. it is not possible to close that window, only close and restart tarkov.

    can you check?

    • Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this bug on my end.

    • it is still happening with the last update as well
      now I opened to check stats for the gun and get empty window - no gun

      but is says examine {0}

      inside window : Blablabla

      on the bottom : ok

      and the only way to close it - restart

    • same here

    • Just put out an update that completely reworked flea selling. So this should be fixed. animehappyhop

      Thumbs Up 1
  • It would be better if we could make the same categories available for sale together

    Thumbs Up 1

  • While right clicking a container where's the loot loaded in, maybe a option to sell contents inside so it could be done faster if you're a hoarder?

  • very nice, one thing i would add is a keybind for selling to flea and another for trader so you can just hover over and sell to whichever one instantly

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Huge W mod, man!

    Heart 1
  • Heya, can't get this to work on my end. Might be due to a Custom Trader (Scholars Society, from the Skills Extended mod) or from some UI mod error (have UI Fixes, MergeConsumables, Item Info, ItemAttributeFix, ItemSellPrice)

    Here is the error from the context menu:

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at QuickSell.Patches.ContextMenuPatch.selectTrader (EFT.InventoryLogic.Item item) [0x0000b] in <ff11bd4485cd4bf49b11da9afc9c48bd>:0
      at QuickSell.Patches.ContextMenuPatch.sellTrader (System.String itemId, EFT.InventoryLogic.Item item) [0x00002] in <ff11bd4485cd4bf49b11da9afc9c48bd>:0 

    Thank ya, hope this helps ya some way. :)

    • Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the bug on my end... All of those mods worked without a hitch. Maybe some other mod is causing problems? Maybe one of the mod's older versions caused problems but got fixed in the most recent update?

    • Hmm,
      Have figured the issue out for myself at least. For some reason in order for the mod to properly work on my end I must go to the Traders Inventory and then back to my Inventory, only need to do it once when out of raid, it seems to work fine! But once doing another raid in order for it to continue to work I must do that same thing again!

      Perhaps it is some issue with my mods? If ya think it might be I can provide the list!

    • This actually gave me a pretty decent lead to go off of. I have just released a new version with updated trader logic. Hopefully this fixes your issue! animehappynod

    • Thanks! It seems to work perfect now. I appreciate it a lot that ya replyin n working on this :)
      Enjoying the mod a lot now, something I been wanting for a while!

      Heart 1
  • Is there a way to restrict certain traders from selling to them? Like Lotus buys everything at higher price than any other trader, making the game somewhat unbalanced, but I like her quests and don't want to remove her. Just not trading with her.

    • I add to this , sometimes priscilu sell it and the mod just put a few roubles down on price but is a very high one


    • Now there is !

  • when selling an item to flea it has a chance to do the inf circle bottom right

    Using Flea blacklist mod

    • There is some bug with infinite loading, looking into it right now. Update soontm

    • Update: Should be fixed!

    • W!

      Heart 1
  • Please select several at once and sell them at once.

  • A quick recommendation. Unsure of how exactly you might implement it, but you should set the AutoFlea seller to sell for Market average minus a percentage of the total item value. This way the Flea's algorithm will be more likely to sell your item (It uses some fancy math to say every x amount under average you sell an item for, it gives x percent extra chance to sell the item due to artificial demand on good deals). I ran into an issue where some items don't sell at a 100% rate because they are right at average.

    • Added an option for this in the latest update.

  • This is hands down the best QOL mod I've seen. Thanks!

    Heart 1
  • You're a hero for this, saved many hours, days and years within this!

    Heart 1
  • I like this mod, but it's not compatible with uifixes right?

    I wanted to test the mod but I didn't even have the buttons to sell. After I removed uifixes for testing, I had these buttons and could also sell.

    • I have UI Fixes 2.4.2 installed and this mod works fine

    • There is some compatibility problem, still dont know which mod but im looking into it!

  • hey man, very cool.
    i use to have lootvalue. the mod that allows the same. but also to see prices ingame.
    however the backend, to load prices etc all the time.
    is very peformance demanding.

    i assume this only use peformance.
    While in the menu, stash etc.
    so it dont cost performance.
    or am i incorrect?

    awsome work btw!

    • Yes, this mod only runs while you are not in raid. It should not affect your in-raid performance.

  • Great Mod! Any chance of adding a config option to bind a key to Quick Sell to Flea & Trader?

    • 100% chance of it being already implemented in the latest patch.

  • Cool mod, would you consider adding a config to disable one or the other? Currently doing a no flea play through so would be a nice feature!

    Edit: Oh and also a config option to disable the "Are You Sure?" prompt would be awesome!

    • Yes, actually! This was my plan from the start. Will work on it as soon as im done with the bugfixes! animeokay

    • Awesome, it's already earned a permanent slot in my modlist. I'm now a bit scared of my second suggestion as I accidentally clicked on auto sell for a dog tag case yesterday and the prompt saved me haha.

      Now this is a crazy suggestion but perhaps you could integrate it with UI Fixes, in UI Fixes you can select multiple items at once, imagine if you could quick sell a bunch of things like that!

    • Its in.

  • YOINK! Thanks guy! or gal or w/e

    Heart 1