Health Per Level 1.0.5

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
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Increase health depending on player level

Original mod by Capataina found here, updated by MNSTR found here.

If they decide they want to continue development on the mod and want mine removed I will but until then I will be taking it over and iterating on it.


Config has since been split into two parts which all hinges on the first line of "split_PMC_and_Scav"; if it is set to false then the mod will only use the PMC values for everything.

Pretty simple, it increases your maximum health depending on the level of the player. The base amount is as follows:

Chest: 2

Head: 2

Left Arm: 3

Left Leg: 3

Right Arm: 3

Right Leg: 3

Stomach: 2

Total: 18 health per increment (the default is every 5 levels)

Mod also takes into consideration your Health skill level. For every increment (by default every 1 skill level) you get additional 7 HP (by default, as there are 7 body parts).

This is turned on by default and can be configured for both PMC and Scav in config file → "health_per_health_skill_level".

Increment and HP values are configurable:

  • How many skill levels per increment: "health_skill_levels_per_increment",
  • How many HP per body part: "health_skill_<bodypart>".

Currently this mod changes HP of player only, not AIs.


To change health values go to config/config.json5

  • Whether or not the health values for PlayerScav and PMC should be split/independent of each other,
  • Should the mod keep bleeding chance somewhat consistent,
  • Should the mod increase your resistance to bleeding by a very small margin,
  • How many levels until health increase (default is 5),
  • How much to increase each body part by per increment,
  • The base health of the PMC/Scav as well,
  • Should it consider your Health skill level,
  • How many Health skill levels until health increase (default is 1),
  • How much to increase each body part by per Health skill increment.


Unzip into your SPT folder

  • Version 1.0.5

    • changes config file format to json5
    • refactors JSON structure
    • adds enable option in config
      • disabling mod will restore default values on game launch
  • Version 1.0.4

    Thanks to Skulltag for pointing out that with increased HP you get more resistant to bleeds and fractures.

    With new config option "keep_bleeding_chance_consistant" the probability of getting debuff is consistant. If you want to make it consistant and get more resistant to the effect at the same time, there is another option to help you with that: "increase_threshold_every_increment". It will make you a little more resistatnt to effects based by your level/increment

  • Version 1.0.3

    Health skill level is not hardcoded anymore animehappyhop

    You can now change how many Health levels you need for bonus HP by editing "health_skill_levels_per_increment_PMC" and "health_skill_levels_per_increment_SCAV" for PMC and Scav respectively - default is 1.

    You can also determine how much bonus health you want to each body part by editing new config options: "health_skill_<bodypart>_PMC" and "health_skill_<bodypart>_SCAV" - default is 1 for each body part.

  • Version 1.0.2

    Adds additional health per Health skill level for every body part. That means at Health skill level 1 you get additional 7 HP (as there are 7 body parts). At Health level 10 you get additional 70 HP.

    This is turned on by default, editable in config file for both PMC and Scav.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Some code clean-up and proper SPT setup (I'm surprised it acutally worked).

    If you have 1.0.0 installed, please delete old folder (user/mods/HealthPerLevel) before running the server.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • Would there be a reason that the PMC HP resets to default value upon starting game? Example of this is I set max health skill to Elite (lvl 51) to test it out. Launch game I have ~410/767. Heal to full then close game and relaunch. Came back to the ~410/767. Am I missing something in the config or what?

    • if you are using realism thats the reason you need to disable the realism health system for the player

      Thumbs Up 1
    • This should not be the case... Sounds kinda like server didn't save your profile with full health before you closed the game.

      Can you paste any logs from Server console that starts with [HealthPerLevel]?

      EDIT: Or just like arxerisdam said, realism mod might be the case

    • [HealthPerLevel] Health skill level: 5100

      [HealthPerLevel] Health is elite

      [HealthPerLevel] Calculating Light Bleeding Threshold...

      [HealthPerLevel] Calculating Heavy Bleeding Threshold...

      [HealthPerLevel] Calculating Fractures Threshold...

      Followed by...

      [HealthPerLevel] Calculating Light Bleeding Threshold...

      [HealthPerLevel] Calculating Heavy Bleeding Threshold...

      [HealthPerLevel] Calculating Fractures Threshold...

      Having closing and reopening the server multiple times it seems to be saving where it left off. Disabling Realistic health in realism seemed to fix the issue like arxerisdam had said. Will continue to see what it does over time.

    • Logs are good, so I guess it was realism after all.

      Please keep me up to date if anything comes up again.

  • Hi!
    First, thanks for the mod is wonderful!
    I have a question about the health skill increment:

    The following lines are for changing the amount of health increased per increment of Health skill for PMC/ALL.
    This means the player and bots get the health increment?

    Thanks for the help!

    • Currently only player's health is being modified.

  • Could you rework the mod, or rather config file, to be more legible? The way it is now is quite cluttered and makes it somewhat hard to follow. Since you have comments in the .json file, you could use .jsonc and designate lines for comments as well with //.

    • Currently I'm converting it into JSON5, so yea, I'm on it right now

      Thumbs Up 1
    • @fryciarz7 Thanks a lot for the update! <3 pog

  • 1. After restart server my hp drop to standart values.
    2. Can you make not too much add HP? Maybe every 5 level +2 hp in body parts. In 45 lvl i have 900+hp it's crazy

    • Ok im find this bag. Im main menu if im look on my HP i see 633, but in raid i see 943))))

    • About your 2nd point, please read description and check your config file in config/config.json

      943 HP actually checks out at level 45 if you have Health skill very high as well. At level 46 with Health skill at 30 you should have over 800 HP

    • How i can delete this mod and make restrore hp to default? Im delete mod but mod change my hp

    • to restore hp to default you need to use profile editor OR use this mod by changing levels_per_increment_PMC to something above your level and setting health_per_health_skill_level_pmc to false, than run the game

      to delete whole mod it you need to delete mod folder user/mods/

      note to self: implement enable/restore_default option in cofig...

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Bleeding chance is based on how much damage you take compared the body part's health. Can you make it so having a lot of extra health doesn't makes you immune to bleeding?

    • I didn't know about this thonking I'll think about it, thanks.

    • The base values for that are stored in SPT_Data -> Server -> database -> globals file. If you search for LightBleeding or HeavyBleeding you'll find a value called threshold. This is the minimum amount of % health a body part needs to take before it starts to bleed. I think the same goes for fractures

      Heart 1
  • Works perfectly even with 30ish mods—disabled SVM and Realism's health changes. Edited the numbers to my feel of balance and it just works. :D
    (Thank you for fixing this mod and bringing it back)

  • Thank you so much for this, I was waiting for this mod to be updated. Is there a way to add a cap? Would be nice if you could set a level that stops the mod from increasing health so you don't get overpower.

    • Good suggestion, I'll think on it :)

  • Siemanko, dobra robota mordeczko, właśnie dodałem sobie tego moda, lekko ułatwi ciężką zabawę, zwłaszcza na początku, gdy mam 15 Level, akurat wbije mi trzy dodatki zdrówka.

    Tak dla pewności — ten mod zwiększa jedynie moje zdrowie, w sensie zdrowie mnie, żywego gracza, czy również botów PMC i SCAV, i bossów na mapie?

    • Siemko, cieszę się, że pomogłem ;D

      Tak, tylko Twoje. Nad zdrowiem innych PMC może będę pracował ;)

  • 👍👍

  • Господи, я так долго ждал этот мод! Спасибо тебе, добрый человек!

    Heart 1
  • Hey i got a couple questions.

    I changed my settings so my hp goes up by 1 in each body part per level, but i feel it is a bit too much, is it possible to set it to 0.5 per level ? Or do i have to change to 1 every 2 levels ?

    Also, if i change settings , does it recalculate the hp i should have after restarting the server or i have to make a new character ? Thank you

    • I tested it on integers only, as this was the design. You can try, but do it at your own risk.

      If you change the settings it should recalculate at profile loading, but if you change it to something smaller you might end up with something like 515/475 ;)

  • i love you

  • Me going into factory at level 100:

    Happy 1
  • I know there is a mod that does this already, someplace in the filebase. But it also does more than just add this health mechanic. So I imagine it's a bad idea to install both at the same time?

    • This mod here.
      Personal Trainer

    • They kinda override each other doing the same thing at different conditions.

      I cannot tell what is going to happen if both are installed so do it at your own risk.

  • Its just for the player PMC or AI_PMC too?

    • Only player PMC. I may work on AI_PMC sometime in the future

  • Great work! Any chance you would consider doing a reboot of TorturedChunks Level Rewards?

    • Not right now, but it's not definitive ;)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thanks buddy! :)

  • Nice