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This mod adds the Rheinmetall LLM VarioRay tactical device in both black and FDE, that you can buy from LL1 PissKeeper for $200 and ₽20k on flea.
This is a laser/light module with 6 modes (in order):
RED Visible laser
RED Visible laser + WHITE light
IR laser
IR spotlight
IR laser + IR spotlight
it looks pretty cool too
Huge thanks to Demon Lord Ferox for buying the model for me
Version 1.0.0
Has the light been dimmed at all?
SUPERBUBU3000 Author
I hardly understand what all the differnt scripts for a flashlight actually do in the SDK, so I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it look right, sorry
all good just let us know when you know
Jack Kellar
I second the flashlight brightness being too much. It is actually absurd lol
Maybe make it as strong as predator at most!
I noticed that the flashlight brightness is a bit higher than any traditional flashlight, making it very hard to see what is in front of you when it interacts with the textures of what is in front, whether boxes, characters, walls, or anything on a map.
Same. Too bright to be useful, imo, but I love the design.
Should add flashbang effect to it, this light is a weapon of its own lol.
SUPERBUBU3000 Author
should I try chanign that or leaving it?
Can you lower the brightness for the flashlight just slightly?
When assembling weapons, many errors appear in the console.
SUPERBUBU3000 Author
uh oh umm I'll try to see if I can fix that I hope it doesn't impact usuability
Not only when assembe, when open device description it's happens too.
Your textures are glowing sir.
Amazing! Glad this turned out so well, and I'm glad its in SPT! Was a pleasure working with you on it! 😎
oooh baby! i need chuu!