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This mod allows you to add bundled items to trader stock. Normally, EFT does not like when you add nested items to trader stock. This fixes a couple issues in order to make these bundled items purchasable and not look weird in the store.
Now you can have traders sell containers/bags that come with stuff inside of them.
Note: this mod does not add any new items to trader stock itself! It just tries to fix the issue preventing bundled items - you must add items to trader stock with another mod!
As this is my first time creating a mod, please be patient if there are any bugs and let me know!
Example of a custom IFAK container that comes with healing items inside:
1. Download the *.zip file
2. Place the BepInEx folder inside your SPT directory
3. Install a mod that adds containers with items in them to a trader's assort
Version 0.1.1
- kyoukopan
I think your mod is excellent, and I would like to port it to the Chinese community of SPT. Are you willing to let more players enjoy the mod you created?
it says that Mod: (TradersSellBundles-0.1.1) is missing a package.json. Make sure you have checked the mods hub page for install instructions
Nothing better to relax after work as I sell my backpack full of keys and weapon mods to Prapor for 100 roubles.
kyoukopan Author
Weird, when I was doing testing it wouldn't let me sell containers with stuff in them. I'll have to take another look at it, thanks for the info and sorry for any issues it causes.
My guy, it was a joke....
Custom First Aid Kits: This mod requires Traders Sell Bundles to function - if you don't have it installed, make sure to install it! (yellow text) after that, the server load stops - what's wrong with this plugin?
kyoukopan Author
Are there any other errors showing up? What mods are you using? Sorry for any issues this may have caused!
i also have the same problem, dont know what to do.
Great idea on this mod but do you have a recommended mod that actually adds the items to traders? Thanks for your work on this btw
kyoukopan Author
Thanks! I have a separate mod Custom First Aid Kits that uses this functionality, but at the moment there are a couple bugs and it changes some of the medkit functionality. I'm hoping to make a mod in the future that adds more bundled items to traders. Thanks for checking it out!