Featured Audio Accessibility Indicators 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Hard of hearing? Deaf? This mod will even the playing field without being straight up radar. Each shot, sprint, sneak, voiceline or run audio played within a configurable range will draw an indicator on your screen dictating which direction.

Since Tarkov is a "hArDcOrE" shooter, there really isn't any accessibility options. This mod aims to change that.

Each running step, sprinting step, sneaking step, voice line, or gunshot within the configurable range will automatically show up on your HUD. There is a small arrow indicator clarifying if the sound is above or below you, but no arrow indicator if it's level with you. The distance of these sounds can be interpreted based on how large the indicator is, and how faded it starts out. Each indicator will then fade on it's own, unless the source of the sound is repeated.

Each indicator is tied to the first bot that makes the specified sound, so if you see multiple indicators, there are multiple bots!

This is my first time creating an accessibility mod (ever), so if you have feedback or require changes to help you do better -- PLEASE, let me know!


If you enjoy my work - you can buy me a coffee~

  • Version 1.1.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    New Features

    • Voiceline Indicators
    • Verticality Indicators
    • F12 config: Normalize Indicator Sizes based on distance
    • Teammate indicators should have their own colours now (not tested)


    • New Step/Shot indicators (smaller, slight colour change)
    • Moved indicators a tiny bit further from the center of screen
    • F12 config: Moved Pool Objects to Advanced

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed indicators blocking raycasts...woops
    • Fixed indicators flipping at specific distance calculations...woops
    • Fixed indicators scaling from incorrect pivot point


    • There are only 4 phrases banned from showing voice indicators. This will be expanded in the future to remove useless, not actual voicelines that you never actually hear.
      • Noise made when a bullet connects with a target
      • Noise made when a bullet connects with a target that is disappointed (lol)
      • Noise made when breathing (faceshields)
      • Noise made on death
  • Version 1.0.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    Initial release

  • I'm 80% deaf. this mod should be in the top list

    спасибо : аквакрисы: : аквакрисы: : аквакрисы: : аквакрисы: : аквакрисы: : аквакрисы: : аквакрисы: :aquarevolt: :aquarevolt: :aquarevolt: :aquarevolt: :aquarevolt: :aquarevolt:

    Thumbs Up 1
  • My tinnitus thanks you.

    Happy 1
  • Suprised no one has done this before. I used the radar mod before but sometimes it felt way too cheaty.

    1. As others mentioned before I'd love to also see voice lines highlighted. Would be best if they were color coded too with color customization like in the radar mod, or even preset colors would do as long as they show speaker team.
    2. Having the option to control icon opacity and/or color would be great as well. Compared to the same feature in Fortnite their icons seem a bit less distracting, probably because they're a bit transparent and use less contrasting colors (Noise - White, Gunfire - Red/Orange)

    Now if only someone makes a mod that shows you what team the person you're aiming at belongs to, since I can never tell anyone apart ;(

    • If that was added, It'd make sense for the voicelines to at least be separated into "English" and "Russian", possibly with the unique voices (bosses, maybe rogues) separated out from there.

      Also, it'd be cool to have the option of subtitles.

    • Voiceline Icons are already ready to go for the next release, as of now there is no differentiating language or bot type. They are basic white icons, smaller, and don't change size.

      Verticality icons should also be ready to go in the next release dictating if the sound that occurred is above or below you. Also basic, small, and don't change size.

      The step/gunfire indicators are basic placeholders as more advanced indicators require much more art skills than I possess, but they will be redone in the future (maybe next release)

      Also the next release fixes the indicators blocking you from using inventory slots behind the indicator (when inventory open) because I forgot to turn off RayCast target. Woops.

    • It would be kind of a sick step up to have subtitles appear in the direction you heard talking. Would be a hell of a coding job though, especially if done procedurally for mod compatibility rather than with a Json containing the subtitle text and timing info for the respective sound file.

    • Not sure what I can do about subtitles, I think the triggers have more than 1 actual voice line but I can look into it.

  • I was waiting for a mod like this! Thankfully I'm not hearing impaired, but sometimes I just don't want to have headphones on or want to listen to something running in the background while I play. This makes the whole thing a lot more relaxed.

    Amazing job!

    Thumbs Up 2
  • This is something that will really help people get into the game, thank you very much for all your efforts

    Heart 1
  • So excited to hop into raid with this mod! Are there any plans to add grenade indicators?

  • Really appreciate this. Sometimes I just don't want to try hard so I use my speakers instead of headset and put on some music/podcats/videos in the background. This mod makes the casual experience much more enjoyable.

    If you don't mind some ideas/suggestions:

    1. Distant noise should have more direction ambiguity but the current smaller indicator makes them easier to pin point. Personally I would make distance noise produce even wider indicators.

    2. False positives to simulate the paranoid "Was that a footstep?" experience:kekw:

    3. Indicator for bot voices so you can tell a scav is barking "Вон он сука!" near by.

    • I will consider the voice line indicators (it's a good idea), but the other two suggestions..I'm not seeing the viability for deaf players.

    • On the voices, it'd be nice to have some sort of "subtitle" that tells us who is talking, even if it doesn't tell us the content.

      Most of the bosses have unique voices that are pretty easy to identify even if you don't understand what they're saying, so it's not like it'd be giving out more info than a typical player would have anyway.

  • This is so cool. The audio in this game makes is so hard to interpret the direction, and this helps mitigate that. Dope mod dude

  • personally, this is a must-have for me. i've always loved fortnite's accessibility option that shows footsteps, etc in a similar way. never thought i'd see someone do this. amazing work. <3

    Heart 2
  • 🙏blessed

  • lol I was thinking why a mod like this doesn't exist and now it does wow.

    I am slightly hearing impaired and this mod might be an alternative for me for accurate circular radar (might change it into the compass mode now with this)

  • Godking Acid at it again

  • goated, my tinnitus thanks you

  • The actual GOAT, now I don't have to use an EQ to crank up just the right side because I'm almost deaf on that ear anymore.

  • Acid for the win bro. Damn.

  • thank you,sir!

  • This is really cool!

  • Based mod. You most likely made a lot of hard of hearing people happy! <3