[Collectibles] Hololive OCG Cards 0.1.3

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200+ Cards from the Hololive Official Card Game. Based on Krackasourus' Collectables: Anime Girls mod.

This mod is based on the work of Krackasourus, licensed under the MIT License. The original work can be found at Collectables: Anime Girls

Some more collectible cards for the fellows out there that like 'em.

  • Version 0.1.3

    + Added 1 new card with special rarity higher than Secret Rare. (Loot only, cannot be pulled from Packs)
    + Updated card spawn rate.
    - Removed PCBlock spawns.

  • Version 0.1.2

    + Fixed wrongly named cards
    + Changed short item name for some cards

  • Version 0.1.1

    + Changed Item Colors. RaiRaiTheRaichu's Color Converter API is now a requirement
    + Updated some card names

    Sorry for the inconvenience

  • Version 0.1

  • Hoping to see this hit 3.10 soon :)

  • Thank you very very much!

  • Cursed

    Love it

  • No matter what I change in the mod folder of the configs for each cards or other files, I can't get these cards to be able to be sold on the flea market. I've made sure I've changed everything related to the "ragfair" lines from false to true, but it still doesn't let them be sold on the flea market.

    Even the hololive booster pack where its ragfair is set to true by default within its config also can't be sold on the flea market. This is a bit inconvenient when it comes to trying to sell them on the flea market for more money than what the traders will buy them for.

    Besides that, this mod is really nice.

  • Any plans on adding some sort of case for these cards or not?

  • Please add a card case for storage cards.I had to occupy a THICC Item case just for card now.

  • I hope you to specify in the file the pre-file that must be installed:RaiRai.ColorConverterAPI


  • I dont know if it is just because I upped loot drop with SVM but in the black weapon case and safes they are filled completely with cards stopping anything else from spawning I dont know anything about modding but I suggest your make it have a hard cap of 2-3 spawning per container

    Thumbs Up 1
    • if that is beyond the limit of the game I suggest keeping card spawns in Suitcase and duffle bags as their loot can be easily found in other container or as lose loot

    • this seem to be a problem exclusively with LABS

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Too many card generate。Everything should generate in PC block was replaced by cards……

    • Are you playing with any mods that influence loot generation? Can you specify which containers in which maps spawn too many cards?

    • I'm also having this issue, it seems. The PC blocks on Ground Zero very rarely spawn the standard PC loot pool, I'm getting only cards.

    • Are there any other containers aside from the PCblock where too many cards spawn?

    • From personal experience, I do find the Drawers have a good chance of spawning them too, but it isn't obtrusively so, like the PC blocks. I'm a Ground Zero/Interchange farmer for the most part, so I can't speak on other maps.
      Me and my friend love this mod, and would love to see it expanded with binders at some point!
      Thank you so much for your work.

    • I've pushed an update the should stop cards from spawning in PCs. Regarding the binders, I do plan on adding binders but I'm still looking for a model I can use.

  • 幸好.你刚刚推出的时候我下载了没有安装,现在是时候了,玩!收集!!! :D

  • awwww yeeeee

  • could you explain how you swaped the texture? i would love to make my own version of collectible cards

  • Great mod, just wondering if there is a binder of some sorts to put these in?

    • I'm also curious, I found that the "Card Binders" in "Anime Girls mod" cannot store these cards.

    • yep i made the same discovery, for the time being i'm storing them all in a modernized item case from the artem trader lol

    • Guys, just get the MongoID of every single xard and add it to the filters of the container you wish to store them in.

    • As for the binder, can't you kinda fork the binder from the original mod? I mean, the thing is already there.

  • Now this is a cardpack worth installing

  • Some of the cards (43s total) such as

    "id": "6ed7e7dad9374449acf61107",
    "item_name": "Amane Kanata [OSR]",

    have their background color defined as "white"

    "color": "white",

    Is this intended? "white" is not a valid item backgroundColor per

    List of colors available for the "BackgroundColor" property of items. A few users have reported getting an error launching the game related to the "white" color value.

    Were you using any mods that allows such color value, or any mods that modifies item background colors? In my case the bug was hidden due to the Item Info mod Item Info but as soon as I remove it, I start to get the same error. Could you please take a look?


    Some of the cards also have "gray" (instead of "grey") as their background color.

    Also 36 cards with "color": "null" :P

    • I'll be uploading the correct version in a bit. I think I accidentally published the version of the mod from before I figured out how colors work.

      Thanks for bringing this up

  • so when i installed the mod it said i got a virus, removed thankfully

    • Do you have a screenshot of the detail? Especially which exact file is tripping the warning?

    • not sure. all i know is before i download the file it triggers the warning


      HololiveOCGv0.1.7z im not sure which you need

    • I assure you this file is safe. VirusTotal Result
      Anti-Viruses tend to spew out false positives sometimes

    • alright man. im just trying to not have a trojan on my pc cause thats what it was saying it was

    • I looked. No trojan here, just anime girls.

  • I like this MOD,But i got an error when I started the game:

    In response to Error converting value "white" to type 'JsonType.TaxonomyColor'. Path 'BackgroundColor', line 1, position 9742376.】

    I don't quite understand, maybe it conflicts with other mods I added?

  • 你让游戏变得有趣 :竖起大拇指: