Insurance Fraud 1.0

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If you discard any insured gear during a raid, it will come back to you with a 100% return rate.

Insurance Fraud

This mod generously simulates insurance fraud in live EFT by ensuring that all discarded insured gear will return back to you with 100% return rates (imagine you hid it in a bush or something).

By default, SPT insurance works through percentage rates that are set to 75% and 85% if you insure through Prapor or Therapist respectively. This rate will still apply for all insured gear that is equipped if you die in a raid, but any other insured gear that was dropped or moved to a container outside the inventory will be affected by this mod.


The mod is compatible with Insurance Plus, Insurance Tweaks and Server Value Modifier. It is not compatible with the Insurance component of SPT Realism.


I was interested in making a mod like this so that I can feel better about dropping my guns in raid and found a lot of good direction on what and where to edit from looking through the source code of Insurance Plus by Mattdokn. Thanks a lot!


Extract directly into the SPT folder. Mod folder can be located in user/mods/.


  • What about fika compatibility? Let me know, and realism as well. I have insurance changes off in realism. Also softcore lol.

    • I don't play on Fika, but I don't see any problems with this server mod working - only the host would need to install it to their mods folder

      I took a look through the code in Realism's Insurance files and this mod is not compatible with that component of Realism (same functions are overriden by both mods). But if you have them turned off, then this mod should supposedly work without any issue ^^ complain to me if it doesn't work so that I can take some time to test it out myself on a clean setup

  • great ..nice work bro :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Heart 1

    Heart 1
    • I think I saw that post lmao

      I've been wanting insurance fraud in my SPT playthrough for a while as well so you're not alone o7

      Heart 1
  • This is sick. I assume there's a level of good faith to it though since you can just drop everything in a no-win situation. Unless there's plans to make a client-extension that communicates when bots can see the gear you dropped to the server or what distance you dropped your stuff from the nearest bot.

    Heart 1
    • I thought the same at first but I surprisingly found it hard to start dropping gear in a firefight since gunfights start and end so fast and I usually think I'm gonna survive even if I die seconds later :D I don't have any plans to add that, but SPT may hopefully rework insurance to work similarly like that in the future

      Heart 1
    • Haha I feel ya -- just tried dying a few times myself 🙃 My ideal implementation would be some sort of client-side collision check at the end of a raid that returns all items in non-traversible zones. That or hidden caches being able to be used as 100% insurance guarantee containers to give more gameplay significance to their spawn chances. Still wrapping my head around bepinex,dotnet, and just unity in general but I'll see if I can't find a cheeky way to set the flag on the item one way or another and return it to the server.

  • This is a very handy mod my friend, much appreciated. I usually don't like insurance mods that guarantee a return because it's kind of cheating, but as you said, in those moments where you have to drop insured gear to pick up better gear, I'm all for having that be returned. Thank you very much.

    Heart 1
  • This sounds like a pretty awesome mod, thank you for making it. Would this conflict with Insurance Tweaks? I like how I get stuff back instantly.

    Heart 1
    • I took a look through the mod's code, there shouldn't be any conflicts. I also downloaded it and ran some test runs, everything that I dropped came back as expected while the gear I equipped and died with came back at around the default rate of 50%, so there shouldn't be any issues running both mods ^^; I'll add it to the compatible mods list, thanks!

      Heart 1