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update for a mod that I personally needed

This just makes it so that firing guns without any ear pro or suppressors make your character's ears ring
(Also now stationary weapons give you concussion, because they should)

BTW DVL-50 by SiulSC (DVL-50 .50 Cal Single-Shot Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle) will give you concussion too(ofc only if you are not using earpro)

original mod page - Firearm Deafen

any feedback on possible errors is welcome, only tested it on my pc for now

  • Hey, thanks for the work on reuploading the mod. It appears that this mod is removing any outdoor ambient sound from being played on the client side. I can hear player movement and indoor ambient sound, but no wind, rain, or snow sound.

    • I ran into the same problem in the winter season, without this mod, I suspect that this is a problem of the spt itself, fashion has nothing to do with it.

  • Thank you so much, this was prob the #1 mod I wanted, just didn't wanna install realism for it. I'm gonna ask even though the answer is probably no, is there any chance you can get the radiation as a separate mod? or atleast just the sound effects? And since you work on audio sfx, I was wondering if you can add better bullet fly by/crack sounds. the games default is not that good.

    • Hi, sorry, but I doubt that I could write anything close to the radiation system from the realism mod

      As for the bullet cracks- there are two mods already, Better Bullet Cracks (BBC) and Bullet Crack Fix

      As for bullet flybys, I will look into it, thanks for the idea!

    • could I use those bullet crack mods with this one? Thanks again

  • Legend! Been waiting for this mod to be updated for almost a year now. Was always one of my favorites. ^^

    Heart 1
  • So far so good. Scav runs are extra spicy now without the ear pro. Thanks.

    Heart 1
  • и вы не смогли сделать это на 3.8.0. Я был бы очень рад этому

  • Can't seem to install it using the SP-EFT Mod Manager. Install bar goes pink and never changes.

    • I've made less folders inside the archive, can you try again?