Penguin's Doom Toys for 3.9.x 1.0.0

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26 New Little Toys To Collect And Display In Your Hall Of Fame!



  • top..thanks

    • now is give me this error :

  • я в шоке

  • 不错 :竖起大拇指:

  • like its small enough to use google drive

  • can you please upload this some other way, we keep getting virus warnings and it wont download

  • thankyou thankyou, havn't tried yet but thankyou, last time I had this I hadn't unlocked the display shelf. love finding collectables

    Heart 1
  • For some reason the antivirus detects a virus in the archive

    • There's literally a virus total link, and if you have a antivirus other than just windows anti-virus, what ever is wrong with your computer is not my problem

    • i also only have defender and opera is saying a virus and wont install sadly

  • hello mod creator, i really appreciate mods that adds random junk loot items !
    if random map selection mod is within your creation my friend would be grateful !

  • This is peak

    Heart 1
  • good!! keep going

  • Thank you for updating these. I honestly missed Penguin's mods for months now ^^

    • you are very welcome! Would you like to see the others too?

    • I actually do. I personally would love to see Penguins headgear collection make a return. Hopefully it would be easy to port too.

    • Oh dont worry it wont be too hard

    • Welp i'm not 100% sure but i think I am not allowed to port the headgear collection since penguin may update it as it's his main mod

    • Alright! I can wait if that's the case

  • yo this is dope

    Heart 1