Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Andrudis-QuestManiac adds six new traders and over 4000+ quests!
The main focus is progressing gradually through a massive web of simple quests, and along the way, unlocking almost every gear item in the game for purchase!
The original author has bigger things than video games to worry about right now, so in their absence I'm just one of a long line of contributors who were so in love with the mod they wanted to see it continue. The mod is now updated to work on the current version of SPT, and includes new weapons, ammo, gear, and even maps that were not in the original version.
Like those before me, I love AQM enough to try and update it myself.
This version features five main changes:
- Works with SPT 3.9.8.
- Adds and integrates all the new gear (weapons, ammo, armors, etc) that's been added since the mod was made, as well as including both Ground Zero and Streets of Tarkov.
- Hideout Assistant questline now features the new modules and correctly matches the actual items used in upgrades. A strict version, which requires each previous quest to be completed before starting a new one, can be found in the _AlternativeBundles folder.
- Added new questlines for Warden. You can now unlock flares, grenades, and heavy weapons (LMGs + Grenade Launchers). Dedicated grenade launcher rounds must still be found in raid, at least for now.
- All cash trades rebalanced from scratch. No more 45,000r pistol magazines or stims that sell for more than they cost to buy.
Please note I have no coding experience and I did all this editing by hand. There are probably typos, misplaced items or quests, extra digits, etc. Please report bugs and mistakes you find and I will try to address them in a reasonable time.
Only the Core Quest Bundle is functional at this time - DO NOT add any bundles from _LegacyBundles or BarterOnly. These are just there for legacy preservation at the moment.
To Install: Simply extract to your SPT folder.
Andrudis : Original mod
rgb192x3 : 3.0.0 version
LaurentMekka : 3.2.2 version
Mighty_Condor : 3.5.0 & 3.7.X version
DrakiaXYZ: Quest converter tool
wbyjake: For all the hard work modernizing this to 3.8.3. Your foundational efforts made this possible! Also I stole most of this description from your update.
For further information please visit:
wbyjake's 3.8.3 version - here
LaurentMEKKA & Mighty_Condor's 3.7.x page - here
Andrudis' original mod page - here
Known Issues
- Most barters are completely scuffed! Old barters are poorly balanced and new barters are literally just placeholders. If you see anything that requires an Advanced Current Converter to barter for, just ignore it. All new items have not been assigned a real barter value yet. Cash trades are all working though!
- Kollontay and Kaban and their men are not included in the Boss Hunt or Boss Follower Hunt quests.
- While the unlock quests mentioned above work fine, many of the bigger mod chains (Legends, Mastery, Errand Boy, Tarkov Burglar, etc) do not account for newer items. You won't be able to turn in ramen noodles if Errand Boy asks for "any food", for example. Juggernaut Legend will never ask you to specifically wear the new armors. This is simply too big a task to handle. There are thousands of these quests and they don't seem to follow any predictable pattern. Going through all of them and randomly sprinkling in new items and new maps would just be too much work to do manually.
- Most of the new traders do not fit on the trader screen. (I recommend a mod like Kaeno-TraderScrolling by CWX)
- Dirtbikercj's Expanded Task text - cache issues, server does not finish loading. Seems to work when using a load order editor to make Andrudis-QuestManiac load AFTER ETT
- DanW's Questing Bots - Playable, but may encounter performance issues. I guarantee your computer will not like trying to scan 4000+ quests for every bot to participate in.
Work still to be done:
- The entire barter economy needs to be redone. I'm not familiar enough with the relative values and rarities of all the items in EFT so trying to come up with varied yet appropriate trades off the top of my head is a nearly impossible task. If anyone more familiar with this wants to step up and take a swing at this, I would greatly appreciate it, but it may require some .
- Update non-unlock questlines? Boss Hunt, Tarkov Burglar, etc?
- Update alternative and legacy bundles?
- Add trade unlocks for armor plates?
- Rewrite code to a cleaner updated format
A final word about the mod and its scope:
It's clear, having worked on this, that the original author, Andrudis, must have used a very sophisticated custom script to make these quests. Not just because there's so many, but because they use a reliable and specific automated format. Doing this all by hand, like I've been doing for the past few weeks, is beyond tedious. The best option is to have some sort of script to process very simple and easily edited input files and output the SPT-readable quest files, instead of just rewriting within those directly. However, I don't know if we'll ever be able to get access to those files now. Best bet is probably to tag someone who knows how to write file conversion in Python or something and then you could write and edit quests in just minutes, instead of days.
If anyone out there knows their stuff, you could save the next maintainer from what I had to go through.
i'm writing this at 4 AM and have been grinding through code for weeks, please forgive me if i overlooked something in the mod or in this post
Version 1.0.2
- Jaxander
- Fixed file format. Now you can just extract this to your root SPT directory.
- Fixed Goon Gear rigs quest not having the proper prerequisites and unlocking instantly. Because this was supposed to be the final quest in the chain, this was very bad.
Version 1.0.1
- Jaxander
lol i introduced a gamebreaking bug in the first version just prior to updating it, because of course i did
please ignore 1.0
You absolute Mad Man, thank you for taking the time to do this.
Just personal preference but it is possible to remove the shortcuts in the quests , or it is possible to remove it manauly ?
Jaxander Author
I'm not sure what you mean by "shortcuts", what do you want to remove?
When you have the task in game , For example:
From Fence than the task name is something like this " [Fen] Hunter part 1 "
Jaxander Author
Doing it by hand would take forever, but if it bothers you I guess what you could do is use a program that can text-replace across multiple files, like Notepad++. What you'd want then is to search and replace across the entire folder and all subfolders, in files named "en.json" (since these are the localization files), replacing each shortcut code with the trader's full name in whatever format you want.
For example if you wanted to change [Fen] at the start of Fence Quests to "For Fence":
the code for each trader is:
[Pra] - Prapor
[Mec] - Mechanic
[Rag] - Ragman
[Jgr] - Jaeger
[Thr] - Therapist
[P-k] - Peacekeeper
[Ski] - Skier
[Bsh] - Bashkir
[Col] - Colonel
[Eld] - Elder
[Kho] - Khokhol
[Lab] - LabRat
[War] - Warden
Thanks , but I already did that work 80% Done
If you would need thase files , hit me up
A classic mod revived, you're an absolute hero.
Jaxander Author
I'm so sorry, I changed the folder name just before I uploaded it and it broke everything
I should have known it wouldn't go smoothly! It should work now, though.
:竖起大拇指: 谢谢