(DO NOT USE) All Zombies All Day 1.0.5

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(DISCONTINUED) The infected have taken over Tarkov completely, and anyone left is to fend for themselves...


  • If the mod is not working, try putting it at the top of the load order.

    I will no longer be working on this mod, please comment here on the mod page, or ping me in the SPT Hub Discord in #mods-development (no DMs) if you wish to take over the work of this mod.

    FAQ below.

    Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting any bugs.

    Mod FAQ

    1) Is the mod dead?

    • Yes

    2) Does the mod still work?

    • It will work until an SPT update breaks it.

    3) But I want my zombies!

    • Take a look at using MOAR instead

    I made this mod to push the limits of the zombies that were released with the Halloween 2024 event, but it is clear to me that I am too inexperienced and too busy to continue working on this mod in a timely manner.

    My other mods will continue until further notice.

    Version 1.0.5 is out now.

    Original text below:

    Thumbs Up 1 Heart 2
    • I donno if this might help for others but it did for me

      so I found out that if I want to increase the zombies just up the rate over 100% I placed about 300% it definitely increased but its only on the first wave it goes lesser and lesser next wave I donno about this problem but well it is what it is beggers cant be choosers XD

      THank you for the support I am enjoying a lot

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Im confused about the mod saying outdated but the download link is for spt 3.10.x does that mean it still works with the current version?

  • How can I make it compatible with Realism Mod?

    I tried using SVM, but zombies still won’t appear.

    The infection level is displayed on the map, but no zombies appear.

    Is Realism Mod incompatible with your mod? I have already disabled all BOT generation options.

  • For all who are asking to remove the guns from Zombies, add this code below the line "const tables = databaseServer.getTables();" inside the function postDBLoad(container)

  • Have you noticed anything with aggression not working even if the event override is turned off?

    The event makes bots more peaceful towards you because of the zombies, the override should make bots attack you onsite like normal, but it doesn't for me. You can walk right up to scavs or bosses etc. They wont attack you unless you get super close.

    also, if you put customs like 10%, then 10% zombies will be converted which is like 5 on the map maybe, but it will reduce the normal spawning of scavs by over half, thus the raids are super dead. (Trying to find a balance of normal scav spawns but with some zombies sprinkled in for chaos lol

    Labs works with 100% zombie rate, even with infection rates to 0, the over all scav spawns are very low. (Not sure if there is two different scav spawn scripts inside spt, one for normal seasons, one for halloween)

  • The mod I've always wanted. Thank you.

    Please add an option to disable the gun zombies in a future update. Then it will be the perfect mod for me. :)

  • does this replace all ai with zombies or is there scavs/pmc/bosses still spawning and infected

    • Zombies replace scavs by the Infection Rate number in the config.
      PMCs and Bosses are controlled by the Disable Bosses setting.

      The modpage has been updated for some more clarification.

  • 我注意到,在万圣节活动开始后,BEAR、USEC 和 BOSS 都处于平静的状态。我们能把他们恢复到以前的敌对状态吗?

    • Quote from DeepL Translation (DeepL 翻译)

      I noticed that BEAR, USEC and BOSS were in a state of calm after the Halloween event started. Can we return them to their previous state of hostility?

      I will look into it for the next version update, it should be possible for me to change it, and maybe let you configure your own preferences.

      Quote from DeepL Translation (DeepL 翻译)


      Quote from Google Translate (谷歌翻译)


      Thumbs Up 1
    • For now, I have added the option to restore the enemy hostility to normal. I will look into allowing you to set the hostility yourself in a future update.

      Quote from DeepL Translation (DeepL 翻译)


      Quote from Google Translate (谷歌翻译)


      Thumbs Up 1
  • could you make it possible to disable zombies with guns ? and maybe also change their hp ? thx

    • I will look into it for the next version update.

  • The mod needs an option to reduce the zombie life (HP)

    • I will look into it for the next version update.

      Heart 1
  • I have been able to get the mod to work by not adjusting the default setting when you select next after insurance and loading straight into a map! Regardless of difficulty or spawn amount and having the boss check. I have SVM not affecting outcomes. I hope this helps!

  • Not sure if this has been addressed but this Mod has issues with the current SAIN RC2 mod. It overrides the rest of the bots on the map and makes them stand still in Layer:HideHW and node:hold position. (see image). SAIN author has already been advised.


    • Yeah, that will be something that Solarint or whoever is currently maintaining it, would have to solve, since that mod is the one that modifies all the AI.

      This mod does nothing more than just activate the Halloween event with Zombies.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • For anyone else looking at this comment in the future, SAIN 3.2.0 is out now, and it should work with zombies.

    • Unfortunately your mod will create massive lag with sain. not sure why.

      If i go in and change the files myself in spt to make halloween on with zombie spawns there is no issues, but if i use your mod at the top of the order it creates huge lag and very low fps with sain.

      no sain your mod works no issues, same if i edit files myself without your mod to do the same thing. not sure what's happening there.

    • I've not seen anyone report this before.
      And besides, by default, my mod will load before SAIN's server mode without any existing load order file.

      I'll do some testing to check it out, but I don't think it's because of my mod specifically.

    • I've done some quick testing, with just my mod and SAIN, and its two required mods.

      Having either mod above the other, there seems to be no major difference in FPS.

      For me, testing on Customs, around 45 fps with SAIN above, and around 40 fps with my mod above, which is small enough that I would chalk that up to different spawn location and different bots spawning.

      If you can provide me any more information that I can work with, that would be great.

  • Great mod. Really looking forward to seeing zombies develop over time with different mods and see SPT flourish into an entirely different game.

    I have noticed even after a fresh install with no other mods that the zombies do not seem to attack anybody even if they have a melee weapon (excluding the shooting zombies). Is there a workaround for this or is it beyond the scope of this mod?

    • If they are circling around you without attacking, it seems to be a bug with SPT/EFT in general. It has already been reported since the SPT BE testing builds.

      If they are just standing still and not moving, that is a mod conflict with another mod.

  • works great for me, I changed infection rates that tapper out the further out from labs which is 100% and woods/customs etc is like 20-10% etc.

    did a scav raid to test on customs, and off the hop there were some zombies motoring around attacking regular scavs. adds an entirely new twist to single player, i love it.

    I never played the event on live tarkov , so i need to ask if you get hit, do you get infected, is there stims or agmenten to take as cure etc


    • With the current update, as of 11/30, using w/ SVM, I got zeds on Factory but not customs at 20%! Maybe 100% of all maps might be bottlenecking spawns. Great balance with ratios!

    • Yes theres infection, which tanks your hydration and deals some minor damage in addition to that. Regarding infection, it's bloodborne- so if you take a zagustin, perfatoran or ahf1 just before getting hit, you avoid infection

      However, if you're already infected, there's no cure beyond extracting

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I might be tweakin but it's not showing the BIO symbol on the maps.

    Load order?

    • You have an incompatible mod. Put zombies on the top of the load order.

  • can you please make a version for 3.9 or is it not possible because im wanting zombies for 3.9 while i wait for spt realism and sain and swag+donuts

    • Concordo, se você pudesse eliminar os zumbis com armas seria ainda melhor.

    • This mod simply enables the zombies that exist in the game.

      Zombies do not exist in 3.9.x

    • oh sorry then

  • Would it be possible to remove the armed zombie and reduce its resistance? I came face to face with a group of armed zombies and was shot and another the zombie took 14 shots of 7.62

    • Yeah, there REALLY should be an option/patch to turn them off.
      And another version/patch that disables the infection mechanic..

  • havent gotten a single zombie spawn so far

    • If you were only trying Factory before, try the new version (1.0.4), it should be working.

      Otherwise, you might have some mods that are incompatible.

    • ground zero, customs and woods

  • Hello before I leave my comment I want to say thank you for your hard work and I am enjoying an zombie in tarkov my old wish :)

    I currently use SVM, Painter, and other weapons mod and I don't get an same experience having hoard of zombies with PMC and BOSS as I see in original EFT for example i have tried the both spawn setting (as online/horde) and both were same

    Interchange - (boss setting is 100) Killa dosen't spawn few PMC(2~3) under dozen of zombie per wave

    Labs - only zombie spawn no PMC and zombie rate is under dozen of zombie per wave

    I want to change this with overwhelming zombie spawn with normal amount of PMC scav boss etc... so please help me out to enjoy more of your mod if possible

    Thank you

    • I don't know if I can change that, the only thing I can recommend right now is to increase the total bot cap with another mod, but I'm not sure if that will work.

    • will give it a shot with the new update thanks for the feedback!

    • @wjddntjr93: so do you find a workaround for this ?

    • The latest version (1.0.4) has an option to turn off "disablebosses" on Labs, which should make PMCs and Bosses spawn there, in theory. (I've not tested it myself, but that setting is what controls PMCs and Bosses spawning)

      As for the Interchange thing, the only thing I can think of, is using a mod that allows for changing the ratios of PMCs to Scavs spawning.
      This is because the Zombies are created by converting a % number of Scavs that spawn into Zombies, which is controlled by the Infection Rate setting.

      Hopefully that helps.

  • maybe to help out with removing gun zombies since I saw someone recommend it. Inside the base.json for each location, under the event key you can change the type of zombies that spawn. It doesn't specify which zombies are armed but I would assume changing it to only civilian zombies would do the trick.

    • Pretty sure i saw a loadout in bot.json for infected with IDs, few of wich were the pistols.

    • Any solution to take out the armed zombies? I came face to face with an order and was shot at by machine gun

  • So, after some Testing ive found another Incompatible mod, which i couldnt fix with the load order itself.

    The Mods name is

    Epic's All in One

    WTT AEK also Incomatible

    Haven Industries - Chloe custom trader also incompatible

    Hope this Helps and saves some time and maybe u can fix it cause i would like to use all those mods :)

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Those mods should not be incompatible, you probably have some other mod that is conflicting and causing those mods to error out.

    • i can back up that claim those exact mods are causing zombies too not work anymore. i removed those and they work.

    • Did you test exclusively with those mods and this one or did you have others installed as well, because that's how testing is intended to go

    • I'm using these MOD and working fine

    • Nootropix Speedloader is Probably the cause

  • Nice zombie mod i hope you or other make a better zombie apocalipse mod for tarkov.... i tried a long time ago but i dont suceed. im open to try now but im not that good a programming. and make a big project alone is kinda meme

  • Nice work(Spawn PMC/Boss/Zombie) in Woods, Shoreline, Lighthouse, Reserve, Interchange, Customs, Streets

    But, No PMC/Boss. just only zombie in Lab

    Still no zombies in Factory, Ground zero

    And some zombies are friendly

    • Quote

      But, No PMC/Boss. just only zombie in Lab

      For now, Labs will only have zombies. I'm looking for how to change it properly in a future update.


      Still no zombies in Factory, Ground zero

      It should be working, but I'll check it out. I only confirmed they were spawning correctly on Reserve and Streets.


      And some zombies are friendly

      I've been told this might be a problem of compatibility with SVM, specifically the "Raid Startup Settings" option. I'll need to investigate this further, but for now I might just say that SVM is incompatible.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • You can now enable PMCs and Bosses to spawn in Labs, at least I hope it works properly.
      EDIT: UncleFrank helped me test this option, it should be working properly.

      Zombies definitely do work in Ground Zero (Level 21+) and both timings of Factory.

      I'm still investigating the zombies being friendly thing, but most likely it is a mod compatiblity issue, but I'm still trying to figure out which mod causes that.

  • there's no zombies spawning i saw another comment saying the same thing i tried 3 maps and still no zombies is there something i have to enable

    • it shows the mod loaded but when i load in i don't see the infected percent on the maps

    • got it to work after removing another mod may it is conflicting with lots of loot redux

    • How did you get it to work? I only have this mod running and it still doesn't spawn Z's for around 30 min in the raid i haven't seen one, nor the horde trigger...

    • Experiencing the same thing... Not sure what it is honestly

    • i had to remove the other mod i had downloaded and for some reason zombies are the only thing that spawn no pmcs spawn

  • is there a way to have no other AI. just zombies im trying to have a "last man on earth" build of SPT -

    • Put the infection to 100% i think

    • As explained to me by one of the SPT devs, it is supposed to be that higher percentage numbers means it replaces more of the normal bot spawns with zombie spawns.

      In my testing at the very least, 100% does not mean 100% of the bot spawns are replaced with zombie spawns, so I honestly have no idea how to proceed further on that front.

  • Do you think you would be able to add the ability to toggle gun zombies?

  • I haven't been able to get this mod to work. It says it's loaded and the maps all say 100% infection rate, but no zombies seem to spawn on any map except on Labs.

    This still occurs after removing all other mods.

    • Same here :(

    • From my testing, they do spawn, but they are a bit rare.

      You might have to wander around for a bit to find them.

    • Here's an screenshot from when I was testing it before 3.10 released publicly, these were the only two zombies I found after walking around for like 10 minutes around Shoreline.


    • Dang that seems pretty rare! Is there a way to increase their spawn chance?

    • I'll take a look and see, but I think a bot spawning mod would be able to do much better than whatever I can cook up, whenever they get updated

  • Do I need to use VERYSPOOKY to get this mod to work?

    • No, this overrides the need to use the VERYSPOOKY code

  • i was told we can edit percentages on this mod ;~; i like the zombies but i dont wanna be overwhelmed with them everytime lol

    • Sorry for the wait, the mod has a config file now that lets you change the values

      Heart 1

  • can you edit their hp? 3 shots to the head is too much

    • That's beyond the scope of this mod, all I can suggest is to use higher damage ammo against the zombies, armor penetration is less of a priority with them.

    • this would be really nice tho if possible

    • i checked it out and tarkov midcore server allows you to