Bigger Bang 3.9.5

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
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Spice up your Tarkov life! Adds a new trader, with 2 relatively short quest lines, who sells new variants of existing weapons, bullets, grenades and more...

Bigger Bang

Provides a variety of options for expanding upon the SPT-AKI Tarkov experience.


  • A new trader, Boris Bangski
    • 9 quests available currently in 2 branches - unlocked after completing the first quests for Prapor and Therapist
    • Sells all the new items included in this mod
    • Specialises in variants of existing weapons (full-auto and burst variations)
    • Buys any and all goods from you at a great price
    • Offers repairing and insuring services at competetive rates
  • New variants of existing weapons:
    • Pistols
      • SHR1MP fully-automatic pistol (SR1MP variant)
      • P226F multi-fire-mode pistol (P226R variant)
    • SMGs
      • Saiga-9F fully automatic SMG (Saiga-9 variant)
    • Shotguns
      • Saiga AA-12 fully-automatic (Saiga 12ga variant)
      • MP-153B two-shot burst shotgun (MP-153 variant)
    • Assault Carbines
      • MOP-SKS fully-automatic (OP-SKS variant)
      • TX-30 fully-automatic DML (TX-15 variant)
      • RFBF fully-automatic (RFB variant)
    • Assault Rifles
      • AS-LUL steadyshot (AS-VAL lower recoil variant)
    • Marksman Rifles
      • SR-26 fully-automatic (SR-25 variant)
      • RBLAST fully-automatic (RSASS variant)
      • M1AF fully-automatic (M1A variant)
      • SVDF fully-automatic (SVD variant)
      • Mk-18F fully-automatic (Mk-18 variant)
    • Grenade Launchers
      • GL-40B three-shot burst (GL-40 variant)
      • GL-40F fully-automatic (GL-40 variant)
  • Larger magazines for some of my favourite guns:
    • Pistols
      • SR1MP 50 Round Drum Mag
    • SMGs
      • UMP 45 Round Mag
      • PP-91 Kedr 60 Round Mag
      • MP9 60 Round Mag
      • Saiga-9 50 Round Drum
    • Shotguns
      • TOZ 10 Round Mag
      • KS-23 23 Round Mag
      • MP-153 12 Round Mag
    • Assault Rifles
      • ASH-12 30 & 40 Round Mags
      • .308 MDR 45 Round Mag
      • .308 MDR 60 Round Drum
      • FAL 60 Round Drum
      • VSS/VAL 60 Round Drum
    • Marksman/Assault Carbines
      • SKS 70 Round Mag
      • SVD 40 Round Mag
      • Mk-18 40 Round Mag
    • Grenade Launchers
      • 3 new grenade launcher specific magazines for the burst & full-auto GL40 variants (3, 9 and 24 rounds)
  • A variety of new, powerful (unbalanced) ammo types covering most of the weapons in the game, intended to make any gun a viable choice should you want it to be:
    • Pistols/SMGs
      • 9x18 Crayfish Round
      • 9x19 BUMBUM Round
      • 9x21 SHRIMP Round
      • 5.7x28 5757 Round
      • .45 ACP Chonk Round
      • .45 ACP Lawbreaker Round
      • 4.6x30 AP SEX Round
      • 7.62x25 PePe Round
    • Shotguns
      • Pepper Spray Shotgun Cartridge
      • Light Explosive Shotgun Cartridge
      • THIKK Shotgun Slug
      • 20x70 TOZ BOZ Cartridge
      • Shrapnel-69 Cartridge
    • Assault Rifles/Carbines/Marksman Rifles
      • .366 APP Round
      • 5.56x45 BOOF & BOOFT Tracer Round
      • 5.45x39 ZOOMU Igolnik Destroyer Round
      • 9x39 BOOP Round
      • 7.62x39 Chunky Monkey Round
      • 7.62x51 Capussi Round
      • 7.62x54 SKRRT Round
      • 12.7x55 GLUE Round
    • Grenade Launchers
      • PLOOMF 40mm stackable HE grenades
      • SHMORK 40mm stackable buckshot cartridges
  • 3 new, extremely deadly grenades:
    • NORK Grenade - 2.5 sec timer, lots of shrapnel
    • BAUM Artillerah Grenade - 2.5 sec timer, LARGE explosion radius (stand back, TRUST ME)
    • CLUSTA Baum Grenade - 2.5 sec timer, FULL of shotgun buckshot
    • All are usable for completing the "Grenadier" Prapor quest
  • A more fashionable selection of debug-tier clothing:
    • S L I C C Body Armour
    • Slimer Armaclava
  • Re-zero most calibers of guns to a particular ammo type - configurable, disabled by default
  • A new, 5x5 secured container, the Lambda, available for purchase from Boris Bangski at max Loyalty Level
  • Reduce the countdown pre-raid (5 seconds) to speed up deployment
  • Boost Scav Case Super Rare rewards at every tier
  • Fully Automatic STM-9 - adds a fully automatic version of the STM-9
  • No More Fall Damage - disable fall damage
  • Responsive Fence - removes the time limit check from Fence's trade goods refreshing
  • Zero Sights Every Raid - actually shoot where you're aiming by calibrating your gun to the ammo you have equipped

Contains the functionality of (and is compatible with) my other mods:

  • Version 3.9.5

    • Added Cod Liver Oil injector stim (small amount of regen + painkiller that lasts a long time) and make some other injector maximum uses configurable
    • Fixed armour hard + soft insert blacklisting from bots - you should now safely be able to re-enable the armour plates added by this mod and equip them as you wish without almost every single bot in the game choosing to use them as well.
    • Added GOOSH 40mm VOG variant - a buckshot grenade for AK platforms with VOG-compatible underbarrel grenade launchers.
  • Version 3.9.0

    Compatibility update for SPT 3.9.x

  • Version 3.8.5

    • Add OP armour plate/insert variants - using RaiRaiTheRaichu-UnrestrictedPlates is highly recommended as it will allow these to be used in all armours
    • Blacklist this mod's ammo types from bot generation - configurable, enabled by default
    • Add some more ammo types: 6.8x51mm variant and explosive .338 round
    • Add some more larger capacity backpack variants
    • Add some more larger capacity magazines: Spear 50-rounder, PP-19 50-rounder
    • Add some extra injectors:
      • Ultranumb long-duration painkiller
      • CureALL medkit-in-a-syringe
      • Surgicalok injector: surgery kit, hemostat, bandage and splint all-in-one
  • Version 3.8.4

    • Quests are working again!
      • Standing is now required to unlock Boris' higher loyalty levels
    • Cleaned up config.json so it now only contains relevant settings for this version
  • Version 3.8.3

    • Fixed insuring items with Boris causing server to throw an error and hang when dying in a raid - thanks to Kaganari and sentiyeet for the bug report
    • Re-added "steady" weapon variants
    • Re-added 12.7mm Ash-12 variant
    • Re-added stackable grenade launcher round variants and full-auto grenade launcher
  • Version 3.8.2

    Fixed MP-153 and Saiga-12K variants not being equippable - thanks to Zealwind and Andiamo for the bug report, and Terkoiz for their timeless wisdom.

  • Version 3.8.1

    Fixed compatibility issue with SVM Case Space Manager "Remove filters" - thanks APerson for the bug report :thumbup:

  • Version 3.8.0

    First compatibility patch for SPT-AKI 3.8.0

    Features currently working:

    • Additional (OP) ammo types
    • Full auto weapon variants
    • Grenade variants
    • Smaller, secure container compatible, versions of the standard containers
    • Additional injectors
    • Rig and backpack variants with more space
    • Re-zero equipped weaponry in the insurance screen before each raid

    Features currently not working:

    • Quests for Boris Bangski
    • Full auto grenade launchers (might work, haven't been tested as of yet)
  • Version 3.2.1

    Fixed zeroing sights every raid

    Made armour/rigs configurable - see config/armour.json

  • Version 3.2.0

    MASSIVE thanks to GhostFenixx and Spartacus for doing all the work of updating this to work with SPT-AKI 3.2.0+ - you're legends!

  • The armour insert (soft + hard) blacklisting should now be fixed, please let me know if you still encounter bots spawning with the OP armour inserts equipped.

    Thumbs Up 3 Heart 1
  • Can anyone help with updating this? No word from author in a while

    Heart 1
  • пожалуйса обнови очень ждем тебя (((((

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Love this mod, cant wait for the update.

    Crying 1
  • hey man i love your mod waiting for the new update

    Heart 1 Crying 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • Still waiting VERYYYYY patiently to get this mod to 3.10

    Thumbs Up 2 Crying 1
  • ауууу дружище жем тебя очень

    Crying 1
  • I check daily for this mod to hit 3.10. My friends and I are hooked, hands down best mod out there :)

    Thumbs Up 2 Heart 2
  • This is the best mod! I'm really looking forward to updating to 3.10

    Thumbs Up 2 Heart 2
  • patiently waiting for a 3.10 update. love this mod and the work youve done, keep it up! :thumbup:

    Thumbs Up 5 Heart 3
  • for some reason any time i use the shell plates on any body armor with soft inserts. bullets seem to completely bypass the shell plates and hit only the soft armor. even after a full raid.

    the m34t plates cant go into any vests or carriers, but i think thats just because unrestricted plates hasnt been updated yet so theres no way to put it into the soft insert slot

  • Hey there Thunder! I wanted to give you a heads up regarding the SIG MCX Spear 6.8 60 round drum mag! For the tan version of the weapon, it's severely off center!


    Crying 1
  • Any plan on adding a fullauto Rotary GL?

    • I've tried previously and will inevitably try again at some point, but the way grenade launchers work in EFT is fucky to say the least. Don't hold your breath :S

      Heart 2
  • How can I use "Soft Insert whole body"? I don't know if it's applied even if I put it in Paca unlocked "Test" and band "ARArmband". Is it under test?

    ps: I can't speak English properly, so I used a translator. I'm sorry

    • I used to use unrestricted plates to allow soft inserts to be replaced on all armours, but unfortuantely it hasn't been updated to the latest version of SPT just yet.

  • Hey boss, for some reason the injectors just are not working, binding to hotkeys and dragging to limbs doesn't cause anything to happen at all, possible conflict with Realism? Not sure. Nothing seems to happen in the logs so I can't post those for you, is this known already?

    • I don't use Realism, but I can say that it will almost certainly not play nicely with this mod due to the scope of the changes it makes.

  • How do I make it so the traders have low stock on items or random stock either out of stock or in stock of items with realism as i have it enabled in realism however boris items are unaffected as well as some other custom traders. For some reason realism is only able to overwrite the stock of some traders not all custom ones?

    • This is almost definitely being caused by a conflict with the Realism mod - I don't use it myself, so cannot provide any assistance with compatibility errors, unfortunately.

    • Its okay I figured out a work around. Just using leaves-limited traders mod it lets you edit the stock of each trader.

  • Anyone know how to disable the locked soft armor plates?

  • Amazing mod 10/10! I'm a sucker for some fancy loot containers and the 60rd mags! Chefs Kiss!

  • I can't put any of the mini bb storage things to my secure container is their a reason for that like is it not possible? or am i doing something wrong

    • I use SVM to disable filters on secure containers, so I missed adding the small containers to the secure container allow list - this will be fixed in a future version, but for now you could use SVM to fix the issue.

  • This mod is kickass, excellent work and thank you for making it. Can't wait to see what you cook up next.

    Heart 1
  • Hey man would you be interested in helping me create a custom trader.
    with items like yours.
    id be willing to pay you, before we finishing
    for tutoring, discord voice and screen sharing teaching.
    mabey we can make a deal of some sort.

    or maby you´d be interrested in making a custom trader together.
    i have some cool ideas, i think you might like.

  • Ayo! Great mod, though I noticed the Items Case regular variant sells for 120,000 and can be sold for much much more. I've glanced around and am having trouble finding out how to either increase the price or remove it from purchase at this specific trader, thank you for your time and keep up the good work! :)

    • If you go into assets/database/borisbangski/assort.json and look for the block of code with "BorisItemsCaseTrade": [ (should be starting on line 343) you can change the count variable in there (which represents the cost of the item in Roubles) to whatever you'd like :thumbup:

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Hey appreciate the information!

      When I follow this it shows as :


      Which is correct for the Trader specific version. But the vanilla Items case sold by this trader is 120,000 and I don't see the option to alter that specific one here.

    • Are you sure you mean the Items case and not the Lucky Scav Junkbox? That's the only thing I can find in my code that has a price of 120,000 roubles - it's literally directly below the items case block of code I pointed you to earlier, if you wanted to change the price of that instead.

      Happy 1
    • Omg, Im a fucking idiot. I do mean the Lucky Scav Junkbox lmfao

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you Lmfao SMH

  • I wish I could go back and relive the moment I laid my eyes on the traders pic. I cried I laughed so hard.

  • is there a way to disable boris insurance?

    • You should be able to go into assets/database/borisbangski/base.json and set availability to false - let me know if it doesn't work and I can look into what's changed.

    • worked just fine, thank you :)

  • noticed the mini sicc case cant be put into gamma case, is this intentional or is there a way to allow it to go into the gamma case?

    • I use SVM to disable filters on secure containers, so I'd totally missed that - thanks for pointing it out, it's not intentional. I'll get that fixed for the next version.

      Heart 1
    • No dramas at all mate, i'll just do it through SVM :) Thanks for all your work!

  • The MOD update I have been waiting for, thank you :thumbup:

  • There seems to be a small bug where the ammunition is too big for the magazine :D

    • That's due to the bolter using the 12.7mm ammunition intended for the mounted machine guns - I had the option to hide the bullets inside the magazine, but thought this was preferrable.

  • After downloading this I played a few raids. First raid played normally, but as I went into the second raid I noticed none of my guns had recoil anymore.

    I also thought that Blacklist:true would mean bots wont spawn with the items, but every bot I've come across has the shell armor plates. some even had op grenades. I guess I'll try to make everything false to see if that means they will be blacklisted from spawning on bots.

    Since this isn't a Bepinex, the config must be done manually in the json files, which is fine, but not what I expected for a mod that makes so many changes.

    I've also experienced a bug when using weapons you've made full auto. If I spray them, sometimes they just break my game. I am unable to reload, inspect, check chamber, loot, move items, equip, unequip, etc. I think it's the busy hands bug.

    Edit: I've changed nothing but the blacklist settings, and loading into my first raid on I have recoil and gunfire sounds again. Editing those settings however I have stopped seeing the armor plates on enemies.

    • I've had reports of bots using the shell armor plates, that's caused by a conflicting mod although I couldn't tell you which one (it's probably one of the progression mods that change bot gear pools) - I've had people tell me that blacklisting my mod's items/trader in any mods that change bot generation has helped with this issue.

      The config option to blacklist ammo from bot generation is the only one that works currently, I haven't managed to figure out how to properly blacklist the grenades from being added to bot inventories yet.

      I've never had any reports of the guns in this mod causing the busy hands bug, so I'm afraid I can't offer any advice on that problem unless you have a particular error that's being thrown in your game when the problem happens that you could show me. The same applies to your bug regarding guns losing recoil.

    • I don't believe I have any progression mods, I can send you a modlist if you like. I also added a "Blacklist": false line to the Armour category in config and have yet to see any of the shell plates. I may have just gotten lucky though.

      How could I find the errors? I've checked the server window while playing, but saw nothing red. I assume there's logs elsewhere I can access to send you?

    • I can definitely take a look at your modlist to see if anything stands out as potentially problematic. I have only added code that blacklists the new ammunition variants added in this mod, so I'd say you've just been lucky in only encountering the shell plates some of the time.

      Regarding errors, other than the server window the only other place they'd show up is in the in-game console.

    • I've just done a number of test raids and have found a bot using the shell plates and the armour inserts added by this mod, so something has changed in how bot loadout generation works in SPT 3.9 - I'll look into adding a blacklist option for the armour in the next version :thumbup:

    • DM'd you my modlist :)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Any chance for a Realism patch? Would be greatly appreciated lol

    • I don't use Realism myself so producing a patch for it is outside my realms of expertise I'm afraid, although I have no problem with someone else producing a patch for this.

    • I'll see if someone can help me :)

  • God thanks bro !!!