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Version 1.0.1
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Fixed an issue where helmets were being returned from insurance without their armor.
Fixed an issue where armored vests could not be turned in for certain quests.
- This required an additional client mod (BepInEx) patch, so the install process is slightly different - please reread the Install Instructions section to make sure you install the mod properly.Hey! Thanks for downloading, if you'd like to support my work, you're more than welcome to support me at the link below or follow along at my Ko-Fi page here:
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Version 1.0.0
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Built for SPT-AKI 3.8.0.
Hey! Thanks for downloading, if you'd like to support my work, you're more than welcome to support me at the link below or follow along at my Ko-Fi page here:
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RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
quick update, the mod is undergoing a bit of a rewrite. a lot has changed with bot and insurance code, so in order to make this work and bug-free, it's going to take time. in the meantime, there are other mods to allow you to do something similar with the plates themselves for now.
@RaiRaiTheRaichu, Thanks for your work on this. Waiting patiently for an update. I see you mentioned "there are other mods to allow you to do something similar with the plates themselves for now". Would you be able to let us know what they are? Thanks in advance.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
@RogueTech67 hi, there's this mod: Unrestricted Armor Plate that allows for plate interchangeability without the soft armor
there's also PRIM here: Props In-Raid Modding (PIRM) although this hasn't been updated for 3.10.x. the source code is there, however, if you'd like to update and recompile it yourself in the meantime
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Notice about 3.9.0
Some issues are going to require a lot of rewriting, and some stuff regarding the plate system code-wise is changing. I can't promise this will be available on release of 3.9.0, but I will try my best.
Hey man, absolutely great work considering the challenge too!
I was wondering if you're probs the best to tackle this, a way to totally configure the amount & layout of slots in plate carriers?
So for example; if you like the layout of the Bagarly but want to rock the look of the Shellback Banshie - or even just input on any plate carrier "5 rows of 1Wx2H" - you then can do, totally custom?
I've tried doing this myself but I think it needs an actual pro's touch to break the stuck 'layout' system open. This a mod you'd be interested to see/make?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
so within the item database, the armor does have a "Grids" property that has a list of cells that have cellsH and cellsV values. While you can technically edit those, it will cause some graphical glitches because things won't shift around as you increase the size. you can change the layout template to something else by changing the property "GridLayoutName", but without using the unity SDK to build your own templates, that's about the best you can do.
you are great
Mizore Nakaya
Loved this mod back in 3.8, hope its able to be brought back at some point.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
the insurance system for SPT got a bit of a rewrite for 3.10, so as the date for the release got closer and closer, i postponed it for then (as i would have to significantly update the mod once again in a matter of weeks)
it'll return soon
I'll light a candle in the church for you so you don't die of hunger while you work on updating this mod
i cant wait for this updated, youve done amazing work
i like this mod and can wait for your amazing work for the community
Still waiting boss take care!
idk if this has already been asked. but any plans for unrestricted helmet armor aswell?
Set to be included with the 3.9 version when it drops
Man, I am STOKED for this to update. Literally the last thing I'm waiting to get updated before I finally make the move over to 3.9. Keep up the great work!
it's been a while. Any plans for 3.9.x update?
"Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans."
Right at the top. Big yellow banner.
From my experience using this mod on 3.8.x gotta say, this is an amazing mod! It allows me to take away the shitty starter soft armor pieces and put in basically whatever plates I want. (Hence the name Unrestricted Plates). As for the 3.9.0 update, take your time. You're human not machine so don't overwork yourself. Your life matters.
Thanks for great mod! But sadly I'm very confused because I can't put armor plate(like cult termite, granit...) into soft armor slots even if I set "AllowPlatesInSoftArmorSlots" true. I can remove soft armor tho. What am I doing wrong? Sorry if this is very stupid question but I'm that confused now. Is this because I use this mod in 3.8.3?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
hi, do you also have the client-side plugin installed?
aside from that, it may be a mod conflict because the mod does work correctly on 3.8.3.
yes, I installed correctly as I remembered... maybe I should check mod conflict than.
I have a question about the hitboxes, when you replace a soft armor section with a plate does the hitbox stay the size of the plate of does it conform to what the soft armor should have covered. I was under the impression that if you swap out a front soft section and replace with a plate that it would cover the zone of the soft armor hit box with the armor class of the inserted plate. Is this how it works?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
The hitbox is contingent on the armor you're putting in a slot, not from the slot.
Therefore, ripping out the soft armor of a PACA and putting a plate in will leave you with less coverage, but superior protection.
I see. Hairball question. Would it be possible to make Lvl 4-6 Soft armors?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
very possible, i'm looking into something similar as an option for 3.9.0. i'm not sure how I want to go about it yet.
This explains why I keep getting one-tapped by scavs with shit ammo as I've been tiering all my plates in my THOR to V and VI....they just shot between them and dropped me in one hit.
Yeah, after like the second death to trash ammo I was highly suspicious.
are helmets planned to be in a future update as well? Alot of the previous mods like the multicam and black cam mods have armor sold with no inserts. This mod helps with the vests as we can put in the inserts but nothing for Helmets.
I second this. Not being able to use customs helmets since they have no armor is kind of a bummer
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
lots of people have been asking for helmet support, i will make sure that when i release the update for 3.9.0, it will include helmets.
Can the now removeable inserts be bought at the traders in the near future?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
It's something I was considering. I was thinking about how to do that, because I'm concerned with balance/economy. I don't really know of a safe way to accomplish that yet.
Some of the scavs or PMCs are spawning with armor without soft parts, had some spawn without any armor parts on them, with only the armor. Noticed this phenomena on both "armored" rigs and body armors. Haven't noticed anything like this for armors I've found in containers like dead scavs and such. Some even spawn with hard armor on soft slots- which I don't mind.
Using Realism mod, which I think is the culprit. Would love to give this mod a try when it's fixed or maybe a compability patch is released. Cheers!
hey rai, im just wondering about the specifics of the hitboxes since the page doesn't really go into detail.
if a plate is larger than the soft armor it's covering (for example, a paca with a korund/6b13 plate), does it get plate coverage in the excess (in this case, stomach), or is it restricted to the armor itself?
Should cover body parts, what the ArmorPlate covers. Even is ArmorPlate is bigger than BuiltInInserts.
okay cool beans, thanks
I keep getting armor back in insurance without the built in components. e.g a PACA with nothing in it or a THOR with just the plates. Any ideas?
gonna hold off on downloading this mod if that's true
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Hi, currently the armor is treated just the same as weapon mods - insurance has a chance to strip them out. I can look more into the insurance code for the next release though.
Just a heads up to everyone, if you replace the soft armor in an armor with plates, while you do get the increased armor class of the plate, you lose the coverage of the soft armor, so if you get hit anywhere the plate doesn't cover, there isn't any armor at all there to protect you.
Can it be forwarded?
I've found a few helmets in raid with no armor in it, rendering it useless to wear. There is no top or nape as the basic coverage. Is that normal?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Nope, shouldn't be happening. Are you on the latest mod version? If so, please post your mod list.
Any chance to get some plate to fit in the (neck, l-r shoulder, Groin slots) or custom plates for it?
Ether way for me is fine.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Would need custom meshes for the plates! That, and would take a lot to keep it balanced and such.
Not against it, but an awful lot of work.
Do you know of any mods that give leg armor? Or even a way to configure certain armor sets to provide leg armor? Me: "Buys really nice armor and plates that give tons of protection" Also Me: "Gets shot in the legs".
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Mods-wise, nope, not off the top of my head. I don't know if they have proper hitboxes with this new system, so I can't think of any way to make it work properly.
Try this Holtzman Shield
You can config the armband to protect whatever you want.
You are like the king of customizing shit to be way more fun and aesthetically clean/pleasing thank you so much for this lmfao. I have been waiting for 3 years to see how a crackhead PACA feels and now we ball B)
Would love to see the helmets be changeable too, theres some drippy helmets but them being level 2 and 3 stinks! Great mod!
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
A lot of people have expressed interest in helmets, so I'll certainly make that a thing in the near future.
Please bestow helmet armor swaps upon us poor sinners, I'm begging you
Where is a hexagon plate go? That's right into square plate holder.
how do i change the plates when i inspect the vest i don't see anywhere to add or change plates is there like a workbench i have to use in the hideout?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
You change armor plates the same way you attach and detach weapon mods.
when i inspcet the vest i see in your pics on the bottom it shows the plates for me there is nothing do i need another mod to work with this?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Check this mod's required SPT AKI version, then check the version it shows at the bottom left corner of your screenshot
The "Allow Plates in soft armor slots" setting makes helmets come back from insurance with out their inserts. Other than that, PACA w/ level 6 plates is like a dream come true
Edit: Mod also breaks armor turn ins for quests (ie. Supplier). Nothing that can't be bypassed by removing the mod, turning in the item, and turning the mod back on, but maybe something to look into
Same problem! ty for the info
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Hey, thanks for the report. I'll have a hotfix up ASAP.
You can probably tell that the website is absolutely hammered right now and it took all this time just to reply... so uploading a fix isn't even possible right now. It might be a couple days before I can get it fixed and uploaded.
If you find anything else, let me know in the meantime, either here (if it loads) or Discord.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Uploaded a fix for both of these issues! The quest handover bug was actually a BSG bug that the mod manages to trip. I had to make a client patch to fix it, but I can confirm it's all working as intended in 1.0.1!
can i do the same thing for helmet too? i wana change soft armor in helmets.
I'm about to turn a PACA into a hexgrid for maximum Cop Drip.